Title: Thank You David Downes and David Kavanagh Post by: Shywolf(Craig) on February 15, 2008, 05:14PM Thank you David Downes for you music arrangements for the Celtic Woman albums and solo albums of the ladies. Thanks David Kavanagh for founding Cletic Collections music label to help spread the Celtic music and artists such as Clannad, Anya( Enya) and Celtic Woman and the ladies solo albums and dvds.
Craig :) Title: Re: Thank You David Downes and David Kavanagh Post by: Texas Celtic Girl on February 15, 2008, 05:48PM Yes,Thank you David Downes for your lovely arrangements and for playing for the girls. Thanks also for the beautiful songs you have written for Lisa. Thank you so much for bringing these ladies together!
Title: Re: Thank You David Downes and David Kavanagh Post by: edtom on February 15, 2008, 09:04PM David Downes gets my vote for Best Musical Director in the World.
Title: Re: Thank You David Downes and David Kavanagh Post by: honeypie on February 16, 2008, 12:27AM David Downes gets my vote for Best Musical Director in the World. I'll second that. Title: Re: Thank You David Downes and David Kavanagh Post by: Starman on February 16, 2008, 12:29PM Ill third that! (bet you didn't know that the most recent edition of Roberts Rules of Order permits that!) :P
Title: Re: Thank You David Downes and David Kavanagh Post by: Moscapoet on February 16, 2008, 02:19PM I echo the above sentiments. David, you are indeed a true master and we are blessed to have your creations in our lives. Thank you.
Title: Re: Thank You David Downes and David Kavanagh Post by: Charlie'sAngels on February 21, 2008, 01:52PM This is so true. The lovely ladies, the visuals, Ray Nicky, etc are so fantastic performing, it seems as though David is behind the scenes, like a proud father. I'd like to see him recognized somehow for the absolute genius he is. What a wonderful gift he has also. I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be to arrange everything and have it come out so beautifully.
Title: Re: Thank You David Downes and David Kavanagh Post by: Starman on February 21, 2008, 05:07PM Is he with them on this tour? ???
Title: Re: Thank You David Downes and David Kavanagh Post by: aislin on February 21, 2008, 08:32PM Yes, David is on tour with the show. He's just in the back helping run things.
aislin Title: Re: Thank You David Downes and David Kavanagh Post by: Starman on February 22, 2008, 06:09PM Very good! I do hope he will at least peek out and give us a glimpse of him! :)
Title: Re: Thank You David Downes and David Kavanagh Post by: Shywolf(Craig) on February 27, 2008, 07:34PM :oOh I forgot Sharn Browne who was at Celtic Collections who went to PBS to get Celtic Woman heard and seen in the US.
Title: Re: Thank You David Downes and David Kavanagh Post by: zankoku on February 27, 2008, 09:08PM Hey David, Besides the Gracias for Celtic Woman and all, Thank you for High Kings. Their music reminds me so much of The Clancys and as much as I love the ladies, these are songs a man can sing with feeling.
Jim Title: Re: Thank You David Downes and David Kavanagh Post by: Shywolf(Craig) on May 19, 2008, 06:11PM Thank you David D for being at the last show in Los Angeles a changing the music arraingements that the gals and choir to shake their groove :) :) :)
Craig |