Title: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on November 09, 2008, 11:23AM I've read posts from members who have lost jobs, are looking for new jobs or better jobs; some are having a tough time.
Personally, I have changed direction a few times. I have not always driven a truck. For now, it is OK for me, but I don't plan to do this forever. (My goal is to win the lottery and retire!) Anyway, as I travel around the country, I see opportunities for those who might be able to relocate or change career paths. I saw a large billboard near Panama City the other day for Eastern Shipbuilding - "hiring all positions". I have seen signs on Wal-Mart distribution centers, manufacturing plants, retail stores, and other businesses, too. There are a lot of trucking companies looking for drivers, and other help (mechanics), too. And, you don't need to be a big, burly guy to drive. There are a lot of ladies out here now, and some of them aren't very big. Decent money can be made if you can be away from home overnight, a few nights each week, or for a few weeks. As of today, I have been out five weeks, but that is my choice as I am trying to get around the country as much as I can and meet forum members before winter weather slows me down. I have saved enough to take the winter off if I want, but my plans are not firm right now. I realize that some of you have family obligations that I don't have to worry about and that can make change tough, but it is something to think about. Good luck to all of you. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Hannahlmatt on November 09, 2008, 09:21PM My dad lost his job back in July. He had his first interview last week!!!! It's taken awhile to get anywhere.... I guess everyone has been waiting to see who would be elected President.
Please pray for us, because Dad has to go to Brazil to help his parents with the seminary where they live. He's leaving early on Tuesday. Also pray that he'll get a job soon..... No one here is hiring at all. Hannah Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: skybuffalo on November 10, 2008, 03:45PM Jim,
Thank you for your heart felt posting. I am one of those impacted but it has worked out well for me. We sold our home in Kansas and moved to be with family in West Virginia. After four months without the corporate stress (I was a director of manufacturing), I have lost 30 lbs and no longer need sleeping pills. Last week I even had the best physical in years. While teaching online courses does not pay as well, I am definitely much happier. We are lucky enough to have planned well and good savings to cover us for a while, it will only be a matter of time before it all levels out. I wish everyone the very best in these difficult times. Ron Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on November 10, 2008, 07:27PM Thanks, skybuffalo. I was in New Orleans today and saw several signs and banners with "Now Hiring" on them. The guy that unloaded my trailer said he had moved from Dallas a few weeks ago and that there is a lot of work available in N.O. I also saw similar signs in MS and here in Alabama where I am tonight.
Hannah - Best wishes to you, your dad and your family! Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Joan on November 11, 2008, 03:31PM It is a very difficult time to be unemployed. Fortunately my husband and I do still have our jobs. However, we do know several friends that are struggling to find work. I do know how it feels because my husband was a plant engineer and lost his job a few years ago. It took 9 months to find another job and it was not in his expertise, but it’s a job. I pray that anyone out there who is looking for work is able to find something during this difficult time.
Joan Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: willow-jeeves on November 12, 2008, 09:49AM Thank you for your post, Jim. I have been looking for work since February. It is tough out there right now. :(
During one interview, the lady speaking with me said that they received over 200 resumes for one position. I was one of the top five, but the job was given to someone else. It's like the Greek Myth of Sisyphus - condemned to roll a great boulder to the top of a hill. Only every time Sisyphus, by the greatest of exertion and toil, attained the summit, the darn thing rolled back down again. It feels hopeless at times, but the only way to lose is if I quit looking - so I'll keep my job search alive - and trust. Sometimes God's timing is not ours, and God does have a plan for my life. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on November 13, 2008, 06:12PM I am now in El Paso, TX. I saw billboards in Midland and Odessa advertising jobs, and Trans Pecos Foods in Pecos had a "NOW HIRING" banner on the front of their building. If anyone likes west Texas, there you go!
