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Author Topic: Trying to find Meet and Greet or Backstage Pass to meet Mairead N. Will travel.  (Read 16497 times)
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« on: December 23, 2013, 08:35PM »

Hello!  I learned to play fiddle because of Miss Mairead.  I first saw her on PBS in Lord of the Dance, took one look and said "I want to do that."  My great-grandmother came through Ellis Island from Ireland when she was 18, music runs in our family, and watching Mairead was like being instantly transported to a home I had never known. I bought a beat up violin and started taking lessons.  Literally the last performance she was with that troupe, they were playing within 200 miles of my town, so I saved my pennies, bought a ticket, and made the trip... only to get stuck in horrible traffic and get there just as their bus was pulling away...  I was devastated, certain I had missed my one chance to see her perform.  Until 7 years later I saw her again in the new CW special.   And have seen them almost every time they've been anywhere near me since.  Sometimes multiple times.  I would dearly love to get a meet/greet pass, just to be able to tell her thank you for connecting me so profoundly to my family and my love of music, as well as the sheer joy she brings to so many people, but try as I might, they are always sold out, or she's not there, or etc.  It's the day before Christmas, and I was told sometimes people have spare backstage passes from receiving pairs of tickets when they only need one.  If this applies to you, would you possibly consider selling me one of your tickets??   I live in Chicago,  my family lives in Houston,  but I am willing to travel almost anywhere within a 500 mile radius of either city.  Or further.  And I can pay you whatever you paid for the pair.  Please let me know if you can help me.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  And Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.   Slainte agus gra.
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 2,644

« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2013, 08:43PM »

  This and the Mairead Nesbitt fan forums are definitely the place to look, Ellen!  I offered a M&G pass to my daughter for the 12/19 Carmel, IN show last week and she refused it to visit friends, so I went myself, despite having had dozens of M&Gs myself, it being my 49th show.

  The Christmas tour is over, but when the Spring US tour gets ready to begin, check the ticket exchange topics on these fan forums!!  2014 may well be your year!!  Smiley Smiley Smiley

Honorary Roadie
Posts: 3,049

« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2013, 09:02PM »

Ellen, you might want to check with PBS stations in cities that will be having the Emerald Tour in 2014.  Some may not have yet sold the M&G packages, waiting until the next pledge drive early in 2014.  It might take some work, but it is one way to know if there are still some available through the usual means.

According to one of our members, Tulsa OK will not have its M&G tickets available until January.  You might also contact PBS in Dallas as the CW show there was not even officially announced until December 15th.  I know in the past that CW did M&Gs in Dallas, but they didn't during the 2013 tour.

I wish you had joined a few weeks ago.  I would have been happy to split a Houston M&G package with you.  I was going to go, but couldn't justify the cost just for me since I already had one for me and a friend at another show.

If you haven't, I highly recommend getting on Twitter and sending a message to Mairead.  She is extremely personable and often replies to as many tweets as she can.  (Don't get discouraged if she doesn't reply right away or to a specific tweet.  I'm sure she get buried on a daily basis in messages.)  Of all the current members, I've had more interactions with her than the others, with Lisa Lambe being close behind.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 09:12PM by AggieGuy » Logged
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Posts: 971

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« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2013, 09:33PM »

  You should be able to find someone with a spare meet/greet in a suitable location; I just hope you're not disappointed.  Meet/greets are not set-up for much conversation any more.  You get to see all four girls, but you get a fast pose/picture/thank-you-very-much, and the management keeps the line moving. 
  HOWEVER, you may get other opportunities to meet Mairead.  With the upcoming release of a new CD/DVD, there is a chance that Celtic Woman will do some in-store signings, monitor Barnes/Noble -- Chicago is one of their favorite cities.  ALSO, PBS fund-raising campaigns always feature Celtic Woman shows, and sometimes the girls are in-studio guests.  Consider being a volunteer during the CW show -- and some of the jobs don't involve being a call-receiver. 
  It's amazing how big Luck is in meeting the girls.  If you drive by the concert venue, sometimes you see them walking around.  I saw Mairead in Atlanta walking down the street with her husband.  AND another time at the Atlanta airport at the STARBUCKS, there was Mairead waiting for her plane.  She was soooo good to us and spent a few minutes talking and taking pictures (I'm not trying to make you jealous, just demonstrating how important Luck can be).
  Good Luck!  7 years is long enough to wait. Smiley 

"Face piles of trials with smiles.  It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave.  Keep on thinking free."
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 2,644

« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2013, 09:46PM »

  You should be able to find someone with a spare meet/greet in a suitable location; I just hope you're not disappointed.  Meet/greets are not set-up for much conversation any more.  You get to see all four girls, but you get a fast pose/picture/thank-you-very-much, and the management keeps the line moving. 
  HOWEVER, you may get other opportunities to meet Mairead.  With the upcoming release of a new CD/DVD, there is a chance that Celtic Woman will do some in-store signings, monitor Barnes/Noble -- Chicago is one of their favorite cities.  ALSO, PBS fund-raising campaigns always feature Celtic Woman shows, and sometimes the girls are in-studio guests.  Consider being a volunteer during the CW show -- and some of the jobs don't involve being a call-receiver. 
  It's amazing how big Luck is in meeting the girls.  If you drive by the concert venue, sometimes you see them walking around.  I saw Mairead in Atlanta walking down the street with her husband.  AND another time at the Atlanta airport at the STARBUCKS, there was Mairead waiting for her plane.  She was soooo good to us and spent a few minutes talking and taking pictures (I'm not trying to make you jealous, just demonstrating how important Luck can be).
  Good Luck!  7 years is long enough to wait. Smiley 

   That advice is absolutely right!  This year at the Dayton show I was given a M&G pass by someone with an extra.  I've given away extras like that several times myself--someone of the pair unexpectedly can't go and someone has a spare!  Being there on the spot is the only way to do it sometimes.  I've run into Mairead and Lisa Lambe on the street a couple of times each.  Another forum member met them all at the mall in Carmel, IN last week! All these result from being nearby during the few hours they are in town for the shows--then the odds of an encounter are much more likely!

  Tips like this are why it pays to be on the forum!  Wink Grin

Kimberly AJ
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« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2013, 07:12AM »

Hi, Ellen, welcome to the Celtic Woman forum. Smiley I'm Kimberly AJ and I see that you and the blond fiddler have one thing in common.

Hero Member
Posts: 503

Remember the Fallen. Freedom is not free.

« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2014, 11:45AM »

I have been given permission from the PBS Eight ticket office to post the following for the Tempe, Arizona in May, 2015:

Thank you so much for your support of Eight and your interest in the Celtic Woman concert.  Yes, we will have Meet and Greet tickets to this coming performance.  We will be pledging them starting this Thursday.  Regular tickets will be at the $150 pledge level and M&G tickets will be at the $250 pledge level per ticket.  You can call me directly at the number below if you would like to pledge for them at that time.  If you need any other information please let me know.
Nyomi Gruber
Ticketing Coordinator
Eight, Arizona PBS
555 N. Central Ave, Suite 500
Phoenix, AZ 85004-1252
Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00AM-4:00PM, Friday 9:00AM-3:00PM

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