Wherever they go, I hope the folks who missed them the first time around get a chance to see them.
NO Forum member should be deprived of that particular blessing. Me, I can survive off the memories for a little longer (but only until 2008?

Also...not wanting to sound like a wet blanket/party pooperer, but this seems like an awful quick turnaround (didn't the 2007 tour just, presumedly, end?) I hope Our Darlings don't wear down, burn out, what have you. Seems like a major grind.
...Okay, I'll shut up now.?

Hey JE,NEVER shut up. A person with your gifts is one we always want to hear.You make very valid points.Word is that the Autumn tour is to cities that have yet to hear our Angels.And the 2008 tour will be better planned for the health of CW,possibly more central locations for 2 or more days;ie.Boston for all New England,New York for NJ,Ct,NY,Pa.etc.,giving the cast a place to perform & rest,without the day in,day out travel,giving all of us the best possible performance without the exhausting schedule.Mc