First, let me say that I am absolutely THRILLED to hear that Alex is working on her solo CD! I will be anxiously awaiting the chance to buy it and I'm sure I will love it! The woman has an amazing voice and will do a wonderful job!
What she includes on the CD is going to depend on a lot of things, and we need to remember that, while we have come to love Alex as a member of Celtic Woman, that is NOT all she has, or can, perform! One of the big influences will be who produces the CD. If it's connected with Celtic Collections (which is strongly possible, since they have done something with all of the girls ... except maybe Deidre, I'm really not sure about that) then we'll likely see several Celtic style songs included. If the production is through someone else, the focus may be on more of the songs from her stage performances. Alex has also mentioned herself, in a past interview, that she would like to do an album of Christian songs, so it could be that as well. Any of these, or with a mixture of them all, it is going to be a fantastic thing to have and to hear!
AWESOME!!!!!!! I wouldn't mind hearing her sing Caledonia, (I know she could pull it off beautifully) but since that song is already covered why not ignore it and do songs that have yet to be covered? I know she could sing the Voice beautifully, but it just doesn't seem like an Alex song to me for some reason. You know how some songs are just not right for certain singers even though they could pull them off amazingly? Or is it just me? Caledonia I can picture her singing, but I won't be disapointed if she doesn't do it.
Just a reminder that some of us, those lucky enough to attend concerts during the time Lisa Kelly was on maternity leave with Ellie and Alex was filling in for her, HAVE heard Alex singing both Celedonia and The Voice! She was amazing with both songs, but that's no surprise. Like most of us, I will always associate those songs with Lisa, as I heard her singing them first, and they "stick" in my memory, but that should never make us close or mind, or our ears, to another singer. Alex sang the songs, using the arrangements David had written, but she never tried to "be" or to "replace" Lisa. There were subtle differences which made it clear this was a different singer, and was just as beautiful as a piece of music.