Title: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Celeste on December 21, 2008, 03:05PM The Irish newspaper The Independent has an exciting new article (Dec.21st 2008) about Chloe!
http://www.independent.ie/lifestyle/christmas/the-life-family-album-1582390.html Highlights: Quote Chloe: I am over in the States doing promotions for Celtic Woman for our tour next year. And I am recording with an Italian tenor -- I have been asked to guest on his album. Chloe: We keep our stockings until Stephen's Day, so we've something to look forward to. An Italian tenor? :o My goondess!! I wonder who that might be?! Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Kimberly AJ on December 21, 2008, 03:09PM Who's that Italian tenor?
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: flags on December 21, 2008, 07:36PM Who's that Italian tenor? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdxRmcgsKDQ Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Celeste on December 21, 2008, 08:10PM Bocelli? Possibly. We'll have to wait and see.
At any rate, I'm thrilled because this keeps Chloe in the classical or classical-crossover genre, which is where I have always hoped she would find herself, music-wise. I can't wait to find out what she will perform as part of her guest-starring role. And I hope that a video will come out of it. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: sioned on December 21, 2008, 08:51PM wwwwwwwwww very interesting
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Jeanine on December 21, 2008, 08:55PM That would be so awesome if it is Bocelli!! :o ;D He is pretty much my favorite classical/classical crossover male vocalist of all!!
Title: Music Video Post by: Inga on February 23, 2010, 05:59AM I found an articel in the Internet about the filming of a music video of the italian tenor Alessandro Rinella and Chloe Agnew in December 2009 in Germany ???
The articel is in german www.myheimat.de/lehrte/kultur/videodreh-und-nokia-night-of-the-proms-d201120.html (http://www.myheimat.de/lehrte/kultur/videodreh-und-nokia-night-of-the-proms-d201120.html) "The video was produced by GEORGIEV. and the singer was Alessandro Rinella in a duet with Chloe Agnew, which is not unknown with the group "Celtic Woman" The song is called "L'assenza"." http://www.myheimat.de/resources/mediadb/2009/12/28/885275_web.jpg?1261984484 (http://www.myheimat.de/resources/mediadb/2009/12/28/885275_web.jpg?1261984484) Title: Re: Music Video? Post by: Inga on February 23, 2010, 07:10AM There was an interview about it
http://www.celticwomanforum.com/index.php?topic=6416.msg222660#msg222660 (http://www.celticwomanforum.com/index.php?topic=6416.msg222660#msg222660) Title: Re: Music Video Post by: Inga on February 23, 2010, 09:36AM On www.georgiew.de (http://www.georgiew.de) ist the video.
I don't know if you can watch it from the USA Click on www.georgiew.de (http://www.georgiew.de), Clips, Music, then on the third picture, Alessandro Rinella - L assenca and there ist the video, with Chloe. Title: Re: Music Video Post by: MaryNorth93 on February 23, 2010, 10:57AM I don't have any sound, have to unlock it in some way... ???
But Chloë looks wonderfull ;D Title: Re: Music Video Post by: Chloefan93 on February 23, 2010, 11:13AM I have a code that will unlock the sound. If anybody would like it feel free to send me a pm. I will be on the forum throughout the day and will respond to all messages promptly.
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: Scuilly on February 23, 2010, 11:17AM I just watched it and listened to it. On the bottom left of the screen there is a button to click to get a password to unlock the sound. Chloe looks and sounds great!
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: Scuilly on February 23, 2010, 11:18AM I also have a code to unlock the sound. You can PM me as well.
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: Kimberly AJ on February 23, 2010, 03:28PM I think I need help with the clip. It needs audio.
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Kimberly AJ on February 23, 2010, 03:33PM Wait a minute. I've looked at another topic. If it's not Andrea Bocelli, then who's this?
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: kingcobradude (Clay S.) on February 23, 2010, 04:22PM Ive got a code. Rich, can I get permission to post it here?
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: KelticKraze on February 23, 2010, 05:10PM Amazing!!
Thanks for the link. and the code. ;) I love the last shots of Chloe. Title: Re: Music Video Post by: CWLisaFan on February 23, 2010, 06:05PM Oh my gosh. That was completely and totally amazing! It sounded so cool!!!!!! Chloe sounded beautiful and looked beautiful as always. :)
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: Katharine on February 23, 2010, 06:10PM WOW!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o Chloe sounds amazing and looks so beautiful! This song is gorgeous!
