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Author Topic: What Jammie didn't mention  (Read 9523 times)
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« on: October 07, 2008, 05:58AM »

K, so here’s my go at some stuff Jammalot forgot to mention Wink
When the show started and the girls walked out, the first five people in our row were crying, me included. There were indeed people who, like the two of us, had already bought tickets last year, but only now got to see them. The audience was very polite, you could hear a pin drop with every single song, everyone was just enjoying the music.

On to the songs Jammalot didn’t mention or didn’t mention enough:
First one would be Caledonia… Now, Jammalot did say it was amazing, but that’s to be expected. What she didn’t mention was that Máiréad had to shoo Lisa off stage after the song was over. Lisa had taken a bow and Máiréad walked out and they smile and goof around a bit, but Lisa stays on stage, teasing Máiréad. Finally (or rather, way too soon) Lisa leaves, and Máiréad starts her solo! That was just plain energy all around^^
Next songs; Vivaldi’s Rain and Nella Fantasia. (not in order or anything) I’ll be honest, I’m not that fond of Latin/Spanish etc… songs, but nonetheless it was so great to hear Chloë sing them beautifully, she’s got this amazing voice, and I can’t wait to hear some new songs to see what she’s capable of.
Now, Danny Boy, Dulaman and Last Rose. You might have noticed I love Méav, and I will admit that I got very nervous when those two songs started. I hadn’t heard Lynn before, except for a Skate for the Heart video on YouTube, but that quality wasn’t very good. So I was sitting there and getting more and more nervous. I still have strong feelings about those songs and I do regard them as being Méav’s songs, but that didn’t matter. I needn’t worry. Lynn absolutely rocked those songs. Lynn and Chloë sound really well together, and Lynn has just as much fun as Méav during Dulaman and is just as real as Méav during Danny Boy. She’s a true Celtic Woman, and very cute to top! Some said she seemed a bit shy during some concerts, but all I noticed was that she was just having a great time and that she fits in the group wonderfully.
The Blessing and the Voice; As usual with Lisa, they were astonishing. She’s got such a powerful voice and she can do so much with it. The Blessing was everything I’d hoped for, including a kiss for David and him escorting Lisa off stage, which I absolutely love because it’s so gentleman- like.
The group songs all showed how well their voice go together, as well do their personalities.. ‘Last song’…. You Raise me Up. That had me teary- eyed just as the beginning, but this time because I was like ‘WHAAAT?? Already??’ They sang it beautifully, and Jammie and I shared a collective gasp when Lisa and Chloë held hands for a bit. Everyone got on their feet and we kept clapping for like 10 minutes, making them come back and bow again and again… and again. Spanish Lady had us all clapping, singing and standing with the overwhelming energy of it, and.. then it was over…
This concert they were over all very relaxed, smiled a lot and we even got a lot of thankyou’s from the girls
What amazed me was the level of interaction they showed. I’d expected some, but not as much as we got. They were constantly smiling or goofing around, which I loved. Even the choir had their share of fun, with Helen and Julian bumping each other a bit or dancing with each other during, I think, At the Céili. The band was amazing as well, though rather small, Des, the guy with the electric guitar, the guy who plays the flutes, Ray and the other drummer. But they were great too, I loved Máiréad with Ray and the other drummer with their Bodhran/ fiddle piece, they were all over the stage!!   
That’s my review.. and to answer Chris’ question the chat this morning, yes the I WANT TO SEE THEM AGAIN!!!! feeling is already settling in…

Kudos to Isolda for this! Grin

Rich, thanks for the lovely pic Grin
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 2,261

« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2008, 06:11AM »

Thank you Lotte!!  I haven't read jammers review yet-- heading over there next!!   Yep, the girls are so very addictive. You can listen to them and love the songs, but to see them and have them smile at you is a thrill beyond belief. I'm so very glad you had a wonderful time and I hope they come back so you can see them again.  I think each time they return the audience senses they can get more involved and the excitement just grows and grows.   Congrats on the smiles and nods-- and I'll bet you got the feeling they were singing just for you-- right??   It's the magic they work.

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Bodhrán Player
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« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2008, 08:36AM »

Ok we now have two European reporters to travel to all teh shows with CW. Mel in the US. ANyone up for going to Japan when tehy go again?


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« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2008, 10:35AM »

Wonderful review, Lotte!  I'm so glad you finally got to see them!! Grin

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Honorary Roadie
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« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2008, 01:32PM »

The Blessing was everything I’d hoped for, including a kiss for David and him escorting Lisa off stage, which I absolutely love because it’s so gentleman- like.

Awwww Cry, how beautiful!

Thank you for filling us in on "the rest of the story", Lotte!!!

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« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2008, 07:05PM »

Thank you for sharing as Kelli said "the rest of the story."
I'm so glad that you and Jammie finally got to see CW in person.
And I hope you will see them again in the future.

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« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2008, 11:51PM »

That’s my review.. and to answer Chris’ question the chat this morning, yes the I WANT TO SEE THEM AGAIN!!!! feeling is already settling in…

I knew it would soon, Lotte! Maybe you'll get your chance again sooner rather than later this time! Sounds like they had some great audiences. And, as your forum brother too, I order you to listen to some Caledonia to help ease the feeling! Or watch it! And remember, I'm an older brother, so I can boss you around.  Tongue


CWF Global Moderator
Honorary Roadie
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« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2008, 01:03PM »

Glad you had such a memorable evening, Lotte! They are special,aren't they?


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