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Author Topic: The Lark Newsletter 2012 - Official Meav Fansite  (Read 10600 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 86

« on: October 31, 2012, 06:29AM »

The Lark Newsletter....2012.....

On this issue:
Méav tells us about the DIVINAS and her experience recording again with the CW ladies.
The first page (NEWS) is filled with our interview and conversation with Meav regarding her recent projects.
Sandy and I are very grateful to Méav for answering all our questions.  Méav is just amazing!  Thank you Méav for being very patient with us.

Page Two is the anniversary contest page:
ENTER TO WIN a signed Cd from Méav

Page Three is Marcus' Divinas Filming experience.  We are grateful to Marc for allowing us to publish his review in our newsletter.
Links to Divinas videos are also included on this page, and Bob's Feature Cartoon. Thanks Bob!

Page Four is our surprise for Méav.  We collected all the answers of some of our registered members in their forum application.  We asked them why they love Méav and her music.  This is the page where we showed Méav our love and appreciation.  Méav was delighted to read the comments!  

Page Five is where we included 2 downloadable 2013 calendars for all the fans to print and share.  On this page we also said our thanks to our dear friend Rich Ropes, and remembered his legacy.

FIVE pages!  I hope you all enjoy our hard work.  
Méav helped us so much in this issue.  Sandy had to stop me at page 5  Grin
Thank you both for everything!  
And to Beth, thank you for previewing the pages before we released this issue.  I know that GA had a bad stormy week.

To all the fans and loyal friends of Méav, thank you for 7 years of support.  
We at will keep you all updated as soon as we get the news and are given the permission for release.  
Thank you for respecting Méav, and wishing the best for our Celtic Songbird.

[6:54:56 AM] Marie-France: Smiley
To our CWF Friends....

Thank you to all of our good friends of so many years for your every support in enjoying and loving our MÉAV.  There are no words to tell you
how much we appreciate your sweet, kind words in posts and in every day conversations.  Thank you for supporting our work with MÉAV!!
It was such another wonderful blessing working with MÉAV as we all wrote the newsletter together.  
As always, MÉAV is AWESOME!!  And so much fun!!  We love and enjoy her sweet  friendship to us so very much!!  She is always just a "call" away.
Thank you, so dearly our precious MÉAV!!

With Love and Blessings to all of our friends here on the Celtic Woman Forum...
Again, to those of you who are always supporting and kind, MÉAV, Marie-France, and I thank you.

Sandy Harlow

« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 06:32AM by SANDY » Logged
Posts: 8

« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2012, 06:32AM »

Congrats!  Smiley
Awesome job to the Meav Team (Marie-France, Sandy, Beth)!!!
Thanks Méav!!!!
Wonderful  interviews!
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 06:35AM by CelticMagnolia » Logged
ed murphy
Posts: 3

« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2012, 08:26AM »

I just read the new Lark newsletter. So much wonderful information about our favorite Celtic Songbird. The Q & A is a delightful insight into the world of Méav. Thanks to Méav for sharing with all her fans.  The concert review was wonderful. Almost made me feel as if I were there. I believe I will try my hand at the contest too. I would love to have an autographed CD from Méav. I think my favorite part is the page where her fans tell why they love Méav. So many different reasons, but the same conclusion. WE ALL LOVE Méav!!!!! She has touched the lives of so many people. Thank you to Méav, Marie-France and Sandy for providing a way for the fans to share in Méav's life. Outstanding.
Jr. Member
Posts: 99

« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2012, 08:46AM »

Thank you Meav team for the updates and interviews. I just read the last part of the interview that Meav will be a hologram to the PBS special "Quest Beyond the Stars" I'm looking forward to more news of it sounds interesting (wonder what songs it will be though) Smiley
Posts: 8

« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2012, 09:05AM »

Meav hologram guest for "Quest Beyond the Stars"  / TOPIC

 ...producing a national tour in the late winter of 2012 which will feature live artists, holographic guest stars and the stunning imagery from NASA, projected on stage screens.

Jr. Member
Posts: 86

« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2012, 09:07AM »

To WinterLament...

I think that Méav will let us know more about the hologram later this winter...and when she does, I will post it here....
It really sounds very interesting....and lots of fun for Méav...
also, a lovely honor to be on the NASA link.
So, please look for Méav to give us more much more information soon.

Sandy   Cheesy
Celtic Chan
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« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2012, 04:11PM »

THANKS FOR POSTING THIS! I love those photos of Méav! Grin
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 04:16PM by Chandler Mattson » Logged
Posts: 8

« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2012, 06:50PM »

Meav's contact (Marie-France) just updated the forum just this minute with the song title.   

That is my favorite song!  Vincent!!!!

 Grin CM

To WinterLament...

I think that Méav will let us know more about the hologram later this winter...and when she does, I will post it here....
It really sounds very interesting....and lots of fun for Méav...
also, a lovely honor to be on the NASA link.
So, please look for Méav to give us more much more information soon.

Sandy   Cheesy
Jr. Member
Posts: 99

« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2012, 07:29PM »

Thank you all so much for the updates! It will be a pleasure to hear Siem's violin playing along with Meav's voice. I'm looking forward to the program Cheesy
Emer Dreamer
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« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2012, 07:44PM »

  Thank you  too!    Wink

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