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Author Topic: DIVINE SECRETS......  (Read 57685 times)
« Reply #45 on: October 13, 2007, 04:13PM »

Maggie ,

Do you know any names of Irish female mischief makers?  Rosie

« Reply #46 on: October 13, 2007, 04:16PM »

Bob to the rescue!
sorry Rich, I just came on this thread.
We guys will be just fine. We don't need chockies, we will be just as happy sitting somewhere eating wings, and high fiving each other. Saying harumphh, and being manly. Maybe we'll build something just for fun. 


Y'mean, after you've had your toenails painted?

Of course, you would have to get an invitation first.......we will have to put it to the sisterhood.......
« Last Edit: October 13, 2007, 04:22PM by Maggie » Logged
« Reply #47 on: October 13, 2007, 04:23PM »

Ohhh, how I wish I could be joining you all there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You will be with us in spirit, Kelli!
From around 2 pm EST Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon, and especially Saturday afternoon and evening.

As in Orlando, we will drink a toast to absent friends (and sisters!).
« Last Edit: October 13, 2007, 04:26PM by Maggie » Logged
Total Fanatic
Posts: 1,730

« Reply #48 on: October 13, 2007, 04:45PM »

Kelli you have my word that you will get a call from the lunch, or post concert or both. Let me know.

Truth is just like time, it catches up, and it just keeps going.  DW
Hero Member
Posts: 663

« Reply #49 on: October 13, 2007, 05:11PM »

Awh!!! I wanna go too!!!!! Lucky gals... Sad
You all will have too much fun, i'm sure. Grin Cheesy Wink

« Reply #50 on: October 13, 2007, 06:38PM »

Awh!!! I wanna go too!!!!! Lucky gals... Sad
You all will have too much fun, i'm sure. Grin Cheesy Wink

Come on down! You can bring the 'taters! Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 4,659

« Reply #51 on: October 13, 2007, 06:55PM »

Ohhh, how I wish I could be joining you all there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You will be with us in spirit, Kelli!
From around 2 pm EST Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon, and especially Saturday afternoon and evening.

As in Orlando, we will drink a toast to absent friends (and sisters!).

I will definitely be there in spirit!  I'll have a smile on my face quite often this coming weekend!

Kelli you have my word that you will get a call from the lunch, or post concert or both. Let me know.

Call whenever you can, Bob!  I will be somewhere in Houston, TX with family and if I can have my phone on, I will.

Visit Órla's Garden, a fansite for Órla Fallon!

What's important often does not stand out but is simply standing quietly.   :  Noah benShe
rosie l
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Posts: 642

« Reply #52 on: October 13, 2007, 07:22PM »

Maggie ,

I meant ladies or fairys from folklore,  not a current mischief maker.

Total Fanatic
Posts: 1,730

« Reply #53 on: October 13, 2007, 07:30PM »

So Rosie, do you wish to join the Tuatha de Danann?

Truth is just like time, it catches up, and it just keeps going.  DW
Total Fanatic
Posts: 1,802

FaFo...."Why am I so Caramel Cinamonny?"

« Reply #54 on: October 13, 2007, 07:35PM »

Ill party in honor of y'all......hey, we'll only be about two states away......

But I still wish I was there, with all my heart.

Ooooooh, you should've seen me devising plans yesterday.....the Ideas I came up with! Cheesy
One was to drive down the night before day one.......knock on the door, and jump in a giant box.  Then when you'd open it, I'd pop out with a sign saying, "FAFO!" on it....considering that nobody except for Don and Jim has ever met me and without ID I'd probably pass for a criminal.

Yeah, the last part is a tad unrealistic.  I'll just get Rich to videotape what he can see of it. Wink

Oh, come on Rich! If I can go out there and make a fool out of myself, so can you! Grin

Correction:  Rich is already a FOOL.  And a LAFFing FOOL at that. Grin


Proud to be a FANTIE!!! Grin Grin

A positive attitude may not solve all of your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Grin
« Reply #55 on: October 13, 2007, 11:58PM »

I will get back on here when I can, before WPB....but I am going to be very busy.
Today (Sunday) I will be going to early Mass, then to the Irish Club Meeting at 1:00pm.
When I get back I'll be making my regular calls to UK and Ireland.

Got to catch up on the progress of my precious Thomas Patrick.

I have to work right up to leaving for WPB, and get all my goodies ready.

If you are going to WPB and don't have my e-mail and phone, please tell me on here....
I'll see it and contact you.

rosie l
Hero Member
Posts: 642

« Reply #56 on: October 14, 2007, 02:13AM »

Of course!!! are you getting worried???

CWF Global Moderator
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 4,919

« Reply #57 on: October 14, 2007, 07:45AM »

Princesses,huh? Does this mean we need a Queen as honorary head of the Sisterhood? Grin Grin
I nominate Maggie!


"We create our tomorrows by what we dream today"
Thanks Hayley for the great banner!!
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 2,878

« Reply #58 on: October 14, 2007, 07:52AM »

I would like to be called
Princess Smilesalot...since I will be smilin all weekend Grin

Yes...Maggie gets the vote for QueenRuafromIreland

CWF Global Moderator
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 4,919

« Reply #59 on: October 14, 2007, 07:59AM »

I would like to be called
Princess Smilesalot...since I will be smilin all weekend Grin

Yes...Maggie gets the vote for QueenRuafromIreland
Love it,Kathleen!! Got to put my thinking cap on...I was never the "princess" type! While my younger sister was dressing up I was out playing baseball and climbing trees! Grin Grin


"We create our tomorrows by what we dream today"
Thanks Hayley for the great banner!!
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