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: Western_Rose on February 23, 2010, 06:32PM Very Nice song and video! Chloe sounds much more classical than she usually does, I like it!
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: dMs827LK on February 23, 2010, 06:35PM I am in LOVE with this song!!!!!!!!!!! Chloe makes it!!!!!! i have listened to it numerous times already and will probably listen to it all night and for a looooooooooong while!! haha thank you!!! :D
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: Iluvcelticwoman on February 23, 2010, 06:39PM THIS SONG IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: Sarah on February 23, 2010, 07:04PM Unbelievable! Simply Beautiful!!!!! Thanks for posting :)
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: IloveyouSarahBurke!! <3 on February 23, 2010, 07:24PM This is why I love Chloe!!!!! This video was unbelievable!!!!! Chloe is soo gorgeous!!!! And that voice... wow.... :o
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: Jim M. on February 23, 2010, 08:26PM WOW!!
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIjTviMmA74&feature=youtube_gdata Title: Re: Music Video Post by: lifeismusic2009 on February 23, 2010, 10:17PM WOW WOW WOW!!!! This song is so beautiful and Chloe does an amazing job!!!
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: kingcobradude (Clay S.) on February 24, 2010, 05:38AM I found it on youtube now with sound
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txndbII69eA&feature=player_embedded Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Jim M. on February 24, 2010, 10:38AM He is Alessandro Rinella.
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Kimberly AJ on February 24, 2010, 01:24PM That's a good answer. :)
Title: Re: Music Video Post by: aislin on February 24, 2010, 01:31PM Ive got a code. Rich, can I get permission to post it here? I'm not Rich, but feel free to post it. aislin Title: Re: Music Video Post by: Kaneyoshi on February 24, 2010, 01:53PM WOW!! Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIjTviMmA74&feature=youtube_gdata Amazing video and song!!! Chloe sounded beautiful and looked nice. :) :) :) Thanks for posting this link. Title: Re: Music Video Post by: kingcobradude (Clay S.) on February 24, 2010, 02:19PM Ive got a code. Rich, can I get permission to post it here? I'm not Rich, but feel free to post it. aislin Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Guardian of the Rose on February 24, 2010, 03:26PM UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: KelticKraze on February 24, 2010, 03:41PM I must say that Alessandro Rinella sings beautifully as well.
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Inga on February 24, 2010, 03:48PM I am listening to the song over and over and over again. I love it!
Hopefully Alessandro records a CD. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: kingcobradude (Clay S.) on February 24, 2010, 03:52PM I hope I can buy that song on Itunes
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Shywolf(Craig) on February 24, 2010, 03:56PM If you go to M&G and Chloe is there, you should tell her how much we like it :)
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Guardian of the Rose on February 24, 2010, 05:02PM I used Google to translate the lyrics of L'assenza and here's what I got:
(click on the following link, yes, I know it's huge!) :D http://translate.google.com/#auto|en|Sarai%20distante%20o%20sarai%20vicino%0Asarai%20pi%C3%B9%20vecchio%20o%20pi%C3%B9%20ragazzino%0Astarai%20contento%20o%20proverai%20dolore%0Astarai%20pi%C3%B9%20al%20freddo%20o%20starai%20pi%C3%B9%20al%20sole%0AConosco%20un%20posto%20dove%20puoi%20tornare%0Aconosco%20un%20cuore%20dove%20attraccare%0ASe%20chiamo%20forte%20potrai%20sentire%0Ase%20credi%20agli%20occhi%20potrai%20vedere%0Ac%27%C3%A8%20un%20desiderio%20da%20attraversare%0Ae%20un%20magro%20sogno%20da%20decifrare%0AConosco%20un%20posto%20dove%20puoi%20tornare%0Aconosco%20un%20cuore%20dove%20attraccare%0APiovono%20petali%20di%20girasole%0Asulla%20ferocia%20dell%27assenza%0Ala%20solitudine%20non%20ha%20odore%0Aed%20il%20coraggio%20%C3%A8%20un%27antica%20danza%0ATu%20segui%20i%20passi%20di%20questo%20aspettare%0Atu%20segui%20il%20senso%20del%20tuo%20cercare%0AC%27%C3%A8%20solo%20un%20posto%20dove%20puoi%20tornare%0Ac%27%C3%A8%20solo%20un%20cuore%20dove%20puoi%20stare (http://translate.google.com/#auto|en|Sarai%20distante%20o%20sarai%20vicino%0Asarai%20pi%C3%B9%20vecchio%20o%20pi%C3%B9%20ragazzino%0Astarai%20contento%20o%20proverai%20dolore%0Astarai%20pi%C3%B9%20al%20freddo%20o%20starai%20pi%C3%B9%20al%20sole%0AConosco%20un%20posto%20dove%20puoi%20tornare%0Aconosco%20un%20cuore%20dove%20attraccare%0ASe%20chiamo%20forte%20potrai%20sentire%0Ase%20credi%20agli%20occhi%20potrai%20vedere%0Ac%27%C3%A8%20un%20desiderio%20da%20attraversare%0Ae%20un%20magro%20sogno%20da%20decifrare%0AConosco%20un%20posto%20dove%20puoi%20tornare%0Aconosco%20un%20cuore%20dove%20attraccare%0APiovono%20petali%20di%20girasole%0Asulla%20ferocia%20dell%27assenza%0Ala%20solitudine%20non%20ha%20odore%0Aed%20il%20coraggio%20%C3%A8%20un%27antica%20danza%0ATu%20segui%20i%20passi%20di%20questo%20aspettare%0Atu%20segui%20il%20senso%20del%20tuo%20cercare%0AC%27%C3%A8%20solo%20un%20posto%20dove%20puoi%20tornare%0Ac%27%C3%A8%20solo%20un%20cuore%20dove%20puoi%20stare) Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Inga on February 25, 2010, 01:37AM www.linkedin.com/pub/gary-barlough/9/360/4b0 (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/gary-barlough/9/360/4b0)
Quote He has just completed mixing the upcoming debut CD for the amazing tenor, Alessandro Rinella. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Spanish_lady on February 25, 2010, 08:52AM Quote I used Google to translate the lyrics of L'assenza and here's what I got: (click on the following link, yes, I know it's huge!) http://translate.google.com/#auto|en|Sarai%20distante%20o%20sarai%20vicino%0Asarai%20pi%C3%B9%20vecchio%20o%20pi%C3%B9%20ragazzino%0Astarai%20contento%20o%20proverai%20dolore%0Astarai%20pi%C3%B9%20al%20freddo%20o%20starai%20pi%C3%B9%20al%20sole%0AConosco%20un%20posto%20dove%20puoi%20tornare%0Aconosco%20un%20cuore%20dove%20attraccare%0ASe%20chiamo%20forte%20potrai%20sentire%0Ase%20credi%20agli%20occhi%20potrai%20vedere%0Ac%27%C3%A8%20un%20desiderio%20da%20attraversare%0Ae%20un%20magro%20sogno%20da%20decifrare%0AConosco%20un%20posto%20dove%20puoi%20tornare%0Aconosco%20un%20cuore%20dove%20attraccare%0APiovono%20petali%20di%20girasole%0Asulla%20ferocia%20dell%27assenza%0Ala%20solitudine%20non%20ha%20odore%0Aed%20il%20coraggio%20%C3%A8%20un%27antica%20danza%0ATu%20segui%20i%20passi%20di%20questo%20aspettare%0Atu%20segui%20il%20senso%20del%20tuo%20cercare%0AC%27%C3%A8%20solo%20un%20posto%20dove%20puoi%20tornare%0Ac%27%C3%A8%20solo%20un%20cuore%20dove%20puoi%20stare Maybe it's just me, but the Itallian lyrics you translated don't seem to match what is sung in the song. But then again I don't know a word of Itallian, I'm just going off what I hear :D Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: JRRacing64 on February 25, 2010, 09:22AM Great MV! Now if they could do one involving all the members of CW... Sorry I'm picky ;D :P
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Inga on February 25, 2010, 12:39PM Great MV! Now if they could do one involving all the members of CW... Sorry I'm picky ;D :P Good idea, they have all to travel to Hannover ;D Check out Alessandros' second video, Cantero di te, what a voice! Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Jeanine on February 25, 2010, 12:57PM Beautiful!! I remember hearing about this recording when it hadn't happened yet, so we didn't know anything about who the tenor was or what the song was or anything. Absolutely gorgeous! Chloë actually first appears right around 0.30 She just flashes on the screen very briefly, but what a beautiful shot of her!
