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Author Topic: This has Orla written ALL over it!  (Read 5736 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 264

Ireland is calling me...

« on: April 12, 2010, 01:55PM »

Just listen to this Irish Lullaby!

Thanks Lisaholic nr1!

Thanks Guardian of the Rose!
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2010, 04:49PM »

It does kinda sound like Orla!  Huh
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 4,919

« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2010, 08:26PM »

I have always loved that song! Everytime I hear it sung, I think of that scene in "Going My Way" when the older priest,played by Barry Fitzgerald, is surprised by a visit from his elderly mother all the way from Ireland. It gets me every time!

I'll bet I would have the same reaction hearing Orlagh sing it. Smiley


"We create our tomorrows by what we dream today"
Thanks Hayley for the great banner!!
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2010, 02:16AM »

One of my earliest memories is of my Mammy singing this......and NOBODY, not even our lovely Órla,
could sound as beautiful as she did.

I have a funny story about this lullaby.

A few years ago, at an Irish Club Meeting, my friend Kathleen was minding her new granddaughter.
As the meeting closed, Kathleen discovered to her horror she had locked herself out of her car.
She tried to contact her daughter, but she had to go borrow a cell phone which had the number on it.
So I offered to mind the baby until she got back.
The baby was getting restless and started to cry a little, so I rocked her and sang the "Toora Loora Loora" lullaby.
The baby settled down, and seemed to like my little song. Her big sister liked it too.
The following night, I got a desperate call from Kathleen....she could not get the baby to sleep, and her big sister was asking for "Maggie's song".
So I sang to them on the phone.....and got them to sleep. This went on for several nights.

These delightful little girls are a little older now, and they have another little sister...
...but every time I see them, I sing a line or two of "Maggie's Song"....and they laugh.

The little lady on the left is the baby I sang to, here with her sisters:

« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 06:37AM by Maggie » Logged
Sr. Member
Posts: 264

Ireland is calling me...

« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2010, 02:29AM »

One of my earliest memories is of my Mammy singing this......and NOBODY, not even our lovely Órla,
could sound as beautiful as she did.

I have a funny story about this lullaby.

A few years ago, at an Irish Club Meeting, my friend Kathleen was minding her new granddaughter.
As the meeting closed, Kathleen discovered to her horror she had locked herself out of her car.
She tried to contact her daughter, but she had to go borrow a cell phone which had the number on it.
So I offered to mind the baby until she got back.
The baby was getting restless and started to cry a little, so I rocked her and sang the "Toora Loora Loora" lullaby.
The baby settled down, and seemed to like my little song. Her big sister liked it too.
The following night, I got a desperate call from Kathleen....she could not get the baby to sleep, and her big sister was asking for "Maggie's song".
So I sang to them on the phone.....and got them to sleep. This went on for several nights.

These delightful little girls are a little older now, and they have another little sister...
...but every time I see them, I sing a line or two of "Maggie's Song"....and they laugh.

The little lady on the left is the baby I sang to:

Just goes to show you what some musicology theorists are trying to confirm - that there's some soothing quality to that kind of Irish music.

Thanks Lisaholic nr1!

Thanks Guardian of the Rose!
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2010, 07:17AM »

Just goes to show you what some musicology theorists are trying to confirm - that there's some soothing quality to that kind of Irish music.

Irish people have known that for a long time.....they were using "Music Therapy" long before it was a trendy science.

Music has been used to soothe babies, praise heroes, incite rebels, celebrate victories and comfort mourners.

Singing was also a useful covert way of passing on vital information, so that the enemy might think it was a love song,
as in Máiréad's song "an raibh tú ag an gcarraig?"

I used Irish Music a lot when caring for my Mother-in-law, who suffered from Alzheimer's,
along with her favourite old songs.
I continued to use it later, when I was Activities Director in a residence for patients with dementia.
One lady had been dumped by her 2 sons, they just dropped her off at the Nursing Home with no explanation of where she was.
She was traumatized, and did not speak for many days. I'll call her Anne.
One morning I put on some WWII dance music and "Big Band" CDs such as Glenn Miller.
I started to sing to "You are my Sunshine", and Anne was sitting at a table, head down on her arms as if asleep.
Slowly her head came up, and I could see she was mouthing the words.
I went to her and gently raised her to her feet. We started to dance to her favourite song.
That was the start of communication with her, through music.
She also loved "When Irish eyes are smiling".
I found that well-known songs of Faith were a big favourite too.

There are parts of the World in which music is banned......can you imagine a World without music?
Can you imagine Heaven without music?

« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 07:19AM by Maggie » Logged
Bodhrán Player
Posts: 5,973

« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2010, 08:36AM »

I could never hit those notes

"Never again shall one generation of veterans abandon another."

For those who fought for it, Freedom has a taste the protected will never know.

A Thiarna, déan trócaire
A Chríost, déan trócaire
A Thiarna, déan trócaire
Bodhrán Player
Posts: 5,178

My fiddle is tuned for playing!

« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2010, 01:10PM »

Ohhh I like that song and yes I would love to hear Olra sing it!

Honorary Roadie
Posts: 4,919

« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2010, 08:54PM »


Maggie, I know who to call if I have trouble sleeping!  Wink Grin  Your singing and an Irish Coffee would do the trick!

Back on topic:

As I said before, I have always loved that song - I wonder if Auntie Orlagh will sing it to her newborn niece Annabel?!


"We create our tomorrows by what we dream today"
Thanks Hayley for the great banner!!
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2010, 08:59PM »


Maggie, I know who to call if I have trouble sleeping!  Wink Grin  Your singing and an Irish Coffee would do the trick!

Back on topic:

As I said before, I have always loved that song - I wonder if Auntie Orlagh will sing it to her newborn niece Annabel?!


That would be cute  Smiley
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2010, 02:29AM »

Maggie, I know who to call if I have trouble sleeping!  Wink Grin  Your singing and an Irish Coffee would do the trick!

As I said before, I have always loved that song - I wonder if Auntie Orlagh will sing it to her newborn niece Annabel?!


Well my singing and a sledgehammer might work! Cheesy

Regarding Órla singing to her niece Annabel......I think she would be more likely to sing an authentic, traditional Irish lullaby than this one, even though it's a pretty tune.
There are some truly beautiful ones, I sent these to my grandson Thomas Patrick when he was born:

A baby who is well nourished and well loved, and has beautiful soothing music,
should never need a "pacifier".
An Irish Lullaby is the best pacifier there is......especially when sung live by Auntie Órlagh!

I never needed one of those things (called a "dummy" in Ireland and UK) my son never had one,
and his son has never had one.

I would like to hear a CD of lullabies by Órlagh.....maybe a mix of Irish and other lullabies, including Toora Loora Loora.
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