Title: Rules for Live Chat
Post by: OldFatGuy on March 05, 2009, 06:37PM
As you know, Órlagh has agreed to join us here for a live chat at 2 PM Eastern time this Saturday, 7th March. Her time is limited, and we're expecting a huge turnout, so we're going to have to establish some ground rules. These rules will be strictly enforced, and there will be a zero-tolerance policy in effect. We'll have a team of moderators on duty, and anyone breaking these rules will be quickly and unceremoniously removed from the room. - The sign-up list was posted here - http://celticwomanforum.com/index.php?topic=6915.0 (http://celticwomanforum.com/index.php?topic=6915.0) on 23rd February. Sign-up was mandatory if you want to ask a question. Silent observers do not need to register. We've had so many people pre-register that the sign-up thread has been locked.
- Órlagh may want to make a few opening remarks. Attendees - pre-registered or not - may then take a few moments to greet her and thank her for coming.
- Once we say we are ready to start the question and answer period, all unrelated chatter will stop.
- Pre-registered guests may ask their questions in the order in which they signed up (see list below). Please use good judgment and do not ask lengthy, multi-part questions.
- Please do not ask duplicate questions.
- We recommend that you prepare a list of 3 or 4 questions in Notepad prior to the chat. That way, you can cross off any that are asked before it is your turn, and simply copy and paste your question.
- Anyone who sends Órlagh a private message will be immediately removed from the chat.
- Anyone who is pre-registered but arrives after their turn has passed will be moved to the end of the list
- We have 46 pre-registered members. We don't even know if we'll have time to get to everyone. If Órlagh has to leave before your question is asked, we will email her a list of the final questions and post her answers on the forum.
- IF there is any time left after the pre-registered guests have asked their questions (and that's a very big "if"), we will try to accommodate some random chat, as long as it's respectful and not too chaotic.
- We will save the chat transcript and post it on the CW forum and on Órlagh's forum, so everyone can read and save it.
The pre-registered members are: OrangeTea BlueFawn THE SPAZINATOR!=) howard gr8twh I Love Chloe RedHeadLad cool2it Siobhan celticdreamer00 Irishdreamer tiburongirl jillebeans Jeanine Kelli CTofer CWinSEA Coco84 kat Jammalot ccux Nelo Angelo dudalak Starman bpea55 Celtic Chicken Lisakellyfan425 L.A. Girl mishawakafan DakotaF. MeganDelia celtic_ Jen Baby Wickiexx Dwight sparklicious Rigatony60 Melissa gerst kathleen leighlam CelticBear Antiup Sammie cjensen alternativegirl42 AngusGibson