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Shywolf(Craig) on November 13, 2008, 06:35PM Jim, just because businesses, retail and job agents post "hiring". Dose not mean anybody will be offered the job right there and then. Especailly with more companies closing and laying off good experience people.In the bad economic time again and governement rules and laws that starts this all the time. I know this for fact cause been there done that and still doing. Also you don't feel good working for less unless stricrly temp!
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: zankoku on November 13, 2008, 06:57PM the City of Mesa Arizona lost 48 out of 62 people in one department today.
Jim Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Shywolf(Craig) on November 14, 2008, 12:09PM Zan, DHL is closing US hubs which around 9000 people, the automakers is another 2 million which hit alot of us more directly and indirectly. California is 7% UE, including me >:(. Even Europe , Ireland too and UK are going through alot of layoffs. OH the US dollar and Yen gain ed on the Euro. The Irish Times and BBC webs site have good info.
Here is a example: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/northern_ireland/foyle_and_west/7729626.stm Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: zankoku on November 14, 2008, 01:33PM I read the Belfast Times and Independent.ie on line every morning. We are waiting to hear who teh lucky 10% of staff will be leaving by 12/1. That will be approximately 200 from here.
jim Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Shywolf(Craig) on November 14, 2008, 06:26PM It is not good and is scary. I know from expierence :'( :( >:(
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: OldFatGuy on November 14, 2008, 06:30PM Been unemployed since February. Doctors said I can go back to work, but no jobs. (http://www.ropescorner.com/smileys/bawling.gif)
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: zankoku on November 14, 2008, 08:51PM Hey Rich, how about professional tour guide for a certain Irish singing group?
Jim Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Shywolf(Craig) on November 15, 2008, 12:49PM Rich, I have been out since July 2007 after I came back from ACC tapings. Jobs posted but hhhmmmm well several reasons: Need help though don't know how long, pay is less at the beginning, speak other than English, I can go on on even retail is hiring for seasonal buuuuut with economy now again. Oh heck it is stressful >:( :'(
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on September 22, 2010, 06:14PM Seen on a billboard in Hays, Kansas, last week: HaysHasJobs.com
Right now, there is a shortage of truck drivers nationwide, as many left the industry when the economy was worsening. Some insiders say the current shortage is the worst it has been in many years. The company I work for has more freight than we can handle and is offering to pay us $500 for each new experienced driver we can recruit. Training only takes a few short weeks and the money is decent. (My company is NOT a training company, but there are many around, as well as driver training schools.) Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: hayleynibhaoleafh<3'scelticwoman! on September 23, 2010, 07:48PM Oh Hannahlmat, don't worry. We're here for you. We'll pray!!
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: CelticWomanAddict on September 23, 2010, 08:28PM I love all those old truck driving songs,I have a few CD's of them
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on September 30, 2010, 03:17PM Minooka, Illinois - Macy's Distribution Center - big banner on building says they are hiring.
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Maggie on October 23, 2010, 11:37AM The only times I've been unemployed since I left College was:
For about 6 months (in England) just after Chris was born, and for about 6 months (in FL) when I was very ill in 2003. When I moved to the USA, I got my "green card", and I needed a job. I had 20 years of Management experience, some of it in TV Studios. I sent many resumés and letters, without success...in the end I took a job in retail for $5 per hour. Within 3 months I was assistant manager in a new branch, then office manager at their home office, because they (quote) "wanted my accent" for their dealers and phone-in customers! I would go anywhere and take any job if I were unemployed now. A 50-yr old acquaintance of mine was unemployed for a year recently because he said he could not find a "suitable" position at the right salary. In the end he had to lower his sights. Sometimes I've had to change direction, and think outside the box....and even outside the Country. Ireland's sons and daughters have had to leave the Country to seek work many times in their History... ...and it's happening again. Until 2009 the unemployment rate in Ireland was hovering around 4%. In 2009, it was 6.2%. Now it is 12% and rising. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Shywolf(Craig) on October 25, 2010, 12:23PM Not easy to move and get work if you have no money and job market is tight. I know from experience...