She actually reminds me of Hayley in this song. Beautiful! Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Jeanine on February 25, 2010, 03:50PM %20puoi%20stare Maybe it's just me, but the Itallian lyrics you translated don't seem to match what is sung in the song. But then again I don't know a word of Itallian, I'm just going off what I hear :D[/quote] You're right. The Italian lyrics in that translation are not the same song as Chloë and Alessandro are singing. Because I'm also a singer and have sung in this language many times, I can hear very definite differences in the lyrics on that link and what they are actually singing. I'm trying to find the right lyrics too. I'd love to know what the song is about. I don't know if they're out there yet, we may have to wait for them. We'll see. ;) Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: silverstream1 on February 25, 2010, 03:58PM Amazing song Our Chloe looks so beautiful and Sounds ANGELIC don't u agree?
ps i am a huge chloe fan anyone who disses her messes wit me and ALL the chlovers Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Guardian of the Rose on February 25, 2010, 04:01PM Quote Maybe it's just me, but the Itallian lyrics you translated don't seem to match what is sung in the song. But then again I don't know a word of Itallian, I'm just going off what I hear :D You're right. The Italian lyrics in that translation are not the same song as Chloë and Alessandro are singing. Because I'm also a singer and have sung in this language many times, I can hear very definite differences in the lyrics on that link and what they are actually singing. I'm trying to find the right lyrics too. I'd love to know what the song is about. I don't know if they're out there yet, we may have to wait for them. We'll see. ;) Can anyone else find the real lyrics? ;) Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: kingcobradude (Clay S.) on February 25, 2010, 04:07PM I did noit know the human voice could go as high as chloe sings. I love it
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Jeanine on February 25, 2010, 04:36PM In listening to the video, I've tried to write out the words they're singing. Because the notes Chloë is singing are high, it's a little hard to figure out what she's saying, but I'll keep working on it. I have written down what I hear from Alessandro's opening part. I know they're not all spelled correctly and some words may not be quite right, but it's the best I can do just by listening to it. Hopefully the actual lyrics will come out at some point, but this is what I've gotten so far:
Provero a dimenti care, mentero ta cher corre todivo mon di piu profondi piu profondi me a cero la matraverso deserto de lado sensa no do na qui (kee) lo ta guerra guerra dentro me amore mio la di ta que (kay) me dai a u(you)ta me a nunca derre ma Like I said, I know my spelling is way off on some of them, and a couple words may not be right, but . . . *shrugs* ;) At least it's something. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Tiffany Gray on February 27, 2010, 11:54AM I love that song!!! I really hope it comes out on iTunes really soon!
Amazing song Our Chloe looks so beautiful and Sounds ANGELIC don't u agree? You got that right. Chloe does not deserve to be dissed. I met her, and she was sooooo sweet! She's a beautiful person with a beautiful voice. Plus, dissing an angel is a sin lol.ps i am a huge chloe fan anyone who disses her messes wit me and ALL the chlovers Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: SusanZ on February 27, 2010, 12:03PM I just saw it on YouTube! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chloe looks and sounds heavenly....and that Italian tenor is easy on the eye,too!! ;) ;D Zee Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: kingcobradude (Clay S.) on February 27, 2010, 12:12PM and still no luck with thos elyrics
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Inga on February 27, 2010, 12:31PM ....and that Italian tenor is easy on the eye,too!! ;) ;D Yep ;DTitle: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: MaryNorth93 on February 27, 2010, 12:56PM ....and that Italian tenor is easy on the eye,too!! ;) ;D Yep ;DHere someone else who really agrees with that... ;D Chloë is a lucky girl ;D Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Smileyirish14 on February 27, 2010, 02:37PM Wow. I'm not a huge fan of songs in Italian with this kind of feel, but this is AMAZING. Why didn't I find it before???
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: TheWhite~Rose on February 27, 2010, 09:05PM That was one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. :o Thanks so much for posting the link! Chloe looked and sounded so beautiful!! It's ridiculous how talented that girl is. :D
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Ggunsailor on March 01, 2010, 05:51PM (sighs)So beautiful... ;D
Great MV! Now if they could do one involving all the members of CW... Sorry I'm picky ;D :P Hehe, I second that, JR :)Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Inga on March 05, 2010, 03:25AM Georgiew writes on his website: Alessandro Rinellas' clips will run on the biggest music channels in the USA in rotation on PBS.
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Inga on March 09, 2010, 02:11AM Some audio samples of the CD:
www.artmusicrecords.com/site/?page_id=12 (http://www.artmusicrecords.com/site/?page_id=12) Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: barb kantartzis on March 09, 2010, 09:05PM ooooo! Just saw the video! She looks soooo pretty! I love the dree and the shawl and her hair w/ the flowes going down and the song is gorgeous and sung beautifly by the both of them! And yes chloe an get her notes way up there! And I love how she appeared in the audience clapping in a red and gold gorgeous dress at the end! and Alessandro is not a bad looking italian tenor either! ;) oh and he can sing too! ;) lol!
