Well, here is my review. I don’t think it’ll be that long when I’ve finished, coz I’m still on a high, and I forgot the playlist…So I’ll go with the highlights and a little something on each of the ladies

K, we arrived like, 3 hours before the show started, so we had some time to have dinner. We saw all kinds of Celtic-Woman-ish people (fans) but we weren’t sure. Me and Lotte were wearing our name tags, but sadly no one recognized them ?
When we entered the HMH (the venue) there weren’t that many people, so we immediately went to the merchandise stand. Sadly, all the programs had already sold out, but instead we each bought a shirt, and bought the Xmas DVD together. The new one wasn’t available

We got talking with the people next to us, and behind us. Turns out most people were there because they were fans, which pleased me!

The people in the audience were all a bit alike. Mostly adults, in their 40, some older people and not that much teens, although more than I thought would be there. Lots of ‘alternative’ types, which was pretty cool. Sis and I spend about 55 minutes being nervous and watching people, and then it started!
The Sky and The Dawn and The Sun!! The lights were dimmed, and we could see Máiréad standing behind the stage and then she started! It was so unbelievably beautiful! Her dress looks so gorgeous! Then, one by one the ladies started appearing on stage. They all looked gorgeous, especially Órlagh (sorry, big Órlagh fan here, so most stuff I remember is about her). The song was sung beautifully, I love the concert version!
Next was Caledonia, I think. Lisa did her jump thing, and it was so cute! Again, sung amazing!
Not sure what was next, I think it was…. Síuíl a Rún, but I could be mistaken. Anyway, it was soooooooooo awesome, I was watching Órlagh’s face the entire time and she looked so peaceful and happy and relaxed! She moved the whole time, either moving her arms, head, or whole body, she just went with the music.
Somewhere over the Rainbow: Very well sung, I love Lynn’s voice, especially in this song. They sound so fantastic together, I couldn’t really believe it. Máiréad did very well, very energetic.
Beyond the Sea: It was fun to watch them do the turning/walking in circles thing, they really moved together, like a group. Again, it sounded astonishing.
Mo Ghile Mear: I was a tad surprised that they did that during the first part, but I was absolutely blown away but the choreography! I loved the dancing they did, the moving around each other, the light thing with the drummers, it was…I think I’ve run out of adjectives by now…..(insert everything you can think off, and then it was 10 times better!!) It was positively chilling, that’s how good it was.
We couldn’t really get the audience to clap along, but that’s kinda the Dutch nature, we prefer to enjoy the music, instead of clapping along. So me and Lotte were sorta starting all the clap moments, and during this song the audience wasn’t all that warmed up yet, so it took them a while to get started. In the end, it all worked out though.
Then, the break……was boring….
Opening after break: DULAMAN!!

I love how Lynn sings that one, she is such a good singer. She brings something completely new to the show, there’s no way she came across as a substitute for Méav. She’s just your average, gorgeous, talented Celtic Woman member

She did some fun stuff during this song, danced around a bit, made it great to look at. She seemed very happy and relaxed, and looked like she had a wonderful time singing and flirting with the guys

Máiréad solo: I have no idea which number she played, but she rocked it! She was floating, twirling, leaping around like there was no tomorrow, she was awesome! At times I thought she’d simply start flying around, while fiddling

I was a bit scared for her hair, it was all over the fiddle, but I don’t think it got caught

AT THE CEÍLI!!!!!!! OMG, I was so happy I finally got to see it live, it’s so much better than on the DVD! The dresses were stunning, and the ladies as well. The started dancing around, and having a bit of fun with the lads of the choir, and Órlagh was sooooo cute!

Lisa did a great job telling us about her true love, and Lynn and Órlagh were very understanding and such

Again, more dancing around, with Máiréad playing the life out of that fiddle, or so it seemed! Then, time for Órlagh. She looked all cute and when she sang ‘ who’ll make my heart beat fast’ she placed her hands on her heart, which was the sweetest thing ever! She was kinda walking towards the guitarist, whom I think is Des, but I wasn’t sure. During the ‘and when they play an all time waltz, he’ll twirl me ‘round the floor’ bit, a choir dude actually twirled her around and she smiled that gorgeous smile of hers

