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Author Topic: Limitations of this board  (Read 49188 times)
Bodhrán Player
Posts: 7,905

« on: February 14, 2010, 05:06PM »

I am saddened and alarmed at the number of posts detailing struggles with depression, particularly among some of our younger members.  We have a very close knit community here, and we are always here to offer prayers and words of love and encouragement.  But we are not trained, licensed practitioners.  We can not offer specific recommendations for treatment, any more than we could perform an appendectomy.  We will give all the moral support we can, but please don't ask us to solve your problem. If you were ill, you would go to a doctor. Emotional and psychological issues are as dangerous and debilitating as any physical illness.  There are no magic words we can say that will banish your demons. Your life and your future are in your hands. We urge you to seek professional help, quickly. We care, and we want to know how you're doing with your treatment and your therapy.  But if you're clinically depressed, get help. Go now. We'll wait.

If anyone has my email address saved, you can delete it. I got tired of subsidizing AT&T.
Jim M.
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Posts: 15,861

« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2010, 05:40PM »

Very well said, Rich.  PLEASE, if you need help, get it.  NOW!  Get off the computer and get on the phone!  We want you to be healthy and happy.
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« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2010, 09:46PM »

Very well said, Rich.
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« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2010, 01:39AM »

Very good advice Rich!!

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Honorary Roadie
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« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2010, 09:09AM »

 Wink  Yes, sometimes they just don't know where to turn, so they express themselves here...they are young, and I remember
     what it was like to be young and need all kinds of help, emotional and financial we can suggest places
     and people for them to turn to, or even books, we just can't handle some of their problems which definitely need
     intervention unless they are playing the drama queen/king card in which case, they will grow out of it. Here is a good
    place to turn to , but handle it OFF line, or P M if you know yourself, Rich many were and are pulling for
    you and we wouldn;'t have known about it if someone hadn't posted about it.....But I totally agree with what you
    laid out in your post..

shankdee( carla)

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Guardian of the Rose
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« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2010, 08:39AM »

There is only so much our members can do for each other. Mostly we can pray.

I signature is just...awesome! Smiley
Mad Máiréad Love
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« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2010, 09:11PM »

As a friend myself and a survivor of pre college school, I understand where the support starts. Telling your friends is only the first step to a long road. This is, yes, I time for victims to learn, but it is also a chance for us others to learn as well. Being the first safe place to talk is a big deal. AND bullying is a very flimsy experience and its easy to bully someone without realizing it. It's real and scary and someties accidental. Be careful. All those in a rough patch, hang in there.

Without a Caledonia to miss and love I wouldn't be a Carolina Rua.
IloveyouSarahBurke!! <3
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« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2010, 04:47PM »

As someone who has struggled with and beat depression, I really like this post.  It won't go away by itself, and if you're depressed, you need help... professional help.  I'm also living on prescriptions and therapy, but I'm really glad I got the help I needed, because now I'm back to my old self. Smiley

Thanks Scott! 
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2012, 11:01PM »

Sorry didn't mean to start anything, I didn't know we wasen't allowed to talk about it.
Emer Dreamer
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« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2012, 07:00PM »

Sorry didn't mean to start anything, I didn't know we wasen't allowed to talk about it.
  But judging from the degree of support you got from people when you posted the topic, I would say that nobody is  going to mind.  Its NOT  that it was wrong to post it, but  I think what it means is that there is only so much that we can do. And we WILL do what we can.  Smiley  There is a "prayer thread" in this section and I have used it for my mom on her first anniversary without dad.  (for example).  So I think "no worries" for this too. There is NOTHING wrong with reaching out.  Wink

The Leprechaun
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« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2012, 02:14PM »

Rich Ropes is right. We should hope that the living know better then the dead. If only I had a friend like him again. (I probably do and don't even know it).

Celtic Woman: Gotta love them.

Proud sufferer of OCCWD.

The wonderful Susan.

Thanks whoever for the picture.
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