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Inga on March 15, 2010, 06:11AM www.artmusicrecords.com/site/?p=375 (http://www.artmusicrecords.com/site/?p=375)
L'assenza will be on a single CD. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: lucciocuz on March 15, 2010, 09:06AM I watched this video for the first time last night ... and then watched it about 20 more times. Our lovely Chloe has grown up and is spreading her angelic wings. We have much to look forward to. I would love more from this duo.
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: robiola on March 17, 2010, 10:17AM Oh my gooooddd!!! the video is amazing!! :o
I also saw the alessandro's video on this link:http://www.artmusicrecords.com/site/?p=86 ..he is incredible!! i love him!! i can't wait to see our chloe sings with him ;) Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Inga on March 17, 2010, 12:29PM Oh my gooooddd!!! the video is amazing!! :o I also saw the alessandro's video on this link:http://www.artmusicrecords.com/site/?p=86 ..he is incredible!! i love him!! i can't wait to see our chloe sings with him ;) Welcome to the forum. Is he well known in Italy? Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: lucciocuz on March 17, 2010, 06:41PM This link has a picture of the English lyrics. You can make out the first 3 stanzas.
http://www.artmusicrecords.com/site/?p=172 Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Inga on March 18, 2010, 02:45AM They will surely do promotion for the single. I wonder, if they perform together?
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: robiola on March 18, 2010, 03:44AM thank u!!! ;)
He is know in the opera and in theatre. I saw him in a live concert in Ferrara(an wonderfull city near florens)..he was super! There is a video on www.artmusicrecords.com called: canterò per te.... let me know if you like..is it an interesting mix of opera and rock?...let me know... ;) Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Inga on March 18, 2010, 04:06AM I like his music very much and will definitely buy the album.
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Tiffany Gray on March 20, 2010, 11:42PM Does anyone know when the single is coming out on iTunes? I looooove that song soooooooooo much!
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Inga on March 21, 2010, 12:32AM No, there is no release date yet.
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: robiola on March 23, 2010, 06:45PM Hel!!! finaly i have found out the alessandro video on you tube!!!
here we are: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9QNwNQLGJ8 i love him!!!!!! ;) ;) :o Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Smileyirish14 on March 23, 2010, 07:56PM In the souvenir pamphlet thing I got from a concert I just went to I think it mentioned this guy and her working together in her bio - cool :)
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Inga on March 24, 2010, 04:12AM Georgiew writes on his website now: Alessandro Rinella's clips will run in rotation on PBS.
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: kingcobradude (Clay S.) on April 13, 2010, 07:40PM so does anyone know if this is on Itunes yet?
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Inga on April 14, 2010, 12:26AM I don't think so. They have not even finished the websites.
They would probably first do promotion for the single somehow. As Celeste wrote before: We'll have to wait and see. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Shywolf(Craig) on April 14, 2010, 11:01AM Has she been told at M&G that we like her in that video and the song ???
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: Kimberly AJ on April 18, 2010, 02:31PM I have another idea. Now that we solved the Italian tenor mystery, I think I'll choose a song for him and Chloe. ::) I think "The Phantom Of The Opera" would be good.
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (article) Post by: lisaholic nr1 on April 18, 2010, 02:54PM The Irish newspaper The Independent has an exciting new article (Dec.21st 2008) about Chloe! http://www.independent.ie/lifestyle/christmas/the-life-family-album-1582390.html Highlights: Quote Chloe: I am over in the States doing promotions for Celtic Woman for our tour next year. And I am recording with an Italian tenor -- I have been asked to guest on his album. Chloe: We keep our stockings until Stephen's Day, so we've something to look forward to. An Italian tenor? :o My goondess!! I wonder who that might be?! Oh that's so cool! :o Title: What happened to L'assenza? Post by: NicholeLovesCW on January 07, 2011, 04:53PM I was aware that it was supposed to be released in Alessandro's album at the end of last year, but I've yet to see it available for purchase anywhere. Can anyone help me out on this one? Thanks!
