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Author Topic: Light The Fire Cd  (Read 7040 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 292

« on: October 09, 2010, 08:49PM »

Is this our Orlagh?  Does anyone know?

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.  Some stay for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same.
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2010, 01:22AM »

I've listened to the clips from the tracks twice and don't know, and hesitate to speculate. To me Órla's harp let alone her voice isn't readily apparent. (BTW I noticed the album was released in 2000.)

But Órla is very humble. Her participation in a project such as this is entirely possible. In Sacramento, CA, USA, Nov. 2009 one of the things I asked her to sign was the liner notes from the Duggans and Friends Rubicon album. Órla expressed surprised, yet pleasure, to see that album, from her past, presented for her signature.

Órla's coveted autograph on that CD liner will remain as one of my most cherished possesions...
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2010, 02:11AM »

Yes, it's our Órlagh, as a harpist/vocalist on Father Liam Lawton's CD "Light the Fire".

This CD was made in Ireland way before the start of Celtic Woman.
I bought my copy in 2000 at Knock Shrine in County Mayo, just because it is a beautiful rendition of
the music of the Mass. I was visiting my Mother's home County.
I think Mammy's spirit was there, urging me to buy it and I played it a lot in my rental car as I drove around Ireland.
Of course I had not heard of Órlagh Fallon at that time.
Liam Lawton is a Catholic Priest who served in a Parish close to Órlagh's home.
He is a talented singer and pianist.....
A good guy to have around at Baptisms, Weddings, Wakes and Funerals. Wink

With a lot of friends, he has made some wonderfully soothing CDs, the latest is called "The Healing Song".
His song "The Cloud's Veil" was popular with the Irish-American community in the USA after 9/11/01.

Guest artists on his many CDs include:
The Celtic Tenors
Máire (Moya) Brennan
Sharon Shannon
Eimear Quinn
Fionnuala Sherry
Roisín Dempsey..........and many more.

They are available on CD Universe, Amazon, Barnes & Noble.

You can hear the harp on several tracks, and I'm sure Órlagh is singing on at least 2 tracks.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 02:30AM by Maggie » Logged
Hero Member
Posts: 857

Orlagh, So happy for you, Mom to be! WOO HOO!!!

« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2010, 06:03AM »

Thanks Maggie..I came across this cd a while back too.
Orlagh has commented on singing with Liam on a couple of occasions.
That's Orlagh!

"While we seek Myrth and Beauty and Music light and gay, there are frail forms waiting at the door.....though their voices are silent, their pleading lips will say,
"Oh, Hard times, come again no more..."
Thanks so much Orlagh!
I will always remember...
Sr. Member
Posts: 292

« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2010, 09:26AM »

Thank's y'all.  See I said that with my best Orla Nashville accent.  Cheesy

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.  Some stay for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same.
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2010, 10:19AM »

Thank's y'all.  See I said that with my best Orla Nashville accent.  Cheesy

Well......she is a Southern gal.....a bit of a rebel....and a free spirit! Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

Full Member
Posts: 194

« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2010, 10:51AM »

ive never heard this cd!! omg!! id love to hear the songs orla sings and plays.
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2010, 11:14AM »

The ladies of CW had a life before Celtic Woman was formed.
Lisa and Máiréad had performed Internationally of course in Michael Flatley Productions.
Chloe had performed in Egypt when she was 9 year old, and I have a DVD of her performing in
"The Young Messiah" at 10.
Méav had also performed in various Countries with Anúna.

Órlagh and Méav are very spriritual ladies.....
Méav was singing as soloist in a Church in Dublin before she became part of Celtic Woman,
and she has done so since then.
Órlagh too has sung and played in Church.
I'm sure all of the CW ladies do the same.
Their voices are appreciated by the Parishioners of the Churches they attend,
and I'm sure by the good Lord, for whom they sing.

The music on this CD is represents different parts of the Mass.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 08:26PM by Maggie » Logged
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 4,919

« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2010, 07:46PM »

Thank you,Becky,for bringing it to our attention and Maggie for background info!

We sometimes forget that Orlagh had a successful career before the Celtic Woman phenomenon. From the looks of things, I believe Orlagh will be adding to that success with all her solo projects. The Orlagh Wave has begun!


"We create our tomorrows by what we dream today"
Thanks Hayley for the great banner!!
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2010, 10:55PM »

Thanks for posting this question beckyw and thanks Maggie for giving us the answer.

