
The Cast => CW News => Topic started by: bobh56 on November 21, 2018, 04:10PM

Title: Buffalo Meet & Greet
Post by: bobh56 on November 21, 2018, 04:10PM
Fellow Forumites,

There doesn't appear to be a cohesive topic on the 2018 Best of Christmas Tour, so I'm putting this here in the hope that at least some of my Fellow Forumites will see it, and be able to take advantage of the opportunity.

The Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra  (BPO) announced that it will hold a Meet & Greet before the November 27, 2018 Best of Christmas Concert, at Kleinhans Music Hall, in Buffalo, NY.  A limited number of M&G passes are available for $50 a piece.  You can get them from the BPO website:


Good luck, and have a Happy (and safe) Thanksgiving.


Title: Re: Buffalo Meet & Greet
Post by: CWazyTom on November 23, 2018, 07:11AM
I'm going to meet Megan!!!!!  :D

Title: Re: Buffalo Meet & Greet
Post by: Maloney on January 29, 2020, 02:41PM
someday, I hope.