Title: Re: What happened to L'assenza? Post by: TheWhite~Rose on January 08, 2011, 09:55AM I just checked Alessandro's website. There is a news tab saying his solo CD will come out soon. Sorry I can't give you a specific date. :( Definitely be on the lookout for it though! I know I'll be purchasing it. :)
Title: Re: What happened to L'assenza? Post by: NicholeLovesCW on January 08, 2011, 10:52AM I just checked Alessandro's website. There is a news tab saying his solo CD will come out soon. Sorry I can't give you a specific date. :( Definitely be on the lookout for it though! I know I'll be purchasing it. :) Thanks... yeah the last i heard, was that it'd be released the end of last year, maybe that just didn't work out or something... who knows!Title: Re: What happened to L'assenza? Post by: Maggie on January 09, 2011, 04:07PM Here's the video clip:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txndbII69eA Awwwww.....this poor guy is really, really, missing her!!! :D Beautiful photos here: http://www.artmusicrecords.com/site/?p=172 Nice clips here too: http://wn.com/Chloe_Agnew_sings_%27%27L%27assenza%27%27 Regarding the lyrics....l'assenza means "the absence", there are other songs with similar titles but they are not the same. Allesandro sings: "I will try to remember I will make my heart quiet I will find deeper worlds deep inside me. I will send my soul across the desert of your absence a woman who fights means war war inside me. My love the life you give me help me to never fall." I couldn't get Chloe's words. I don't know if this is any good: http://www.heroturko.org/a/Alessandro-Rinella-L-assenza/ (http://www.artmusicrecords.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/chloe1.jpg) Title: Re: What happened to L'assenza? Post by: Inga on January 10, 2011, 07:43AM There is a news tab saying his solo CD will come out soon. The news tab, saying the CD is coming soon, is there since October or so. Title: Re: What happened to L'assenza? Post by: Inga on January 14, 2011, 06:41AM I know I'll be purchasing it. :) Of course, me too. If there is something to buy, I would love to buy it. There are even more great songs on it. Title: Re: What happened to L'assenza? Post by: Tiffany Gray on January 14, 2011, 09:25PM I will definitely be getting it when it comes out. :)
Title: Re: What happened to L'assenza? Post by: NicholeLovesCW on January 15, 2011, 07:45AM I will definitely be getting it when it comes out. :) me too!! I can't wait!Title: so beautiful!!!! Post by: icecubes4ever on April 15, 2011, 08:53PM here is a clip of Chloe singing L'assenza...........it is amazing, and my new fav song!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txndbII69eA tell me what u think! Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: Jim M. on April 15, 2011, 09:09PM Yes, that is a GREAT clip! I've probably watched it 50 times before today. The whole production was very well done and Chloe is wonderful.
Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: icecubes4ever on April 15, 2011, 09:18PM i lovee it!
Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: Inga on April 16, 2011, 09:02AM We are waiting since years for it but he is not doing much, at least there is nothing on the Internet.
Title: L'assenza Post by: icecubes4ever on April 17, 2011, 03:05PM Hi... Does anyone know where I can get this song (L'assenza) to listen to , and b, does anyone know where to get the sheet music? I LOVE this song! And can't find either.
Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: Ben the piper on April 18, 2011, 02:35PM Yep love this version! :)
Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: hayleynibhaoleafh<3'scelticwoman! on April 20, 2011, 06:49PM LOVE!!!!!
Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: Inga on April 21, 2011, 11:37AM Yep love this version! :) Can you translate the lyrics into english? If you are speaking italian you understand what they are singing!? Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: Ben the piper on April 21, 2011, 01:02PM Yep love this version! :) Can you translate the lyrics into english? If you are speaking italian you understand what they are singing!? Oho a new task and challenge. :) I shall try. :D But it would also help if I had the lyrics. Because sometimes I can't hear some words properly. I find other lyrics but not the ones that are being sung in this song... Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: Inga on April 21, 2011, 11:21PM Oho a new task and challenge. :) I shall try. :D But it would also help if I had the lyrics. Because sometimes I can't hear some words properly. I find other lyrics but not the ones that are being sung in this song... The lyrics are not on the internet. Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: Ben the piper on April 22, 2011, 03:16AM Oho a new task and challenge. :) I shall try. :D But it would also help if I had the lyrics. Because sometimes I can't hear some words properly. I find other lyrics but not the ones that are being sung in this song... The lyrics are not on the internet. Aha thanks for telling me. Well that makes things more complicated. But nevertheless I'll try. :) Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: Maggie on April 23, 2011, 01:00AM Oho a new task and challenge. :) I shall try. :D But it would also help if I had the lyrics. Because sometimes I can't hear some words properly. I find other lyrics but not the ones that are being sung in this song... The lyrics are not on the internet. This subject has come up before. I translated some of the words on this thread, couldn't hear them all: http://www.celticwomanforum.com/index.php?topic=15235.msg608958#msg608958 Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: Inga on April 23, 2011, 01:16AM The Canadian classical-crossover soprano Karine Carusi has recorded L'Assenza before, it was originally not a duet.
Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: Ben the piper on April 23, 2011, 03:53AM Well I'm afraid I can't understand a lot of what Chloë sings...
But one can see some of the lyrics on the photo. :) Thanks Maggie, you seem to know an answer to everything. :D Title: Re: What happened to L'assenza? Post by: icecubes4ever on April 23, 2011, 05:01PM I asked a friend to translate what the song says, here it is. We know what the guy sings, here is what Chloe sings. This is a ruff guess. Hope this helps.
Here I am, waiting for a sign But you are the Fire to my need As if there will never be peace between us My love, you give me life I give you up in order not to lose you I will free you even if I die I will free you for your happiness I will believe Our love will be without time or age We will never leave each other Our love will be without time or age Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: icecubes4ever on April 23, 2011, 05:06PM Here I am, waiting for a sign But you are the Fire to my need As if there will never be peace between us My love, you give me life I give you up in order not to lose you I will free you even if I die I will free you for your happiness I will believe Our love will be without time or age We will never leave each other Our love will be without time or age I sent the vid to a friend of mine who sent it to someone that lives in Italy and know the language really well.... This was a ruff translation that he did... Hope this helps Title: Re: so beautiful!!!! Post by: icecubes4ever on April 23, 2011, 05:07PM ID this regulates rules, please take it down
Title: Re: What happened to L'assenza? Post by: Inga on April 24, 2011, 01:59AM Thank you very much for the translation.
Title: Re: L'assenza Post by: Inga on April 24, 2011, 02:36AM Alessandro Rinella has recorded an album but has not released it yet.
www.artmusicrecords.com/site/?page_id=12 (http://www.artmusicrecords.com/site/?page_id=12) Title: Re: What happened to L'assenza? Post by: Ben the piper on April 24, 2011, 04:22AM I asked a friend to translate what the song says, here it is. We know what the guy sings, here is what Chloe sings. This is a ruff guess. Hope this helps. Here I am, waiting for a sign But you are the Fire to my need As if there will never be peace between us My love, you give me life I give you up in order not to lose you I will free you even if I die I will free you for your happiness I will believe Our love will be without time or age We will never leave each other Our love will be without time or age Thanks! Where did your friend get the lyrics from? Or did he/she just listen to the song and translated while listening? Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: aislin on April 24, 2011, 05:53AM Hey guys,
In a short amount of time we managed to have 4 topics going about this song. I've merged them all together with the original topic just so all the information and future updates can stay in one place. In the future, please try searching the forum before you start a new topic. It helps cut down on all types of clutter and saves us from having to come along and move and merge things later on. Thanks! aislin Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: icecubes4ever on April 25, 2011, 10:40PM he translated it by listening to it.........love the song....sorry i didnt get back to you sooner...
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Ben the piper on April 26, 2011, 05:04AM No problem. :)
Not bad if he can understand (accoustically) everything she's singing! :) Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: icecubes4ever on April 26, 2011, 02:53PM I know!!!!! Im really glad he did.. now we know what the songs about!
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Ben the piper on April 27, 2011, 05:29AM Indeed. Even though one could have guessed after reading Alessandro's text! :)
Still appreciate the translation you gave us! :D Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: icecubes4ever on April 28, 2011, 12:21PM Ya, you can tell that he really loved her ans stuff. Love the song
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Ben the piper on April 28, 2011, 12:27PM Well who wouldn't love Chloë? ;)
Yep, I love it too! :) Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: icecubes4ever on April 29, 2011, 09:04AM I know right!
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Patti Plays Pipes on April 29, 2011, 03:27PM Meg found that for me after the initial accident, it is so pretty! LOVE it :D
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: icecubes4ever on April 30, 2011, 09:23AM Meg found that for me after the initial accident, it is so pretty! LOVE it :D What accident? I love the song..i listen to it as much as possible Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: LISAFAN4EVER on June 23, 2011, 05:37AM Chloë tweeted that being back in Hannover reminds her of shooting this video. http://t.co/hxlnet7 (http://t.co/hxlnet7)
This is the first time I've seen this. I really like it. :) Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Ben the piper on June 23, 2011, 05:40AM Yes that is a fantastic song! I really love it. And Chloë looks so beautiful...
