« on: March 14, 2009, 10:17PM » |
Hey guys,
I'm going to post each question and it's answer in it's own post. This thread will be sticked for the foreseeable future so that you all can search to see if your question has already been asked and answered.
Also, for whatever reason, the database didn't make it all in one piece. It went through 3 people so there's no telling where the stuff got lost. Most of what was missing are the posts with questions in them. From Órlagh's response we've guessed at the question and filled in the blanks. Anytime that we had to guess, we put our guesses in [ ].
« Last Edit: March 14, 2009, 11:44PM by aislin »
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2009, 10:20PM » |
Joe W: Orlagh,
After seeing the Skating special, I just have to know. How did you all (esp. Mairead) keep from cracking up and rolling on the floor laughing when they did the "kilted" routine? It was obvious that Mairead was smiling a lot while playing, but c'mon, that was hilarious. I don't know if I'll ever be able to forget that when I kilt up!!!
Joe W
Órlagh: Hi Joe, We all had great fun recording the skating spectacular. We were totally blown away by the skaters.They were amazing. I think Mairead did a fantastic job during her solo. We all watched it during the run-through earlier in the day. She was her usual brilliant self and I think she really enjoyed it.
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2009, 10:29PM » |
Chava: Hello Orla, I too am anxiously waiting to see you perform, in Little Rock. It is a long trip but well worth it. I did have a question. I read that you sang a solo on the Duggan's new album Rubicon. What was that like? Are they excited about Celtic Woman bringing their songs to a new audience?
Órlagh: I sang a few solos on The Rubicon album. The first was called Memories, another was called Hughie, another was called Fanann na cnoic and I also sang The Silent Spring.
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2009, 10:30PM » |
Dianne: Hi Orla,
I was wondering if you were going to make a new CD sometime soon? I know that you've been busy with the two new CW CDs as well as the DVD, not to mention the tour. However, is there a chance that my wish might be granted?
Thanks, Dianne
Órlagh: Hi Dianne, I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to answer your query but it's taken me a while to get the hang of posting on the forum. At long last I think I finally have it sorted. Thank-you for your enquiry about a new album. I would dearly love to record a new cd and hope to do so in the future.However we are extremely busy with the forthcoming launch of the new Celtic Woman album, (which is on Wednesday by the way) and the forthcoming tour. It isn't likely that there will be a new solo album for a while but I hope very much to get into the studio in the future.
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2009, 10:32PM » |
Maureen: Hi Orlagh, what is the best venue you have played at? Carnegie Hall, Radio City, perhaps Red Rocks or maybe another one?
You are the best by the way
Hugs, Maureen
Órlagh: Hello Maureen, I think Carnegie Hall will always stand out as one of the most special nights of my life as playing there was the realization of a life-long dream.I actually had to pinch myself to realize I was really there. It was so wonderful to sing and play on that stage and it was really special to have my family in the audience. The other venue that really stood out for me was Red Rocks. It was the most glorious venue.We ended our Summer tour there last year and what a way to end the tour!! We all came home on a high.I felt that there was something very sacred about red rocks. Everything about it was magical. These are two nights that I will never forget but I genuinely feel that every single venue has it's own bit of magic and we always carry something away with us from each show.
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2009, 10:34PM » |
Elizabeth: Hello dear Orlagh!
We are absolutely beside ourselves with excitement over the upcoming tour!! WE'VE MISSED YOU! Cheesy
Here are my questions:
-How many people can comfortably be accommodated on just one bus? (I realize that the words "comfortably" and "bus" should probably not even be used in the same sentence. Cheesy) How many people can travel in "relative comfort" on one bus?
-Are you able to have any privacy at all on a bus when you share it with that many people?
Counting the days until you arrive, Elizabeth xo
Órlagh: Hello Elizabeth, As you know we have a few your busses on the road when we're touring and I can really only tell you a few things about our bus as they are all different and they all have different amounts of people on them. On our bus,there are just the 5 soloists and the kids and Rachael ,our tour manager. The bus is very comfortable and we sometimes watch a DVD ,play some cd's or just sit and chat for a whle after the show.We always relax and unwind on the bus after each show and we always have great fun chatting together. If you want to just get away and have a bit of space for yourself,you can relax and read or watch a DVD in your bunk. To me,the bus is like our little haven away from it all
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2009, 10:35PM » |
SusanZ: Hi Orla,
Just wondering ..do you still get a little nervous before a concert? And if so, how do you handle it? I perform as well and opening night jitters never go away no matter how long I've been performing! I always find once I get onstage and get my first lines out I am okay. Everyone is different - some performers pace, some go off to be by themselves,etc. How about you?
Also, does having family and friends out in the audience make a difference in your performance? You seem the consummate professional and,judging by your performance,give 100% to every audience! But, does having people there who are close to you effect your performance any - sometimes,it makes me more nervous because I want to be perfect for them!