The last part of her solo bit, she sorta danced with Lynn and Lisa, swaying a bit and again, twirling around. Then, Lynn’s turn! She absolutely rocked her solo! She’s such a talented young lady, and during this song we really got to see her playful side. Lisa and Órlagh had moved to the piano, and David, and were kinda miming what Lynn was singing, little gestures and such. Then, surprise, more dancing! I think those were the best bits of the song, seeing them leaping and skipping around. Then, the end. Lisa found her handsome neighbor, a very good looking choir member. Órlagh found the decent men, whose friendship she’d savor, and guess who it was?? It was David

She kinda walked towards him, looked and stretched her arm to him. Lynn chose her poor guy and left the rich guy looking very sad. Then, the dance bit near the end. Each lady had her man (Órlagh wasn’t dancing with David, I’d have loved to see that!) and they ‘sat down’ and that was it. Don’t think Máiréad had a guy for the ending, as in the DVD.
Carrickfergus wasn’t long after that. They brought out the harp and I was gone, wasn’t looking anywhere but at Órlagh. She was amazing, as always. She did the CD version, not the DVD one with the ‘I’m drunk today, and I’m seldom sober’ part, which I was a bit sad about, since that’s my favorite bit. She sings it so well!
Sing out: AWESOME! It took the audience a while to get warmed up with the clapping along, but that was fixed after the ladies started clapping. They really rocked this song, it was so amazing. They all looked like they were having a wonderful time.
Last Rose of Summer: This was, in my opinion, the best song Lynn sung. K, it was a duet, but that doesn’t matter. She nailed those high notes, totally owned it. She sounds great with Chloë, who also did very well. But, despite that, I have to say that this really was a Lynn-thing. Dunno why….
Nella Fantasia: Can’t remember during which half this was, but it was amazing. It sounded different from the Helix DVD, but not in a bad way. She sang it more mature, her voice was very strong, and she really brought it to us.
The Voice: It was one of the best songs they did. It started playful, ended serious. People in the audience were leaning a bit back during the ‘serious’ part (after Máiréad’s solo), that strong was Lisa singing it. The belt at the end was so powerful, it took the people about 2 seconds to realize it was over. The applause was probably the loudest
You Raise Me Up: It came very soon, too soon. The girls had just finished a song, can’t remember which one (darn programs!!) and Máiréad started playing, and me and Lotte were like ‘WHAT!?!?!? Already?!’. It’s probably the most beautiful song they sing, and it lasts. Great harmony, great music. Nothing can top that song.
Then, the standing ovation. Lasted at least 10 minutes, so they had to come back out like three times

They did the thing where they…gestured at the choir, the musicians and David, and we clapped even harder. They waved, they bowed and so on. When we finally stopped clapping long enough for them to get in place, they started…
Spanish Lady!! What a fun song this is, they really put all their energy in it. It was the best performed song they did, mainly because it’s such a happy song. You can see them relax and just have fun with it. Dancing around, bumping into each other, having fun with Máiréad, it was amazing. And, it also was the last song.
With that, one of the best nights of my life, came to an end

I’m so happy I finally got to see them, I (heart) them all over again!
Now, the ladies:
Lisa: She was stunning! She looked incredible in the red dress!!!!!!!! Her hair was awesome, kinda curly on the ends, and the bangs look very cute on her. She sounded heavenly, and really charmed all the people in the audience.
Lynn: Such a cute lass, and her voice is so moving! The gold dress looks fabulous on her, and she did perfect all night! Lynn, I absolutely love you!
Chloë: She is so gorgeous, the blue dress really suits her, and the band she has in her hair adds a delightfully youthful touch. She’s become a lovely young woman, and that also shows in her voice. She sounds much stronger and mature, and even lovelier if that’s possible!
Máiréad: Oh my God, that woman has energy! She was all over the stage, flying everywhere. I wouldn’t have been surprised if her fiddle had caught (on) fire! You could almost see the sparks around her, so electric she seemed!
Órlagh: Yes, I saved my favorite lady for the last! I cannot believe how beautiful she is. Her hair looks awesome, very pretty color, and the purple dress really suits her. She’s all peaceful, and charming and she has the best voice ever. Whenever she was on the stage, there was a sorta calming factor around. Not that she was less energetic than the rest, God no! But she had this aura of serenity around her, that made her a joy to listen to, and look at.
So far for my short review…Maybe one day I’ll even have longer reviews than Mel!! Lol, one can always dream, but Mel is our review queen

All in all, this concert is without a doubt, one of the highlights of my (not so very long, but who counts) life.
IT WAS SO (insert some adjective enhancing curse words) AMAZING!!!