Admins: Please DO NOT censor this post, I want all the anger and frustration inside intact... Jerad
First off, I would like to thank everyone who made me get off my lazy bloody ass to write this review. Especially Misha, your words really got me thinking and convinced me to do this.

Let me just say first off that this has been years in the making. I missed CW coming through my city back in 2010 on the SftH tour and I made it my personal mission to see them.
When I started on this journey what feels like ages ago, I wanted to see them in Vancouver (keep in mind this when Chloe was still with the group). Unfortunately, due to money complications and the timing of everything going on in our lives, I could not go.

I missed my chance to see Chloe, EVER, at the only window I had.

I then started a campaign to get CW to come to Saskatoon again. I started posting on their Facebook page to “Come back to Saskatoon on their next Tour”, “We LOVE Celtic Music” and “TCU Place would be perfect!” The reason I said this is we hosted Riverdance and “The Rankin Family” at this exact same venue, both smash hits. It took maybe 2-3 postings on their Facebook page.
Then that fateful day came… When they announced the Emerald Tour stops, I was ecstatic to see “Saskatoon, Canada” on the list and that the venue was “TCU Place.” MY PLAN WORKED!

I “requested” my Mom snatch up tickets ASAP. She got on the horn (read: phone) with the TCU ticket office and requested tickets. “How about front row?” the girl said that took the call. Mom took 3 tickets on the far left side in row A. (This comes into play later) Made my Day, we had secured our chance to see CW.
My mom was really looking forward to seeing “the redhead” (Lisa Lambe) and when I told her a couple days before the concert that she would not be there, she asked why. “She’s performing in a play in Dublin” I said, which was the truth at the time. “Oh well, I was looking forward to seeing her” Mom said. “Me too, Mom, me too.”

(Keep also in mind that this was before I had read Misha’s review, which clarified Lisa Lambe’s reason for the break)
The day of the concert, we drove to the road behind TCU Place, which is also the same road you have to go to get to a local “Sears” parking lot. One way street here. No parking near TCU Place where we usually park. Derp, some of the space was taken up by Semis and busses for CW, some by patrons parking for the concert (assumed). We made our way onto a street near where we eat for the concerts. Parking spot, BINGO! We snagged it, even though it was a couple block walk to TCUP.
We then walked to Chanti’s, a local pasta place and where we go to eat when we go to TCUP concerts. Even at Chanti’s it was horrendously busy, luckily we came prepared with a reservation

. Even our waiter had asked, “Is there a show in town tonight, it’s really busy”, to which we said “Yes, Celtic Woman at TCU Place.”
After eating our fill of Pasta, we walked down to TCUP. We got into the main door. Terribly many people were here in the doorway. I looked up at one of the numerous video screens above us and there were a ton of events happening IN ADDITION to the Celtic Woman concert. We then got our tickets scanned. A bit of trouble with their scanner later, we were in.
We went to the merchandise table, or as they called it, the “Celtic Woman Shop.” I was counting on there being Emerald CD’s and the Blu-ray. We asked, we got told there was no Emerald CDs or “video discs.” Derp, this was the reason I was going to get them at the concert and I did not order them from or other retailer. “Oh well, I guess I’ll get them from HMV and Target” I thought.
We bought a souvenir program and then Dad said “any CDs here of interest Jerad?” “Yeah, buy [Raining Up]” I said, knowing that some people on here enjoy it. Thanks for the (indirect) idea Sarah!

We went and got some DRINK!!! Well, at least Dad did.

We went and sat down in our seats. “perfect, right near the piano” I thought. “this might come in handy later on.” It did.

ACT 1;
I can’t really remember the order in which some songs were sung, but I’ll do my best.
First off, was The Sky and The dawn and The Sun. Mairead N. started it off instrumentally, Lynn started it off vocally, then Susan and then Mairead C. I noticed right away that MC was quite the powerhouse in terms of vocals, just like Chloe was in the Emerald Special I watched on TV the week or two before (we get PBS WGBH through our TV provider, SaskTel, the best in the province). No need to worry here that MC is inferior to Chloe,, I see them about the same. *gets the fire extinguisher ready in case of flame wars*

Then was Dulaman, and the preceding vocal before it, which was called An Chailín Álainn (Thanks Misha for this detail). Lynn did this song, and it seemed that she felt right at home singing it. Lynn’s version seemed quite a bit more “calmer” and less “playful” than LL’s, sadly.
Newgrange was up next. MC’s first solo number. She then introduced the theme for the song, about the Sacred Burial Ground, 5000 years ago. Mom asked after this “Did she just say [Burial ground]?” “Yes” I said, still trying to absorb what was happening. She did a wonderful job, yet it was incredibly different from Orla’s on the ANJ DVD.
The Butterfly was next. It sounded different from the one on the Original Show DVD, but in a good way. Mairead N. really was moving fast and well with this one, just like a Pixie!
The New Ground seems largely unchanged from the version on SftH. As this song was without words, it was hard to understand what the original composer meant by it. Part of me was hoping Isle of Hope, Isle of Tears would be next, but alas it was not.
Orinoco Flow, cue thunderclap. The choir sang the opening, followed by the girls’ entrances. Sounds great as always.
The Moon’s a Harsh Mistress - Susan gracefully made her way to the piano side of the stage which coincidentally was right front of me!!!!!!!!! She pulled out a wooden barstool, which looked like it was painted black, and sat down on it. She then thanked us all for coming, and expressed how fond she was with this song. As luck would also have it, she seemed to be singing the song RIGHT AT ME.