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: CelticFlower6989 on July 04, 2011, 01:06PM Does anyone have any idea on when this song will be released??? I would love to have it on my iPod!
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: icecubes4ever on July 05, 2011, 09:09PM it came out a few years ago i think
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Tiffany Gray on July 05, 2011, 09:13PM it came out a few years ago i think No I don't think so. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: icecubes4ever on July 05, 2011, 09:19PM it came out a few years ago i think No I don't think so. Chloe recorded L'assenza in 2009 with Alessandro Rinella.. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Tiffany Gray on July 05, 2011, 09:24PM it came out a few years ago i think No I don't think so. Chloe recorded L'assenza in 2009 with Alessandro Rinella.. Yes but it wasn't released on CD yet. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: icecubes4ever on July 05, 2011, 09:26PM ok.. idk thats what we're talking about...lol
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Tiffany Gray on July 05, 2011, 09:28PM ok.. idk thats what we're talking about...lol lol It's cool. I think the fans wanna know when Alessandro's CD comes out, so they can have the song on their iPods. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Inga on July 07, 2011, 11:15PM For Alessandro Rinella I am excited too, I really would like to hear more from him.
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Tiffany Gray on July 08, 2011, 02:10AM For Alessandro Rinella I am excited too, I really would like to hear more from him. YES he is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He kinda reminds me of Josh Groban. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: frenchlaly on July 08, 2011, 04:48AM chloe really looks like an angel in this clip!! and her voice! wouaw! ::) ;)
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Inga on July 08, 2011, 08:39AM YES he is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He kinda reminds me of Josh Groban. Yes, Alessandro Rinellas songs are similar to the songs on Josh Grobans Closer album. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: hayleynibhaoleafh<3'scelticwoman! on July 08, 2011, 10:08AM For Alessandro Rinella I am excited too, I really would like to hear more from him. YES he is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He kinda reminds me of Josh Groban. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Jim M. on September 10, 2011, 07:52AM I know we have new members who may not have seen this -- so, new members, it is now your turn to watch this clip 30 or 40 or 100 times like the rest of us!
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Inga on September 10, 2011, 10:24AM Alessandro Rinella sings opera in Germany.
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: jeanlesn on September 10, 2011, 03:28PM A popular request is to decypher the lyrics to the song. I made it with an Italian language teacher. We didn't make the Chloe's part because it is obviously more difficult and because I needed the male's part. I enjoy singing this great song of Mr. Rinella and Chloe.
So here it is: L’assenza Provero a dimenticare Mettero al cancel’il coure Trovero mondi piu profondi Piu profondi in me Passero l’anima attraverso Quel deserto della tua assenza Guido anche lotte guerra Guerra dentro me Amore mio, la vita che mi dai Aiutami a non cadere mai! Sono qui aspettando un segno Ma se tu il fuoco del bisogno Tu me sei, ci sara mai pace Pace dentro noi Amore mio, la vita che mi dai Rinuncio a te, per non perderti mai! Non ti liberero, anche se moriro Non ti liberero, quella tua felicita E verro! Un amore sara senza tempo e senza eta. Non ci lasceremo mai! (without special Italian chars, because it is comprehensible like that as well) Enjoy! Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: Ben the piper on September 11, 2011, 02:20AM Even though, without the Italian chars it would be pronounced in a different way. ;) :)
But as I speak the language I do understand it like this as well. :) Thanks for sharing. Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: icecubes4ever on September 11, 2011, 11:03AM I have what Chloe sings if you want it!
Title: Re: Chloe recording with "an Italian tenor"!! (L'assenza) Post by: namowcitlec (ATN) on December 30, 2013, 09:35AM I would like to have what Chloe sings so I can know what she's saying.
Title: Re: What happened to L'assenza? Post by: Jim M. on October 10, 2014, 02:10PM Remember this? ;)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txndbII69eA Title: Re: Music Video Post by: Jim M. on April 06, 2017, 11:31AM Remember this?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txndbII69eA&feature=player_embedded Title: Re: Music Video Post by: CWazyTom on April 06, 2017, 08:52PM Remember this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txndbII69eA&feature=player_embedded I do indeed. She's an Angel of Music ... and in the best ways possible (not in a creepy Phantom of the Opera way). Title: Re: Music Video Post by: Jim M. on March 31, 2022, 01:21PM I found it on youtube now with sound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txndbII69eA&feature=player_embedded Remember this? ;) 12 years! |