Órlagh: I always have butterflies in my tummy before a performance. I think it's good though as I always want to give of my very best to the people who have come along to see us. Usually the butterflies disappear when you get out on stage and feel the energy and goodwill of the crowd. I find I do get a bit more nervous when my family are at a show as they know me and my Music better than anyone and there's no one like your family to tell you what they thought of your performance!
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2009, 10:37PM » |
Chava: This is more of a silly question, but I am curious. I just got your The Water is Wide cd, which is absolutely fabulous. My favorite songs on it are Carrickfergus and Na Buachailli Alainn. On the cover, your eyes are bright blue. I also recently bought the dvd of A New Journey, which I also absolutely love. My favorites on that are also Carrickfergus and Newgrange. In the dvd your eyes look green. Just curious to know which are they? Keep making wonderful music Orla, you make a lot of people happy around the world.
P.S. I just wanted you to know I teach fourth grade in an inner city school in the Houston area, and when the kids are doing independent work, I play music on the cd player. I started playing both Celtic Woman cd's and The Water is Wide. The kids love it (and believe me, half of them didn't know where Ireland was before I told them) and even wanted to learn how to sing Siuil A Run. So, you ARE making a difference in people's lives.
Órlagh: Hello there, My eyes are blue. I know that with different make-up they can look a different colour but they are definately blue. Thank-you so much for your lovely comments about my Music. I was thrilled to hear that your students liked the songs. I was a teacher in a past life and I was always amazed at the way in which Music touched my students. Even the more lively kids were always so gentle and relaxed when I used to bring my harp into the classroom. It seemed to have a very calming affect on them.
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2009, 10:41PM » |
Wicklow: This was posted on lisa's forum a question for her! but i had the need to ask you! Orla, Do you Drink Tea or Coffee? for me its tea..my stomach is tooo sensative to Coffee Grinds..i do enjoy an Iced Coffee once in awhile. but ive been drinking tea my entire life..id much rather it over coffee! ahha!  -Leila "Wickie" Órlagh: Hi Leila, I don't drink tea at all and I am not a mad coffee person. I like the odd Starbucks when I'm on the road but I'd never have more than two coffees a week.Joelyn: Orla, We lived in England for 3+ years (oh, the countryside whispered to my soul) and I just can't imagine not having a hot drink to warm you through the winters. Before we moved to England, my husband and I were big hot cocoa fans. Now we drink several cups of herbal, PG Tips and Barry's tea each day. If you don't drink any tea and are not a big coffee fan (me neither), are there any hot drinks you do enjoy? With the warmth you send forth when you sing, maybe your soul provides enough warmth to get you through the Irish winters Smiley>?!?! Joelynxx Órlagh: Hi Joelyn, I drink a lot of warm honey and lemon. I find it's good for the voice. If I can get ginger I like to add it to the honey and lemon also.
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2009, 10:48PM » |
Irishheart: Orlagh I think most fans know the story about you selling your pony for a harp and then having the money stolen. Thankfully your dad came to the rescue with funds. I am left with a few questions. Hopefully they are not too stupid I believe you play a lever harp made by Salvi. Andreja, the harpist that performs so often with Celtic Woman plays what I've heard called a Concert harp. What can you tells us about different harps? I notice some of your strings are red. Is that coincidence or is that a mechanism to locate octaves or something? How often are the strings changed? In previous tours your harp was shipped ahead by as much as two weeks. When your Salvi is traveling ahead do you use your previous harp (or did you sell it to get a pony) Last question for now. Although some fans seem to think your harp case has amazing capabilities, in the real world it looks to be a very substantial and yet vital piece of equipment to move around especially if planes are involved. Do you have any stories you can share with us about traveling with your instrument? Thanks so much for taking the time to look these over and hopefully enlighten us about your partner in music. Le Gra, irish heart Órlagh: Hi Jan, There are a few differences between the Irish harp and the concert harp, the main difference being that an Irish harp has levers and the concert harp has pedals. You may have noticed when I'm playing that I sometimes change the levers and this is how you change key. On the concert harp you change key with the pedal. In this next tour I am very fortunate that Salvi are providing me with a harp and so my own harp is at home at the moment. It used to take a long time to ship the harp home so I used to play my old harp that I had in school. I've no really funny stories about my harp case except many years ago when I was in college a mouse stowed away into the case and I got such a fright when I was taking out the harp that I dropped the harp on top of the poor mouse and killed it.Irishheart: Thank so much for taking time to answer my questions. The harp is an instrument I find beautiful, magical, and of course Oh so Irish and I am fascinated by it. If I were killed by a harp falling on me (like the mouse) I would think it was a case of being in heaven well before the devil knew I was gone.  I play at the guitar (please no one ask for a demo you will not enjoy it) and the thing I dislike is changing out the strings and getting it back in tune - and the guitar only has 6 strings! * Would you please describe how you manage replacement of the strings on your harp (all at once, as they break, annually, quarterly, new moon, etc.) What about cleaning? * How long does it take to replace the whole set (and how many is that) * What, if anything do the red strings denote? (I'm guessing octaves) * From your previous response it seems you've had your school harp and now your Salvi. Is that accurate? Speaking of Salvi, Bravo to them for providing you a tour harp this time. I think having to ship your instrument to travel separately from yourself would understandably be grounds for apoplexy during the separation. And I do admit to having a mental picture of you in a mini cooper buzzing up M5 to Dublin with the top of the case poking out the sun roof. Grin Go n-eiri an bothar leat and Failte to America once again Órlagh: Hi Jan, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your posting.In response to your questions all the red strings on the harp are c strings. When a string breaks it usually takes only a minute to change it. It's another story to re-string the harp though. There are 34 strings on my harp and it's a tedious job to change them all at once. I usually re-string once a year and a harp-maker in Dublin does it for me. I had another harp that my Dad bought me for Christmas when I was in college. I have really fallen for my new Salvi harp though. It has 36 strings and looks and sounds amazing.
