Directions for posting pictures on the forum or in Private Messages (PMs):
1. Sign up for a free account with a web-based photo sharing service (e.g.,, etc.)
2. Upload your photo(s)/image(s) to your new account.
3. Select the photo or image that you want to post.
4. Copy the entire web address for that image.
5. In your forum post or PM, insert the following line:
6. Click on the Preview button, and your image should show up, like this:
7. If it shows up okay, click the "Post" button.
Directions for posting avatars or banners in your profile.
1. Follow steps 1 through 4, above.
2. In the forum, go into your personal profile.
3. Click the "Look and Layout Preferences" link.
4. If you want to use a custom avatar, simply select the "I have my own pic" option and paste the entire web address of your image into the space provided. (Note: the default size for avatars in this forum is 80 x 80 pixels. Larger graphics will be resized automatically. A 100 x 100 image will work fine, but if the original is too large you will lose a lot of resolution in resizing it. Also, images that are not square will be distorted.)
5. If you want to add a banner, scroll down to the "Signature" field and paste in the appropriate code as in step 5 above. Remember to remove the asterisks! You can also add text above or below the banner, formatted as you would in any post.
6. Click the "Change Profile" button and you're done. Your avatar and/or banner will appear in all your posts, including the ones you posted in the past.
That's all there is to it! Have fun.