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on October 25, 2010, 01:04PM Grayson, Kentucky --- "Now Hiring" banner on the Smithfield building (last Thursday).
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on November 22, 2010, 06:47PM Truck Driver Training:
Schneider National: 1-800-44-PRIDE or www.schneiderjobs.com/ There are other companies that will provide training as well. Look at truck.net Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Shywolf(Craig) on November 23, 2010, 11:39AM Just because sign on biz says hiring dose not mean that any who apply will be offered a "job". Most is bait & switch and most are short term low wage jobs.
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on February 22, 2011, 09:24PM Pendleton, Oregon - today - Keystone RV Mfg. - sign by the freeway said "Production Positions Now Available".
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Maggie on February 26, 2011, 03:28PM Truck Driver Training: Schneider National: 1-800-44-PRIDE or www.schneiderjobs.com/ There are other companies that will provide training as well. Look at truck.net Pendleton, Oregon - today - Keystone RV Mfg. - sign by the freeway said "Production Positions Now Available". I would like to thank you Jim, for pointing out that some Companies are hanging out "Hiring" signs. You are trying to help and give hope. If I was unemployed I would get on a Greyhound bus and keep going until I found something to do. If I could not find a paid job, even temporary or minimum wage, I would volunteer for a Charity. I have volunteered many times in my life, and always learned a new skill. I went to the Red Cross to learn CPR and First Aid because I was caregiver to my Mom-in-law. After she passed away, I continued doing courses with the Red Cross, and was put on the Disaster Action Team. This was all volunteer, not paid......but I was told I could apply for the paid staff positions available, which were posted in the "volunteer" areas. I heard from a Red Cross worker that FEMA needed contractors to assess damage to property, one of the skills I learned from the Red Cross. So after doing several FEMA courses, I was on contract for all the Hurricanes, floods and disasters for the next 5 years. I also took caregiver courses at the Alzheimers Association, and got a full-time job because of that. So you never know when a new skill, or a volunteer position can turn into a career. I took a minimum-wage job in a retail store when I first arrived in the USA, but I interviewed for it with the same positive attitude as for a Management job. I did my homework on the Company and asked some questions. I showed them I was willing to take on anything, and didn't mind hard work. I was Assistant Manager 3 months later. I have remained on good terms with the owners, they told me the door was always open if I want to go back. I know times are much harder now......but I know a new immigrant (legal) who has just landed a good job against a lot of competition.....I'm pretty sure it was his attitude and courtesy that got him in. I also know a few people here illegally (Europeans, not Hispanic) who are never out of work. I have not asked how they do it. My Daddy had to uproot his wife and 3 kids from Ireland to England because there was no work at home, and no such thing as welfare or free health care. He worked down the Yorkshire coal mines, his brothers worked in the Sheffield steel foundries. They passed the word on to other Irishmen. When I was in TV Production in England, almost every job opening went to friends and relatives of present employees. Even people who wanted to be Sound engineers or cameramen had to start by clearing tables in the cafeteria, and work their way up. There have been unemployment crises throughout time, but I think this is the worst I have known Universally. More than ever, it is not just how educated you are or what job skills you have, but it is who you know that matters. You have to use your network of contacts......including Jim M. He might turn out to be your best friend with his news of "Hiring" notices. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on February 26, 2011, 03:46PM Thank you, Maggie. I have seen more than I have been able to post. I heard on the radio that there are over 20,000 energy related jobs in North Dakota and nobody wants them, apparently. Just today, I saw a billboard along I-70 advertising jobs available in Salina, Kansas, where I am now.
I know many people have reasons why they can't move or change careers, but there are jobs out there. By the way, I found my current job on Craigslist. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on March 04, 2011, 05:47PM Sign today along I-70 in Missouri: WANTED - 28,000 Nurses ...
