I can't remember if I told you guys.....but my husband and I went to Ireland about a month ago!!!
Everything was very cheap because Ireland had just opened up after lockdown. They seemed very glad to finally start serving (vaccinated) tourists again! The only sad thing was, indoor dining was heavily restricted, and there was no live music allowed anywhere

But it was still an amazing experience to be there!!! It has literally been on my bucket list since I was old enough to know what Ireland was.
My head was spinning being in Dublin...as we toured Trinity College...I know a lot of other famous people have gone there but I couldn't believe I was at Meav's alma mater! Walking around her hometown felt surreal.
Was secretly hoping I would run into one of the girls somewhere....I didn't haha. BUT I did see on Instagram that Lisa Lambe was at the Aran Islands the day after I was!!