This was because the seat I had had a direct sightline to Susan. It made me smile the whole time as she sung. And clap we did. (feels)
Amazing Grace - Not much changed since the SftH or Emerald versions. Anthony entered to the left of us, which I was not expecting. He played right in behind us and walked right past us, with the spotlight on him at all times till he came onto the stage.
Si Do Mhameo I - This was a duet with the two “new” girls, MC and Lynn. Mairead C looked so adorable and playful here, She fit right in! andddddddd I’m smitten. *blushes* (feels, again)
What followed was some drumming and dancing. I agree with Misha here: Riverdance meets Stomp.
Teir Abhaile Riu - Lynn entered the auditorium on our side, and the singing fight began. Lynn sat near someone about 6-10 rows back (Lucky Barstid!) and then Mairead C entered in the Auditorium. The fight continued as MC and Lynn walked up to and onto the stage. And then Susan stopped MC and Lynn from fighting. All and all, a great song and one I think CW fans will cherish forever (and hopefully stay in the show for some time.)
We went to go get drinks, Mom got Wine, dad got Beer, and me Bottled water. We also strolled back by the merchandise booth and I asked Mom and Dad for a t-shirt, the one with Lynn, LL, Susan, MC and Mairead Nesbitt on it. My request was denied.

While Dad got the drinks, Mom and I were looking at the program. She looked at the programs last back page where pictures of all the girls past and present were, and asked “who they all are.” I rattled all of them off in order and with a few pauses later, (Making sure to pronounce Meav’s last name correctly), she asked bewildered “How do you know all this?” I attributed it to “Research” with a wink at the end.

The wink was meant for you guys!

I Know My Love - As if I wasn’t smitten enough over MC already, this one made me love her even more!


I don’t exactly understand why myself, but MC’s voice made me feel safe, warm and cozy inside. The only other voices of CW that have given me this reaction are Alex and LL’s. (MOAR FEELS)
My Lagan Love - I always enjoyed this solo from SftH of Lynn’s, and this performance was no exception. It sounded very much the same as on the SftH DVD.
The Call - Susan did a wonderful as this was her Solo number. She did a phenomenal job.
Bodhran Solo - Funny as heck at the end when Mairead Nesbitt interrupted Ray playing the bodhran, which leaded into…
Nil S’en La - Choir entered both entrances to the auditorium. Sarah Gannon even went past our seats!

The rest of the girls sounded wonderfully.
Granuaile’s Dance - One of my favorites. After the end of this song, you could see easily that Mairead N’s bow was shredded!

Danny Boy - One of CW’s more beautiful renditions of this classic. I love the arrangement.
You Raise Me Up - I really enjoyed this one, but it did make me sad since it was signaling close to the end of the show. Cue standing O’
The Parting Glass - Signaling the end of the show, this was one of the better versions of The Parting Glass I’ve heard CW do, mainly by the DVDs, seeing as this is my first live show I’ve been to. the Believe DVD version is still the top one in my opinion.
Encore - No explanation necessary, it was amazing and The girls wished us a wonderful night. I even got the odd kiss and a few waves in my direction.

Yes the crowd went wild.
After the show;
Well, this is the un-eventful part of the review, even though it was going to be wonderful! Why? Because my parents decided to NOT let me go to the stage door and try to meet them!

Holy **** I was pissed. (mindfcuk)
This was the most frustrating part of the night. I asked them repeatedly to let me go TRY. They still said NO, even after we were out the door of TCU Place. (more mindfcuk) After the concert and days later at home, I finally backed them into a corner (theoretically, not literally) and asked WHY. “We’ve never done such a thing,” “that’s more for heavy metal bands” and “we don’t support it either.” (COMPLETE MINDFCUK)
Sorry guys… I thought I would come out of the concert meeting them, with pictures, signatures on the program and the whole shebang.

I’m hoping to change their mind… for the NEXT time CW comes to Saskatoon, and believe me, If I have any say, they will!

Let’s finish this review off, shall we? I was amazed by the power Mairead Carlin had in her voice. I fell in love with her voice as soon as I heard it that night. Her fan-base will get bigger as more people see her and fall in love just as I have.

I will be buying her album whenever it comes out. Susan sounded amazing live, just as I thought she would. Lynn brought a touch to the music that no one else could. Mairead N did the fiddle playing as masterful and like a pixie as always.
So with the regret that I couldn’t go to the stage door like “Those Who Came Before” did, I would say the show was a smash success!
Songs/tunes listened to while I was writing this review (and an example of my music taste);
Chiptunes/Tracker Music:
The Blue Valley - Karsten Koch
Plug’n fuk - Dma Sc / Sector 1
Deep In Her Eyes (Remake Version) - Skaven
Regular Songs:


One Night in Bangkok - Murray Head
We Built This City - Starship
Lay All Your Love On Me - ABBA
All Too Well - Taylor Swift
Tusk - Fleetwood Mac
What If I Do - Mindy McCready
Yasashii Yoake - See-Saw (.HACK//SIGN OST)
Radar Love - Golden Earring
Holding Out For a Hero - Bonnie Tyler
Runaway - The Corrs
Harder Better Faster Stronger (Alive 2007) (Radio Edit) - Daft Punk
Civilization - Justice
Funkytown - Lipps, Inc
Love on My Mind - Freemasons
Don’t Let Go (Vena Cava Remix) - Swiss American Federation
Key of the Twilight - Yuki Kaijura
Gonna Be a Hot One - Kira Isabella
Don’t Wanna Fall In Love - Jane Child
Light a Fire - Chris de Burgh
Live to Win - Paul Stanley
Caledonia - Celtic Woman (Emerald Musical Gems)
Upstream - random youtube remixer
Pop Danthology 2010 - Daniel Kim
Teenage Wasteland (Baba O'Riley) - Snouz