Oh gosh, this is so long. I'm so incredibly sorry guys, but it's my first show! I coudn't help it!
PART ONE!!!!!!!!!Jacksonville, Fl – March 5
Otherwise known as the greatest night EVER in the history of everything!!!
First, I want to send HUGE APOLOGIES to Rich & Sons, Maggie and Dave, and the Colonel and his wife for not sticking around after the show to chat more and say a proper goodbye. I did speak to the Colonel afterwards and we talked briefly about how much he loved the show, but I didn’t get to say goodbye to the rest of you and I feel very, very badly about that. I was rushing out because my Dad was waiting for me and he is not the most patient of people. I knew I really couldn’t dawdle because he would be really annoyed and I just didn’t want to deal with that after such an amazing night. There’s always NEXT TIME (Oh God, I hope there’s a next time!)! If I had been alone, I would have stuck around. :/ Please accept my humble apologies!!!!!!!
It was amazing to meet everyone though, and of course it was an honor to say hello to the Colonel and his wife. I really hope he liked the signed guestbook.

Celtic Woman definitely has some of the nicest fans on the planet!!!!!
So, this was my first CW show, and really there were many firsts for me here. I don’t really go to concerts that much, simply because there really aren’t many I want to see or are worth it to travel to see, and I’ve never been half as close at ANYTHING as I was at this CW concert.
I was in the 7th row center. Now, some of you first row veterans might be scoffing at that, but remember that this was a first CW show and really a first REAL concert for me, so I was in “7th heaven” (LOL

). I wish I had been in the front row though, I would have rocked it! The people next to me were nice and I, like the good forum member that I am, educated them on all things Celtic Woman!
Again, it was fantastic to meet all of you forum members, and Maggie, even though you weren’t in the trademark sequined jacket, I still recognized you pretty quickly! (Mostly because I knew where you were sitting and I spotted your red hair as well as Colonel Allen from the ABC News video, hehe!).
General Observations and Funny Things That Happened:- I was very overwhelmed when the show started. As I told Chris during intermission, I nearly went into cardiac arrest when Máiréad first came out. The first few numbers I was like…sweating because I was so excited! After a while though, I calmed down(haha) and got REALLY into it! I could barely believe that these five women were this close to me.
- Right before Granuaile’s Dance started, some lady a few rows in front me yells out to Máiréad something like “GO GIRL!!!! YEAH!!! YOU GET IT GIRL!!!” causing me to crack up completely, lol.
- During Sing Out, a pipe or something fell and made this really loud clanging noise! Ooops!
**I am OFFICIALLY CLAIMING to be the person to START the standing ovation after Mo Ghile Mear!!! Rich stood up a couple of seconds after I did, and I was glad that he did because I was feeling a little odd standing there alone. Then after we stood up, everyone else followed suit. Forum members really do start everything!!!
**- I was hoarse after the concert from all of the cheering! I clapped when they wanted us to clap and I was practically bouncing out of my seat!
- I really did sing during Sing Out, I mouthed ALL of the words during At The Ceili (and, well, almost every song lol), and I did the Spanish Lady shoulder shrugs!!!
- It was “The Voice” that made me start missing Lisa.

I just really, really missed her. I know there will be another concert at some point next tour that I’ll go to, so I hope I’ll still have the opportunity to hear her do this song. It’s my favorite CW song. However, it appears that our Lisa was a bit, err, occupied last night! Haha.

- Oh, hello mysterious extra verse in The Sky The Dawn and The Sun that some people have talked about! Never heard you before! Nice!
- I did indeed buy a tour program but that was it. I thought about getting a shirt but then never got around to it, and by the time the show was over and I actually wanted one, I didn't have time to get it.

Maybe I'll get one online...
Part II is coming up, kids!