I was given iTunes money for my anniversary by Chad, and immediately purchased My Land and Distant Shore, which I LOVE. On a whim I decided to post on facebook. I posted that I was listening to Distant Shore, and tagged Orla's official page on impulse. Imagine my surprise when I woke the following morning to find she had used her personal profile to wish me and Chad a happy anniversary!
Before sharing this with you, I did some research and so far it looks as though this really did come from Orla! She alluded to having a facebook page on Twitter and had said she had reached the friend limit so she started an official fan page as well. This seems to be her personal profile. There were also allusions to Freddie on her wall, and some friends were asking for updates on him, and she was giving answers only a mother would know.
I am completely stunned. I know Orla cares deeply for her fans but she has never seemed as consistent at responding as, let's say, Lisa K. I didnt even tag her looking for any kind of response, just trying to give her music some good publicity and maybe gain her a fan or two. The angels have smiled upon me for sure!