Title: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Emily! on March 06, 2008, 09:23PM Oh gosh, this is so long. I'm so incredibly sorry guys, but it's my first show! I coudn't help it!
PART ONE!!!!!!!!! Jacksonville, Fl – March 5 Otherwise known as the greatest night EVER in the history of everything!!! BEWARE!!! THIS IS SUPER RIDICULOUSLY FANTASTICALLY LONG!!!! Sorry! First, I want to send HUGE APOLOGIES to Rich & Sons, Maggie and Dave, and the Colonel and his wife for not sticking around after the show to chat more and say a proper goodbye. I did speak to the Colonel afterwards and we talked briefly about how much he loved the show, but I didn’t get to say goodbye to the rest of you and I feel very, very badly about that. I was rushing out because my Dad was waiting for me and he is not the most patient of people. I knew I really couldn’t dawdle because he would be really annoyed and I just didn’t want to deal with that after such an amazing night. There’s always NEXT TIME (Oh God, I hope there’s a next time!)! If I had been alone, I would have stuck around. :/ Please accept my humble apologies!!!!!!! It was amazing to meet everyone though, and of course it was an honor to say hello to the Colonel and his wife. I really hope he liked the signed guestbook. :) Celtic Woman definitely has some of the nicest fans on the planet!!!!! So, this was my first CW show, and really there were many firsts for me here. I don’t really go to concerts that much, simply because there really aren’t many I want to see or are worth it to travel to see, and I’ve never been half as close at ANYTHING as I was at this CW concert. I was in the 7th row center. Now, some of you first row veterans might be scoffing at that, but remember that this was a first CW show and really a first REAL concert for me, so I was in “7th heaven” (LOL ;D). I wish I had been in the front row though, I would have rocked it! The people next to me were nice and I, like the good forum member that I am, educated them on all things Celtic Woman! Again, it was fantastic to meet all of you forum members, and Maggie, even though you weren’t in the trademark sequined jacket, I still recognized you pretty quickly! (Mostly because I knew where you were sitting and I spotted your red hair as well as Colonel Allen from the ABC News video, hehe!). ;D General Observations and Funny Things That Happened: - I was very overwhelmed when the show started. As I told Chris during intermission, I nearly went into cardiac arrest when Máiréad first came out. The first few numbers I was like…sweating because I was so excited! After a while though, I calmed down(haha) and got REALLY into it! I could barely believe that these five women were this close to me. - Right before Granuaile’s Dance started, some lady a few rows in front me yells out to Máiréad something like “GO GIRL!!!! YEAH!!! YOU GET IT GIRL!!!” causing me to crack up completely, lol. - During Sing Out, a pipe or something fell and made this really loud clanging noise! Ooops! - **I am OFFICIALLY CLAIMING to be the person to START the standing ovation after Mo Ghile Mear!!! Rich stood up a couple of seconds after I did, and I was glad that he did because I was feeling a little odd standing there alone. Then after we stood up, everyone else followed suit. Forum members really do start everything!!!** - I was hoarse after the concert from all of the cheering! I clapped when they wanted us to clap and I was practically bouncing out of my seat! - I really did sing during Sing Out, I mouthed ALL of the words during At The Ceili (and, well, almost every song lol), and I did the Spanish Lady shoulder shrugs!!! - It was “The Voice” that made me start missing Lisa. :'( I just really, really missed her. I know there will be another concert at some point next tour that I’ll go to, so I hope I’ll still have the opportunity to hear her do this song. It’s my favorite CW song. However, it appears that our Lisa was a bit, err, occupied last night! Haha. :D - Oh, hello mysterious extra verse in The Sky The Dawn and The Sun that some people have talked about! Never heard you before! Nice! - I did indeed buy a tour program but that was it. I thought about getting a shirt but then never got around to it, and by the time the show was over and I actually wanted one, I didn't have time to get it. :( Maybe I'll get one online... Part II is coming up, kids! ;D Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Emily! on March 06, 2008, 09:25PM PART TWO!!!!!!!!!