Órla has mentioned growing up singing in church in interviews and from the stage. This is something I would love her to expand on. If and when Órla gets a breather from all her wonderful projects and has the time to do another live chat* this is the subject I'm most keen to ask her to share with us.

*Please take your time Órla. Your projects are the most important thing. Live chats with you are priceless, but they can wait...
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2010, 08:41AM »

Órla has mentioned growing up singing in church in interviews and from the stage.
This is something I would love her to expand on.
If and when Órla gets a breather from all her wonderful projects and has the time to do another live chat*
this is the subject I'm most keen to ask her to share with us.
*Please take your time Órla. Your projects are the most important thing. Live chats with you are priceless,
but they can wait...

I don't really see how Órlagh could expand much on singing in Church.
It's just such an integral part of growing up in a small village in Rural Ireland.....
The first place an Irish child hears and learns music is in the home, from parents, siblings and family.
The second place is in Church, again with family, where everybody joins in the singing.
If you have a good voice, you might be invited to join the Choir if they have one.
Music is part of every Irish School curriculum from the earliest years.
It is the Heritage of every Irish child....they are encouraged in school to listen to music,
dance to it, perform it and compose it.
In a small Village all the children attended the same School and the same Church, they knew each others' families,
so they had a great support system.
I still love the hymns we sang as children, they remind me of a happy and secure childhood,
which included Faith, Hope and Love.
I think Órlagh might have similar memories, but I'm not sure we should ask her to share anything so intensely personal.

Of course Ireland has changed, but in the Rural villages it has not changed as much as in the Cities.
For children who grew up in Dublin City life would have been quite different.

Most of the Carols on Órlagh's "Winter, Fire and Snow" CD are the same ones we sang every Christmas...

What Child is this?, Emmanuel, Away in a Manger, God rest ye merry gentlemen, Silent Night,
We three Kings, The Wexford Carol.....
All bring back the same warm memories.

This is the first Christmas CD I have ever played repeatedly in my car when it's 90F plus. Cheesy

« Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 10:28AM by Maggie » Logged
Hero Member
Posts: 857

Orlagh, So happy for you, Mom to be! WOO HOO!!!

« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2010, 02:33PM »

Interesting that you mention this Maggie..this was how things were as I was growing up, and I've always said most of my love for music came from my grandmother, who was always singing around the house most of the time, and then more came from church choir as well. I didn't really get formal training until school around age 8 or so.
I am thankfull that we didn't have MTV or videos back then, cause I knew and understood that music that really means something comes from the heart!
One of my favorite things to tell poeple about my travels in Ireland, is that I saw these things, and really felt that the people had their priorities straight!
Sorry for drifting off topic!!!!!
(When it comes to Orlagh, I just can't help it....)

 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
« Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 02:35PM by bpea55 » Logged

"While we seek Myrth and Beauty and Music light and gay, there are frail forms waiting at the door.....though their voices are silent, their pleading lips will say,
"Oh, Hard times, come again no more..."
Thanks so much Orlagh!
I will always remember...
Posts: 15

« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2010, 09:55AM »

Hello Everyone:  I received  my copy of "light the fire" and am looking forward to listening to it.  This is a little off topic, but does anyone know which cd's Orla sang on when she was with Anuna?  I have some early Anuna CD's and "winter, fire, and snow" is on one sung by Katie McMahon.  Thanks for your help.  Shannon
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2010, 03:39AM »

Hello Everyone:  I received  my copy of "light the fire" and am looking forward to listening to it.  This is a little off topic, but does anyone know which cd's Orla sang on when she was with Anuna?  I have some early Anuna CD's and "winter, fire, and snow" is on one sung by Katie McMahon.  Thanks for your help.  Shannon

On the Anúna website is a list of past singers including Órlagh, but it doesn't give the years or what they sang.
It would be difficult as most are choral numbers, and also they have an open-door "stable" of singers and musicians,
quote from Anúna:
"Although listed as "past" singers, many of those below continue to work with us on an ad hoc basis
and we are very proud of their considerable achievements."

It is very interesting (to me, anyway) to read all the bits of the Anúna website, especially the Blogs of Michael McGlynn.
They give a fascinating insight into this musical genius. Thank God he put his dream together and refused to compromise on consistent excellence.
What a body of work he can look back on with pride! Long may he reign.

A CD was released of all of Méav's solos with Anúna, she did so many.
It has been re-released with a new cover design:

« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 03:43AM by Maggie » Logged
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