Is there a nurse shortage again? Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: greenfire6 on March 04, 2011, 07:15PM USA's Peri & Sons Farms, Yerington, Nevada and Firebaugh, California often have a wide variety of positions open.
Just today I was approached about taking a new Quality Assurance position or if I knew of someone for this full time, year round job. http://www.periandsons.com/ Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: dbbii on March 18, 2011, 02:30PM I know this thread was a little old, but let me throw my 2c in.
I've been unemployed for almost 2 years. The unemployment office says to get "training". OK, training to do what? I have a bachelors degree in civil engineering. I've worked in the construction field for over 30 years, including running a couple of moderately large companies. (that gives you an idea of how old I am) Construction obviously went down the tubes a couple years ago, and it's going to be a while until it picks back up. What am I supposed to do? I'm lucky that my wife still has a good job with benefits, so I can make it to a few concerts every year. Quite honestly, I don't expect to ever get a "real" job again. My field is dead, and I'm too old. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Shywolf(Craig) on March 19, 2011, 02:07PM I know this thread was a little old, but let me throw my 2c in. I have been unemployed for 4 years and the signs at businesses and postings on job boards and more through agencies are that just postings!! No rush to offer jobs!! I know that for a fact others who have jobs and get to read others resumes are just giving excuses and most are from agencies who look at words and don't know the businesses that contact them. Yes we all or most of us work on the computer and software's. Yes some are on the advance level on some of these. Example would be Excel and other can program software's and those that are not store bought. I've been unemployed for almost 2 years. The unemployment office says to get "training". OK, training to do what? I have a bachelors degree in civil engineering. I've worked in the construction field for over 30 years, including running a couple of moderately large companies. (that gives you an idea of how old I am) Construction obviously went down the tubes a couple years ago, and it's going to be a while until it picks back up. What am I supposed to do? I'm lucky that my wife still has a good job with benefits, so I can make it to a few concerts every year. Quite honestly, I don't expect to ever get a "real" job again. My field is dead, and I'm too old. More people applying for the jobs they know or others, yet "Employers" are being more picky even "temp/contract" and minimum wage. All jobs are not "permanent" anymore!! So just cause the signs are posted on windows and on job boards doesn't mean they are hiring any human!!! Some a will stay open longer cause of special skills and training. Including those from other countries applying here!!! As for job training well that is bait and switch too. Train for what?? Learning another language or two ???? It comes too when and I mean when the economy improves. I still look 5 days a week and submit though most I am over qualified for or under qualified yet it mean pay the money or accept what is offered. I have not been offered to accept just excuses!!. California is bad and with illegal aliens to deal with. For those who have job, I say good yet be prepare for the day you told you don't. Don't be comfy and keep options open. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on April 06, 2011, 06:25PM Greencastle, PA. - Food Lion distribution center hiring order selectors.
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on April 07, 2011, 03:36PM Holland Trucking to add 1,100 drivers this year in the midwest and southeast.
Peterbilt (truck manufacturer) to add 1,100 jobs in Denton, TX., in the coming weeks and double the work force by the end of July. Wabash National (trailer manufacturer) to add 200 jobs at Lafayette, IN., plant. (100 this year, 100 later) (www.thetrucker.com) Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: greenfire6 on April 16, 2011, 10:38PM Fox News is reporting that Family Dollar will be openning 900 new stores and hiring 9000 workers starting in 2011. Jobs available are out at the stores and up at corporate.
Family Dollar's main rival, Dollar General has similair plans, according to the report. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on August 08, 2011, 02:37PM Schneider National hiring 300 drivers in TX, OK, NM. (The Trucker newspaper)
There is still a nationwide shortage of truck drivers, and will be for some time. I saw a Help Wanted sign at a Dairy Queen in a small midwest town recently -- NO! I won't tell where because I may want the job myself. Ice cream / banana splits / blizzards / ice cream cakes -- yummm! Aaah, the DQ diet. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on August 17, 2011, 08:02AM Salem, Virginia -- Atlas Warehouse now hiring -- sign says pay starts at $12 per hour. Hmmmm!