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2009, 10:49PM » |
mc521212: Orlagh, have you ever considered recording "May it Be", I know Lisa sings it but I would love to hear you perform it. Not sure if that would be considered "bad taste" or not. Just wondering.
Órlagh: Hello there, I have always loved May It Be and one day I would like to record it. I have to say though that I think Lisa does a great job on her recording of the song.
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2009, 10:52PM » |
Alanna: Hi Orla, I just love visiting this forum everyday even though I might not have anything to say because for some reason this place feels very friendly and relaxing - very much like your music! Anyway I just had a sudden impulse to say thank you. It's one of those things that happens sometimes, you know... I'm so full of gratitude right now. I'm surprised. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened but I feel very blessed and thankful. This evening I watched ANJ DVD again and I just spent some time thinking about things and it really hit me how much your music has done for me. It hasn't really done anything that would be considered "miraculous," but my life is so much better with your soothing voice in it  Ever since I discovered your music it's like a whole new world has been opened up for me to see. I never knew how much music could do to a person; I think it has changed the whole person in my case. It's funny - people around me seem to be able to see the change. I guess the love radiates, and I've been able to help bring peace and relaxation to others around me by introducing your music to them. It's really quite amazing in numerous other ways as well because I'm a quite forgetful girl but whenever I hear Siuil A Run I remember what I was trying to remember, and Carrickfergus is simply indescribable - it's so beautiful, especially with your magical harp. Plus, I never thought I'd be so addicted to music but now I find that I cannot live without it. The right kind brings so much joy and happiness. Well, I've probably said all the things that many others have said to you before but I just hope that my heartfelt appreciation for you can be transferred across these words on the computer. I love you and your voice and everything that you're doing, Orla. Thank you for singing - and playing - so gorgeously! May God's blessings be with you always, Loni (Alanna) P.S. How do you prefer your name to be spelled, Orla or Orlagh? Órlagh: Hello Alanna, Thank-you for your lovely posting. It really means a lot. You asked how I like to spell my name. I prefer Orlagh but for professional reasons I use Orla as it is easier for people to pronounce.
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2009, 10:53PM » |
Richard: A New Journey is a very Powerful and emotional concert. Started in Tampa and it only got better in Providence and Pittsburgh. It was so nice to see you again in Providence and Pittsburgh it was nice to see Meav again and Haley was so nice she does add so much to the show.
My question is what happened to the outfits in "At the Ceili"
I am going to post a like question on Lisa's site not sure which will be read first.
Well two more shows to go Orlando and Wolf Trap.
Love Richard
Órlagh: Hi Richard, We decided to change the ceili costumes when we were putting together our New Journey tour and I have to say that I really like the new ones.
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2009, 10:59PM » |
Julie: Hello Orla! I hope all is going well for you and the other girls on the tour. I can't wait for the concert in Cincinnati, Ohio even if I will be coming straight from a softball game Smiley I just wanted to say thanks for rekindling my passion for music. I used to be involved with community music organizations and my school's choir. But over the past few years, I just kinda stopped. When I heard the song The Sky and The Dawn and The Sun, and I saw how much fun you guys were having, it made me want to sing again. So after all my rambling, I just wanted to say thank you so much and that you are amazing Grin
Your fan, Julie
p.s. What do you do to keep yourself entertained when you are traveling between cities? I know this has been asked on Lisa's forum, but I was curious as to what your answer would be.
Órlagh: Hi julie, I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your posting. When we're on the road I like to relax by either watching a movie or shopping. Sometimes I just catch up on sleep though.
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2009, 11:00PM » |
Kevin: I am interested in finding out about the humorous side of your travels during your tours to America and/or elsewhere. Are there any funny stories or events that have occurred?
Are one or more of you practical jokers when on tour?
Órlagh: We certainly have lots of fun when we're on the road. There is always lots of laughter on the tour bus and in the dressing rooms.