So now, individual by individual (Gosh, this is getting long. I am so, so sorry.): Chloe: So adorable with her little giggles and skipping off the stage! She was just how I imagined her, no different. I loved when she blew Des a kiss after his solo during The Prayer! She’s so full of energy and what a voice! Orla: LOVE THE HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks GORGEOUS on her. It’s a perfect cut. It was incredible to see her play the harp. She rocked that thing for REAL! I watched her hands very carefully and man, the harp looks hard. I can’t imagine singing and playing that at the same time. Orla, you are such a talent! I had Carrickfergus in my head all day today! Alex: Okay, I LOVE Lisa. She is amazing and probably my favorite CW girl (tied with Máiréad), but Alex was AMAZING!! She wasn’t Lisa, but she was still fantastic and I enjoyed her so much. She is 100% MADE of Musical Theatre (in a good way). You can really hear it in her singing. She has great stage presence, great personality and great interaction with everyone. Her version of “The Voice” was very different in my opinion, and again, I was really missing Lisa during this song. Alex was fab during At The Ceili though, that was one of my favorite songs of the night! She really worked it out! Lynn: Loved her version of Dulaman! LOVED it! One of my favs of the night! Lynn sings so beautifully. This was my first time hearing her (except for on Skate for The Heart..) and I really enjoyed it! Go Lynn!!!!! The Choir and Musicians: Okay, how much do I love Ray and Nicky? A LOT!!! They were awesome and so good at getting the crowd going! Rock on, guys! It’s really fun to watch them. They’re so talented. The rest of the band was fantastic too, especially Des. The choir was great. I immediately recognized Una when they all walked out, as well as Julian and the famous Amy Rivard! They did a fantastic job as I knew they would. Good to see Julian as the cute poor guy in At The Ceili, lol. He’s such a cutie! ;) Máiréad: I left Máiréad for last on purpose, because there’s going to be a lot to say here. All hail Máiréad Nesbitt, Official Queen of the Universe. THIS WOMAN WINS AT LIFE! This show was completely, 100% all about Máiréad for me. When she first walked out, I really almost lost it completely. I was in complete awe and felt really emotional. For the rest of the night I was focused on her. I found myself even desperately trying to get her attention! She was smiling, stomping her feet, making cute faces (and THE LOOK!), being energetic, running around, etc. and it was more than I ever imagined it would be. She was ON FIRE! It was like she just drank a Red Bull! She just completely mesmerized me and I found myself unable to watch anyone else when she was on, I just couldn’t look away from her. I also found myself getting nervous when she would appear because I just couldn’t BELIEVE it was her standing in front of me. She looked different to me than what she looks like on the DVDs and things. Her hair was different, I guess? She’s SO unbelievably beautiful in person (and so tiny, hehe!) that I was almost taken aback when I first saw her. She stole the show in my opinion. Lisa Kelly better watch out, because Máiréad is quickly stealing the top spot for Emily’s Favorite Celtic Woman! LOL! I was so hoarse after the show from yelling “YEAH MAIREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!” a number of times. I try not to be biased when it comes to the girls, but I did cheer the loudest for M. (Don’t tell the others!) ;) I would have sold my left arm to be in the front row and be able to interact with her a little bit. Next time, next time. One things remains: Girlfriend can rock that violin like there ain’t no tomorrow!!!!!! ;D All in all, an amazing night. It’s been a tough and emotional year for me, and honestly, CW has kept me going through the bad. I’m a little sad now, because it’s over and I’m afraid I’ll forget everything. I want to be able to picture this in my mind forever. CW really does raise me up, and last night was so special for me because I realized how much they mean to me and to all of us. This is why we love them. This is why we travel to see them and spend our hard earned money. This is why. :) So to Orla, Lynn, Chloe and Alex: You were amazing last night and made me realize how much I love you. Thank you for one of the best nights of my life and the most amazing experience. I’ll never forget it as long as I live. It’s etched in my mind and heart forever. And to Máiréad, girl, you rocked the house last night. You made me believe in you and in your talent even more than I did before. Last night just solidified my admiration and respect for you, and it made me realize how much I look up to you and adore you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, a million times thank you. You made my night, my year, my century, my lifetime. It was all about you last night, and it means so much to me. Thank you. You know what, guys? It’s darn good being a Celtic Woman fan. Darn good. Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Hannahlmatt on March 06, 2008, 09:27PM Great review!
Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: celticdreamer00 on March 06, 2008, 09:31PM Fantastic review. Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Hannahlmatt on March 06, 2008, 09:33PM Miz Mairead sure can fiddle some!!! :D
Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Celtic Fiddle Chick on March 06, 2008, 09:37PM Great review
Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Lisa_Kelly_fan_forever on March 06, 2008, 09:37PM Emily,
And you say I remembered a lot! ;) Wonderful review. No, trust me, not too lengthy. The more, the better. Especially on your first concert. I'm glad you were so close.... And you got to meet some core members of the forum! How cool is that? ;) Thank you for sharing it with us! :) Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Jack on March 06, 2008, 09:42PM Great review, Emily! After about the second show, I ran out of words to describe Mairead. Now I just say I worship at her feet! ;D
Glad you had fun------that is what it is all about. Jack Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Jeanine on March 06, 2008, 09:46PM Thanks for you great review. It was awesome hearing about your very first CW concert!! ;D
Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: 2B0B on March 06, 2008, 09:52PM Emily,
Now you will have to shake off the pixie dust (Maireadium someone calls it,I wonder who?), and see how long it takes you to come down from cloud 9! Great review! I couldn't have described the first CW concert nearly as well as you! You will probably have flashbacks to the show, and recall more over the next few days..I did after my first CW show in Tulsa. ;D 2B Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Conchobar on March 06, 2008, 09:53PM Incredible review Emily!!!
I just relived my first show through you. As far as the whole forgetting everything goes. I wouldn't worry about that. Personally everytime I put on a cd, or dvd I relive the shows I've been to. Plus lucky you, you got to spend the evening with the Ropes, and my buddy Maggie. Although I am troubled by one thing in your post. Maggie wasn't wearing the green sequins? I may have to have a talk with her about that. :D :D :D Glad you had such a wonderful time, look forward to meeting you at a show in the future. Bob Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: zankoku on March 06, 2008, 09:56PM Very nice review. Were you excited at all? <g>
Jim Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Emily! on March 06, 2008, 10:01PM Incredible review Emily!!! I just relived my first show through you. As far as the whole forgetting everything goes. I wouldn't worry about that. Personally everytime I put on a cd, or dvd I relive the shows I've been to. Plus lucky you, you got to spend the evening with the Ropes, and my buddy Maggie. Although I am troubled by one thing in your post. Maggie wasn't wearing the green sequins? I may have to have a talk with her about that. :D :D :D Glad you had such a wonderful time, look forward to meeting you at a show in the future. Bob Thanks, Bob! I really feel like I will be able to relive it when I hear the music, and that's so exciting. :) Maggie told me that she couldn't find the sequined jacket!! :o :o :o You WILL have to talk to her about that! Very nice review. Were you excited at all? <g> Jim Nah, not excited at all. It was all rather dull, really. ::) ;D Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Emily! on March 06, 2008, 10:07PM Emily, Now you will have to shake off the pixie dust (Maireadium someone calls it,I wonder who?), and see how long it takes you to come down from cloud 9! Great review! I couldn't have described the first CW concert nearly as well as you! You will probably have flashbacks to the show, and recall more over the next few days..I did after my first CW show in Tulsa. ;D 2B Thanks, 2B!!! I've definitely been sprinkled with a hearty helping of pixie dust. Just thinking back to our pixie...I mean...fiddler...at the show last night gives me chills!!!!! Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Kelli on March 06, 2008, 10:11PM So, Emily? You may have been a bit vague here...let me see if I've got this down right...you enjoyed the show, yes? :D ;D Seriously, that was a very fun review to read. Feel free to add to it at any time and make it even longer! Sounds like your first CW live experience was pretty incredible! And what an honor for you to be able to meet Col. Allen, his wife, the Ropes family, and Maggie! Talk about starting out with a bang!
Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: zankoku on March 06, 2008, 10:23PM Quote Very nice review. Were you excited at all? <g> Jim Nah, not excited at all. It was all rather dull, really. Yeah I believe it was all rather dull. ;D I was in the audience in Tempe last year when our fiddling pixie was injured and few peolpe saw it. Dwight saw the actual thing happen while I was able to watch her at a different advantage point. Jim Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: <3 Lauren on March 06, 2008, 10:23PM Aw. So glad you had a great time Emily! :D
<3 Lauren Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Emily! on March 06, 2008, 10:29PM So, Emily? You may have been a bit vague here...let me see if I've got this down right...you enjoyed the show, yes? :D ;D Seriously, that was a very fun review to read. Feel free to add to it at any time and make it even longer! Sounds like your first CW live experience was pretty incredible! And what an honor for you to be able to meet Col. Allen, his wife, the Ropes family, and Maggie! Talk about starting out with a bang! Yes, sorry about not being too clear there! I did enjoy the show. You know, it was alright and everything... :D :D :D :D ;) Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Mike on March 06, 2008, 11:19PM Enjoyed reading your review very much Emily. Lots of fun and excitement.