After spending 7 hours there last night for a 2 hour unload, I can verify they need more help. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: dragonflyshy on August 26, 2011, 08:09PM I have been out of the work force for 11 years taking care of my Mom. She passed last month. :'(
Now I am going back to school to get my GED. I hope it will help me get a good job! Seems weird to be back in school. :-\ Sandy Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on August 28, 2011, 06:34PM Sandy - so sorry about the loss of your mom. I'm sure she appreciated everything you did to help her. Good luck with school and your job search.
Lincoln, Nebraska - Verizon call center has a big banner on the side of the building - Seeking "Call Center Professionals". Bolingbrook, IL. - I-55 Truck Stop hiring server and cashier. (exit 267) Several fast food places in service areas on the PA and Ohio turnpikes have Help Wanted signs posted. (last week) "JOB OUTLOOK RISES AS REPORTS SUGGEST MORE HIRING" - (TheTrucker.com) Truck Driver Training -- No need to relocate with some of the training companies. They will provide a bus or plane ticket to their city and also give you a place to stay while training. I went through the C.R. England school in Salt Lake City in 2004. They have a dorm and restaurant on site and the school takes about 3 weeks. Then you go out on the road for a while with a trainer and later you go solo. You need very little of your own money to do this. (crengland.com) There is still a big shortage of drivers. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on August 29, 2011, 06:41PM FreightCar America to add 200 jobs at Virginia plant (Trains Magazine online).
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on August 31, 2011, 01:25PM Huntsville, TX. - big banner on fence at the state prison says they need Correctional Officers.
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: greenfire6 on October 04, 2011, 08:13PM Question: What did Dale get after 38 years and 362 fire jumps?
Answer: LOL! A pint of rum in a brown paper bag! Seriously: www.nytimes.com/2011/10/03/us/record-making-smoke-jumper-makes-his-last-official-leap.html If you're interested in a job that is more of an adventure: http://www.fs.fed.us/fire/people/employment/index.html Loads more info here: http://wildlandfire.com/Default.htm Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on November 15, 2011, 01:06PM I am seeing more Help Wanted signs than I can keep up with.
Deschler, Neb. -- Renke Co. hiring. Still a lot of driving jobs out there -- training available. Get in on all this fun and excitement. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on November 25, 2011, 09:46AM Portersville, PA.: (possibly named for Scott Porter? Or, more likely, Lisa Kelly Porter! ;))
Portersville Valve Co. - sign out front says "Machinist Needed" John Brown Trucking - "Drivers Wanted" Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on December 15, 2011, 06:29PM C.R. England trucking co. is offering CDL training for ZERO* tuition (usually $2,995.00) for classes starting Dec. 27th, 2011.
(They sent me an email about this today.) They want a 6-month work commitment. If interested, call 1-888-537-2995. (*$50 admin. fee due upon arrival.) This may be on their website, too. www.crengland.com (I did not look.) I went to this school a few years ago. I think it is a very good school. There is still a nationwide driver shortage, so, if you want to work, or need to work, this may be an option for you. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Patti Plays Pipes on December 15, 2011, 10:24PM Sounds like allot of need for drivers
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: greenfire6 on December 15, 2011, 11:17PM The world class onion growers in my area need to ship many millions of pounds of fresh onions each fall and winter.
Due to the driver shortage it is a struggle... Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on December 16, 2011, 04:24PM I've hauled many tons of onions before, but none from your area. I've also hauled potatoes, fruit and other veggies from many areas. Today I was hauling big rolls of insulation.
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: tchristina23 on January 18, 2012, 10:20PM Jim, are you one of those semi drivers I hold my breathe from as as I pass you by on the interstate?
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on February 17, 2012, 11:29AM I'm not sure what you mean.
