Thinking carefully for some time now about copyright laws, I realize copyright laws can be confusing. Basically it's a protection granted for a specified period of time. However, if a venue says no recordings or pictures allowed that's policy confusion and copyright laws do not exist.
I would safely say most venues do not allow recordings/pictures taken without prior permission. Case in point, I have been in touch with Carnegie Hall they told me that they do not allow recordings/pictures be taken from their audience without permission first. The have warning signs posted about this throughout their venue. Copyright laws or not that's their policy and if they want they can prosecute any offender.
I would think that CWF would want to protect the performers, (CW & others), as well as the venues from such illegal acts by not allowing such posts on the forum.
We do not know if the performers have any plans to use the performance on a cd/dvd or at that matter whether the venue has any plans, (in agreement with the performers), to put the performance as well on a cd/dvd for a fund raising event.
By allowing illegal posts on this forum CWF is condoing such actions.
I really feel CWF should review all posts expecially from Youtube and remove them, like any videos from the obvious cell-phones is a good start, i.e. And thinking about it, I believe I could have been an offender of a few Youtube posts and I advocate their removal as well.
One last thought, if someone jumps off a cliff would you just because someone post from another site something that's illegal that does not mean it should be allowed on CWF.
CWF should be a defender and not a condoner of such illegal acts.