I'm glad you had a great time. Been there, done that, want to do it again, and again, and again..! Thanks for sharing your exciting time at the show... ;D Mike Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Mel on March 07, 2008, 05:20AM Emily, that wasn't much of a review...sheesh... ;)
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D You sound like ME after my first show last April 5th!...except I was focused on LISA :D. But you had better seats than I did (row 13). AWESOME REVIEW!!! :D :D :D Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: cool2it on March 07, 2008, 07:09AM What a great review, Emily!!!! I go to my first show in Chicago next month and my second a week later. Would it be OK if I just " Copy and Paste" your review? ?? I SURE couldn't write one that good!!!! :D :D :D
Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: davesab on March 07, 2008, 07:49AM Great review!
Glad you enjoyed your first concert. My next one is in 2 weeks can't wait! ;D Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Emily! on March 07, 2008, 08:55AM Emily, that wasn't much of a review...sheesh... ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D You sound like ME after my first show last April 5th!...except I was focused on LISA :D. But you had better seats than I did (row 13). AWESOME REVIEW!!! :D :D :D Thanks, Mel!!!!! :D I think if Lisa had been there I would have had such a difficult time because I would have been trying to divide my attention between her and Máiréad! Lisa and Máiréad are pretty much tied for favorite for me, but I think because Lisa wasn't there, I just kinda fell back on Máiréad! It was crazy fun, though. CRAZY FUN! Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Emily! on March 07, 2008, 08:56AM What a great review, Emily!!!! I go to my first show in Chicago next month and my second a week later. Would it be OK if I just " Copy and Paste" your review? ?? I SURE couldn't write one that good!!!! :D :D :D You're going to love your first show!!! I think the first show is a pretty spectacular experience for everyone so I can't wait to hear your review!!! Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Jim M. on March 07, 2008, 09:41AM Emily - Thank you for a GREAT review. I'm glad you had such a wonderful time.
Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: rosie l on March 07, 2008, 10:17AM Hi Emily , I really enjoyed your review!! Did you happen to notice the Fiddler at all?? The tiny lady with the blond hair?? ;D ;D ;D Rosie Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Emily! on March 07, 2008, 10:18AM Hi Emily , I really enjoyed your review!! Did you happen to notice the Fiddler at all?? The tiny lady with the blond hair?? ;D ;D ;D Rosie Yeah, I might have seen her once or twice! What was her name again? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;) Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: SusanZ on March 07, 2008, 01:03PM EMILY !!!!
So glad you had such a great night.....are you experiencing CW concert withdrawal yet??? Zee Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Emily! on March 07, 2008, 02:44PM EMILY !!!! So glad you had such a great night.....are you experiencing CW concert withdrawal yet??? Zee VERY much so, actually. I woke up this morning and all I could think about was how long it was going to be before I'd see them again. This was my one and only concert for this tour. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( It's harder than I thought, lol. Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Moscapoet on March 07, 2008, 03:23PM Ahhhh Emily, what a fun review. I can feel all of your excitement coming from your keyboard. I am soooo very happy for you and that marvelous experience. Too long a review? Not a chance. Many of us love to revel in the joy of each moment. You'll have to go some to keep up with some of my very windy reviews so no worries!! ;) Row seven is not a bad seat at all, it's just that some of us get a bit spoiled. My first CW concert was last spring in Albuquerque in row 20.