Clearfield, Utah -- Utility Trailer Mfg. is hiring about 140 people to keep up with orders for new trailers. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on February 18, 2012, 07:25PM Pendleton, Oregon - today - Keystone RV Mfg. - sign by the freeway said "Production Positions Now Available". This sign is out again. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on February 27, 2012, 08:37PM Verizon in Lincoln, Neb., has the banner out again.
Flying J travel plaza in Big Springs, Neb., hiring, too. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on March 11, 2012, 12:18PM From Yahoo Finance page: $120,000 per year jobs with no experience required -- Wireline Operators in Williston ,North Dakota.
"In the Bakken, if you have a pulse, you can get a job." Let's see -- if I take I-75 to I-24, then ..... ;) Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on October 22, 2012, 04:32PM I am seeing a lot of HELP WANTED and NOW HIRING signs all over the country. I hope all of you who need jobs can find them.
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on January 09, 2013, 06:56PM There is still a big shortage of truck drivers. There is good money to be made out here, and, sometimes, you can even get paid to drive to a CW show. :)
I've made it to 10 of my 17 shows in a truck. ;) Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on December 15, 2014, 07:17PM Freight Car America has announced they will hire 150 to 200 more workers at the plant in Cherokee, Alabama.
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on February 11, 2015, 10:26AM Home Depot says it plans to hire 80,000 workers.
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: dbbii on February 12, 2015, 08:17AM I've been in the construction field all my working life. Right now, there is an incredible amount of projects being built/ready to be built. There already is a shortage of skilled tradesmen. Think things like electricians, carpenters, etc. Trying to find someone who, for example, knows how to lay out a set of stairs is really tough.
The problem of course is construction is mostly hard work. It''s outdoors in all kinds of weather. The only good thing is that pay is starting to creep up. Here in Florida, a painter can make about $15 an hour (and yes, there's a big difference between painting your living room and painting, say a hospital room). In Columbus, GA, painters are getting $25 an hour. There is a certain level of skill required, and the only way you get it is by doing. Unions have their good points (training) and their bad points (work rules). In places like Florida, formal training is very difficult to come by. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on March 06, 2015, 07:37PM There are a lot of job postings on the Oregon Coast Craigslist right now. Tourist season is starting and I see seasonal jobs from California to Alaska.
Fishing jobs are listed, too. And, NO SNOW HERE! :) This may be the best one: hag fish/slime eel live packing plant workers -- no experience needed. ;) Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on November 30, 2016, 08:07PM Want a high paying job? The University of Oregon has fired their head football coach. He was paid $5.8 million per year. Time to get in line. ;)
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on December 15, 2016, 09:06PM A company in Hawaii has posted on our local Craigslist offering a $1,500 bonus and other benefits for plumbers and drain cleaners.
It MUST be warmer there. ;) Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Kevin R.I. on December 16, 2016, 04:12PM A company in Hawaii has posted on our local Craigslist offering a $1,500 bonus and other benefits for plumbers and drain cleaners. so I should fill out an application and bring along a bottle of Liquid Plumbr???? Do they ship Sam Adams over to Hawaii??? ::) ::) ::) ::)It MUST be warmer there. ;) Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on December 16, 2016, 04:18PM A company in Hawaii has posted on our local Craigslist offering a $1,500 bonus and other benefits for plumbers and drain cleaners. so I should fill out an application and bring along a bottle of Liquid Plumbr???? Do they ship Sam Adams over to Hawaii??? ::) ::) ::) ::)It MUST be warmer there. ;) Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on December 29, 2016, 09:05PM Kevin Cohen Plumbing in Eugene, Oregon, is hiring service plumbers at up to $50 per hour. www.kevincohenplumbing.com
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on July 06, 2017, 10:36AM Do you like to fish? There is a listing on the Oregon Coast Craigslist for a Deckhand -- the boat owner is willing to train someone. :)
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Kevin R.I. on July 06, 2017, 11:08AM Do you like to fish? There is a listing on the Oregon Coast Craigslist for a Deckhand -- the boat owner is willing to train someone. :) Hmmmmmm.....the closest I`d get to that is picking up my neighbor`s daughter, Sasha, from rowing class everyday....her nickname IS "Sushi", though. She told me yesterday "I`m the BEST Kazackh you know"...well, she had me there ;D ;D ;D ;DTitle: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Emer Dreamer on August 27, 2017, 09:27PM Kevin Cohen Plumbing in Eugene, Oregon, is hiring service plumbers at up to $50 per hour. www.kevincohenplumbing.com [/quote This sounds prophetic for some reason ... ::) Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on August 30, 2017, 04:49PM If you REALLY need a job, there are many now available in the Houston area for storm cleanup and other work. I'm sure there will be more soon. Check Houston Craigslist.
