« on: August 17, 2007, 11:31AM » |
Just wanted to start this off by giving a warm welcome to Lynn. Its going to tough to take Meav's place, but " the show must go on". I guess this ends most of the speculation that has been floating the past few weeks. Welcome Lynn to the family !
=) yes!! We got to go ! Then there was Atlanta ! 
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2007, 09:29AM » |
Green eyes? I like her already!
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2007, 02:54PM » |
Gorgeous banner!
Visit Órla's Garden, a fansite for Órla Fallon! What's important often does not stand out but is simply standing quietly. : Noah benShe
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2007, 03:56PM » |
Um, this is hard for me to do but it is also inevitable too. That is, I should and I will, with all my heart...
welcome Lynn Hilary to Celtic Woman and the Celtic Woman family of true-blue, loyal fans.
It is a very difficult thing for me here. I'm not having the easiest of times, trying to get myself to accept the fact that Meav is no longer with CW. This is by no means, of course, anything against Lynn and I have the utmost respect for her as a performer/vocalist. I'm sure she will fit in just fine. But this kind of thing, I guess, is harder for some of us to accept than others. I am one of them that this is rather hard on. It's very hard for me to 'picture' CW without Meav. I love Meav like there's no tomorrow and I certainly, certainly wish her the best of everything in life ... her solo career, her family, health, happiness, prosperity. But no doubt I am going to miss her terribly, terribly.
(Meav ... we love you dearly and you will always be in our hearts and thoughts, even when not in our very presence).
That, off my chest ... brings me to:
Welcome To Celtic Woman Lynn and we look forward to seeing you in Florida in October.
... Bill
« Last Edit: August 18, 2007, 03:58PM by CWFan2 »
Still And Forever ... Our Angel From Heaven
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2007, 05:04PM » |
At least here we all understand how hard this is for you...this news was a shock for me too. But I take comfort in the fact that it was Méav's choice. And her message did mention an upcoming solo CD and maybe even a live tour. I get HUGE chills thinking of both of those possibilities.
And I bet it will be no time at all before we'll be begging Lynn to stay with Celtic Woman forever! I'm kinda hoping to get to hear "Cloudsong" in the future...at least Lynn and Lisa already know the parts!!!
Visit Órla's Garden, a fansite for Órla Fallon! What's important often does not stand out but is simply standing quietly. : Noah benShe
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2007, 05:42PM » |
Welcome lynn,i look forward to seeing you in november
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2007, 06:06PM » |
Thank you Kelli and you're probably not far off on that. Just tough, at this present time yet, to imagine CW without our Meav. I know she is doing what she feels is right and no one can certainly fault her for that. I will, along with all others here, always, fully, 100% of the time support Meav (or any of our girls here, for that matter) and her/their respective decisions. As I've said, I love Meav till the end, I always will and she certainly has not lost a friend in me, by the decision she has made. I too look forward to her solo projects and the possibility of seeing her in her solo shows. But until then ... God knows I will miss this lovely lady. I will miss her terribly.
As for Lynn, of course I open my arms and my heart to her and welcome her to the one and only Celtic Woman and have no doubt she will do just fine.
Kindly ... Bill
Still And Forever ... Our Angel From Heaven
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2007, 07:22PM » |
Knock us dead!  No pressure, Lynn!
If anyone has my r_ropes@bellsouth.net email address saved, you can delete it. I got tired of subsidizing AT&T.
Sr. Member
Posts: 269
All the things she said running through my head...
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2007, 10:41PM » |
I'd like to give a warm welcome too, if only I weren't suddenly feeling so cold...
 If we all will dare to dream dreams Of a new and brighter day If we work to make them come true We will surely find a way
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2007, 12:57AM » |
Welcome to our big family Lynn! Make yourself a home!
 Thanks Lindsey
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2007, 01:00AM » |
To the future! I know you have been chosen out of a large number of CW wannabes. You must be a special pereson and singer to join CW. I look forward to seeing a new DVD or hearing a CD. Break a leg.