What great impressions of the show and the ladies. You've been bitten by a little Irish bug whose itch you'll just keep wanting to scratch. Mairead? Awwww, Yes you have been duly doused with pixie dust from the Maireadium mines. BTW, it doesn't wash off, not that you'd want it too. ::). I find myself doing the same thing as you. Whenever she is on stage I find it difficult to look at any of the others. She has so many expressions and moves even when she tries to stay in the background. I dearly love the entire ensemble, and like you, Lisa is really a very close second and I miss her. However, Alex is marvelous as her stand in and a wonderful talent in her own right. See, what did I say about being long winded? ::) ;D Thanks again for the great review Emily! I'd love to share a concert with you and experience Mairead live together with an avid Mairead fan. Now, go put some pixie dust in your coffee and savor the flavor. Perhaps a Lisa special ::) Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Emily! on March 07, 2008, 03:56PM Thanks again for the great review Emily! I'd love to share a concert with you and experience Mairead live together with an avid Mairead fan. Now, go put some pixie dust in your coffee and savor the flavor. Perhaps a Lisa special ::) Thank you very much, Scott! It was such an incredible night and Máiréad made it so. I am completely covered in pixie dust and almost 48 hours later it still has not come off (not that I even want it too)! :D I am so, so, so ready to see them again and again and again. I have the image of Máiréad standing on the edge of the stage mouthing "Thank you!" to everyone at the end of the show and I hope it NEVER leaves my mind! Such a special fiddler we have! I feel so blessed and so thankful to have been given the opportunity to see them and see them so very close up. I'll never forget it. Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: CRRopes on March 07, 2008, 04:19PM By the way, to anyone who was wondering, even if she didn't get to stick around after the show, Emily was a delightful person to meet, very enthusiastic and funny and smiling the whole time like crazy. So thank you, Emily, for adding to a wonderful evening and being a really great person to find on this forum.
Chris Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Emily! on March 07, 2008, 04:32PM By the way, to anyone who was wondering, even if she didn't get to stick around after the show, Emily was a delightful person to meet, very enthusiastic and funny and smiling the whole time like crazy. So thank you, Emily, for adding to a wonderful evening and being a really great person to find on this forum. Chris Wow, Chris! Thank you for those kind words!! ;D It was great to meet with you and everyone else too, and as I said before in my review, I am so sorry I couldn't stick around to chat more with you all. I really, really wanted to and had I been alone at the show I would have. It was nice talking with you during intermission!!! Hopefully during the next tour we'll all get to meet up again and talk more! I'd really love to get to know everyone better. Celtic Woman fans (or, more specifically, forum members) are some of the nicest people in the world, although that just doesn't surprise me. ;D Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Maggie on March 07, 2008, 06:29PM .......... Emily was a delightful person to meet, very enthusiastic and funny and smiling the whole time like crazy. So thank you, Emily, for adding to a wonderful evening and being a really great person to find on this forum. I absolutely agree! I haven't had time to add my thoughts yet, I've been working all day.....and am about to make dinner. So just a quick note..... I will fill in about meeting Col. Allen and his lovely wife Sarah later...... We got to the Arena which is huge, and were shown to the fourth row. This was around 7:10pm. We had already seen Rich, Eric and Chris. I have to say I do not like an Arena-type setting for Celtic Woman, but it's better than nothing. The seats were not comfortable and too close together, just cheap folding chairs. But we were determined to make the most of it. My first thought after being seated was...."now, where is Emily?" We were in F-1 section, on the left when looking out from the stage. We were on the 4 seats next to the aisle, just across from section F-2. Rich and sons were across the aisle from us. So I looked at the few rows behind them......and saw a pretty, vibrant young lady giving me a radiant smile and a wave......YES, that must be Emily! And so it was.....but we were not able to talk until the interval. Then it was introductions and hugs all round. What a delight! Now...about the green sequin jacket......sadly, i could not find it! So i wore an emerald green blazer-style jacket. It is usually hanging in my closet. I thought back to the last time I wore it.....for the Irish Club Christmas Dinner. I remember as I took it off, I was thinking "this thing is getting old and has lost a lot of sequins. But I can't throw it away!" I think I turned it inside out and put it in a "space bag", intending to have it cleaned and revived. But i can not remember where I put it!!! I WILL find it.....and keep you posted. Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Emily! on March 07, 2008, 06:45PM .......... Emily was a delightful person to meet, very enthusiastic and funny and smiling the whole time like crazy. So thank you, Emily, for adding to a wonderful evening and being a really great person to find on this forum. I absolutely agree! I have to say I do not like an Arena-type setting for Celtic Woman, but it's better than nothing. The seats were not comfortable and too close together, just cheap folding chairs. But we were determined to make the most of it. My first thought after being seated was...."now, where is Emily?" We were in F-1 section, on the left when looking out from the stage. We were on the 4 seats next to the aisle, just across from section F-2. Rich and sons were across the aisle from us. So I looked at the few rows behind them......and saw a pretty, vibrant young lady giving me a radiant smile and a wave......YES, that must be Emily! And so it was.....but we were not able to talk until the interval. Then it was introductions and hugs all round. What a delight! Now...about the green sequin jacket......sadly, i could not find it! Maggie, I couldn't agree more about the seats. They were really uncomfortable and ridiculously close together. I am a bit, er, claustrophobic and I'm not good with crowds, so needless to say the first few songs after The Sky The Dawn and The Sun (after I got over my official shock of seeing the girls, lol) were actually kind of rough for me. I almost had a panic attack because I felt very trapped in those seats. I talked myself through it though because I didn't want to ruin the night! By the time Chloe came out to sing The Prayer I was much better and back to normal again! It was rough though! It was wonderful meeting you and wish I could have stayed to talk more and see Colonel Allen receive the guestbook! Again, I apologize for not saying a proper goodbye. Oh, and I hope you find your jacket! ;D Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: kathleen on March 07, 2008, 08:18PM Great to hear a fun time was had by all.
The "Jacket" is missing..................hmmmmmmmmmmm We can't have that. Sisters......What shall we do.... Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Mel on March 07, 2008, 08:25PM Don't look at me..I can't find my way out of a paper sack :)
Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: kathleen on March 08, 2008, 07:35AM Okay...first we have to get Mel outta the paper sack.....
Maggie....where shall we look? Back to Review.... ;D Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: SusanZ on March 08, 2008, 10:02AM Great to hear a fun time was had by all. We sisters will have to take up a collection for Maggie! We can't have her representing us without the sequins! LOLThe "Jacket" is missing..................hmmmmmmmmmmm We can't have that. Sisters......What shall we do.... Zee Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: kathleen on March 08, 2008, 12:16PM I vote on a collection to go buy her a new one...but I haven't seen green sequin anywhere!
Soooooooooo....who can sew? Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: Maggie on March 08, 2008, 02:36PM I vote on a collection to go buy her a new one...but I haven't seen green sequin anywhere! Soooooooooo....who can sew? The problem is......I bought that jacket in a Thrift Store......they get a lot of "end of line" new stuff in there, and the jacket still had the new label on. It was meant just for me.....I walked straight up to the rack it was on, and bought nothing else. The price? $4.99.....can't beat that, or hope to find another! Maybe Saint Anthony might help me find one though....... Anyway, I know I still have the old one somewhere. We kept finding green sequins all over the house and car.. ...on the dog's bum......in his bed.... I have ordered something else with green sequins, you'll be seeing that next time...... And I did wear my green sequin shoes on Wednesday night...... Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: kathleen on March 09, 2008, 06:45PM Okay....O'Malley didn't eat it...did he......getting back for the organge juice incident? LOL...ouch!
Good luck finding it! At least you had your shoes! ;D Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: FiddlerBoy303 on March 13, 2008, 02:17AM Coming into the Arena To Sit..I swear I saw a woman in a Green Squined Jacket with Red hair ^.^ But i cant remember....I was in a daze that whole night...I really couldnt believe where I was and who I was about to see!!!! I felt the same way as Emily did the whole night!!
(On a Side note, Just like Emily officially stated....Im sure I was one of the First people to start clapping for our dear fiddler on either The Butterfly, or The Contradiction...She blew me away on both of those songs.....I love it when I get chills ^.^)) Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: paige on July 06, 2008, 09:49PM its a little late but.. AMAZING REVIEW! Simply Fantastic!!!! it was a pleasure to read and not too long. i'm sure if i ever get to write a review it will be super long! thanks for sharing! lets hope i get to see them next tour because this is making me want to really bad!!! even more than before!! and you're absolutely right, it is darn good to be a celtic woman fan. darn good. :D ;D
Title: Re: Emily's (LONG) Jacksonville REVIEW!!! Post by: FiddlerBoy303 on November 02, 2008, 12:17AM I still have lingering bits of Maireadium all over me...and to think I get to see em AGAIN in a few months...and this time IN MY TOWN :D