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on December 15, 2017, 05:58PM PUB MANAGER -- Rogue Public House in Astoria, Oregon.
Benefits include Beer Cards good for 10 free beers per month. ;) Check the Oregon Coast Craigslist for more info. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Kevin R.I. on December 15, 2017, 06:30PM PUB MANAGER -- Rogue Public House in Astoria, Oregon. .......and you expect us to believe you haven`t already applied??? ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)Benefits include Beer Cards good for 10 free beers per month. ;) Check the Oregon Coast Craigslist for more info. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on December 15, 2017, 06:34PM .......and you expect us to believe you haven`t already applied??? ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) Not me! It's 180 miles from here and I'm not planning to ever move again. Plus, I don't drink beer and am not otherwise qualified.I'm retired and just want to run my trains. ;) Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on June 27, 2018, 01:40PM Need a job? PeopleReady is looking for "On Call Tuna Unloading Worker" in Newport, Oregon. Nice and sunny there today.
You're not likely to find exciting work like that in Wyoming or Kansas. ;) Check the Oregon Coast Craigslist. Or, if you don't like tuna, could you be a "Souper Soup Slinger" at Soup Nation in Eugene, Oregon? Check the Eugene Craigslist. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Kevin R.I. on June 28, 2018, 01:29PM No wonder Jim moved to Oregon....never a dull moment. ::)
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on June 28, 2018, 01:52PM No wonder Jim moved to Oregon....never a dull moment. ::) Yes, and if you are here tomorrow at 11am you can hear the monthly test of the tsunami warning sirens. ;)Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Kevin R.I. on June 28, 2018, 02:29PM No wonder Jim moved to Oregon....never a dull moment. ::) Yes, and if you are here tomorrow at 11am you can hear the monthly test of the tsunami warning sirens. ;)Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on August 15, 2018, 07:16PM Pelican Brewing Company in Tillamook, Oregon, is looking for a BEER TRAFFIC CONTROLLER. (Hey, Kevin! ;))
See Oregon Coast Craigslist jobs. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Kevin R.I. on August 16, 2018, 11:24AM Pelican Brewing Company in Tillamook, Oregon, is looking for a BEER TRAFFIC CONTROLLER. (Hey, Kevin! ;)) Too expensive to relocate 20 squirrels, a racoon, a possum, a wild rabbit that likes chopped walnuts and a baby skunk to OR. ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)See Oregon Coast Craigslist jobs. Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on October 22, 2018, 03:34PM Ever wanted to go fishing in Alaska? Check the ad for workers on ships in Alaska on the Oregon Coast Craigslist. ;)
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on March 06, 2019, 05:44PM Alaska Travel Adventures is hiring Canoe Guides, Kayak Guides and River Rafting Guides. for April to September work. :)
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on October 14, 2019, 09:49AM Crab deckhand wanted in Crescent City, California, (warmer than Alaska) -- see Oregon Coast Craigslist.
Title: Re: Jobs - Work - etc. Post by: Jim M. on July 17, 2021, 08:25PM Alaska Jobs -- www.AlaskaTourJobs.com