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Author Topic: A Weekend To Remember: Emily's WPB Review! :D  (Read 50971 times)
« Reply #45 on: June 02, 2009, 11:27AM »

Taken from that pic of Emily clinging to the stage......

One nice touch we have all noticed......the silhouette of Máiréad on the stage curtains.

Honorary Roadie
Posts: 4,106

Mission Accomplished :)

« Reply #46 on: June 02, 2009, 11:53AM »

The best silhouette in the whole world! One of my favorite parts of the set!  Smiley

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 2,051

« Reply #47 on: June 02, 2009, 12:38PM »

OH, this was such a wonderful review - I WANNA GO !!!  Come to California !!!    Cheesy    Emily that was such a fabulous job, and what an incredible experience for you and everyone!  I can't believe how much LIKE ME you are   Grin   Next time I want to be there, even if it is in Fla. and Emily, you can sit on one side of Rich - and I will sit on the other - then we'll see how patient he is   Grin   Grin   Grin   Honestly, I was like that at the concert I went to last year - I think I was the only one - I wasn't on the forum at that time, so I don't know if anyone from the forum was there or not (Palm Desert, May) - but I was just as crazy, thrilled to see Chloe, Orlagh, and Mairead in person - but crying inside because Lisa wasn't there.  Cry   (mat. leave), but I didn't know that until I joined the forum!   Then I was happy   Cheesy   I found the forum address in my programme   Smiley  and joined right away after that.  I didn't get to M&G though - next time for sure, and I will be right in the middle of the front row screaming and waving and giving thumb's up to them all with YOU Emily !!!    Thank you so much for making it LIVE!

« Reply #48 on: June 02, 2009, 01:27PM »

We have members telling us to go to Arizona, California won't happen!

WPB is WPB. Y'all will have to come on down! Cheesy

Emily lives in FL and goes to College here...she is working hard to get her long black robes and white wig,  so I don't see her going to CA.

I live in Orlando and will not go West.

(Well, unless FEMA sends me to Texas again!)

The Orlando concert is usually at the Amway Arena, 10 minutes from my door, but I will never go there again......I would rather travel to a class venue like the Kravis Theatre, 165 miles from my home.
That is quite far enough for me to travel to a concert.
I once drove 620 miles to a CW concert.....with two good friends, Jerry (the horse trainer) and Kathy (who died last Oct). It was a wonderful concert in a park, we could have literally reached out and touched the CW Ladies.......we had a lot of fun, but I wouldn't do it again. Plus I got a $180 speeding ticket on the way home. Angry

Dave and I have been invited to the Richmond VA concert but we won't be going.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 01:29PM by Maggie » Logged
Posts: 20

« Reply #49 on: June 02, 2009, 02:27PM »

Great Review! You're so lucky to have met Lisa and Alex. I would have loved to have met Chloe or Mairead but meeting any of them would have been a real treat! I'm so glad you had a good time, as I did as well. And the audience was really insane that night, lol. Were they really dead on Friday? Guess because it was a week night. Anyways, glad you had fun, and I cant wait for the next tour!  Grin
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Semper Fi

« Reply #50 on: June 02, 2009, 04:06PM »

I'm glad you got to meet Lisa and Alex, Emily. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I wish I could have been there.

Thanks Mel!
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 4,106

Mission Accomplished :)

« Reply #51 on: June 02, 2009, 04:18PM »

Emily lives in FL and goes to College here...she is working hard to get her long black robes and white wig,  so I don't see her going to CA.

Cheesy Yeah, unfortunately I won't be flying across the country for CW anytime soon, unless the parents want to give me a loan, and seeing as how they're graciously helping me out with the good ol' law school tuition, I'd never ask! Cheesy I'm confined to FL for the near future when it comes to CW, but after the fabulousness of this weekend, I don't think I mind!  Cool


"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 3,368

carry me...on the waves

« Reply #52 on: June 02, 2009, 04:24PM »

Dave and I have been invited to the Richmond VA concert but we won't be going.
On the subject of traveling to shows, and to Richmond, and keep in mind I know little of travel....

But I once thought that I might have to travel there, so I checked into planes, trains, automobiles, and buses. Seemed I didnt have a good direct route in any way. Planes, trains and buses all hit Phily or DC first, then required a transfer to another trip. And even if I drove, the route was strange. Would need to go east, then turn south. Or if I wanted to be daring go south, then take smaller roads east.

Home is behind, The world ahead, And there are many paths to tread, Through shadow, To the edge of night, Until the stars are all alight.
Hero Member
Posts: 675

« Reply #53 on: June 02, 2009, 06:51PM »

Em, thanks so very, very much for your review, it was awesome to read!!!   Once at least, I've been in the front row, and I whole heartedly agree, there is just absolutely nothing like it. It is truly the greatest way to experience a Celtic Woman concert. 
   And I might just have to find my way to WPB to join in Mission Mairead!
Total Fanatic
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« Reply #54 on: June 02, 2009, 09:10PM »

Great review, Emily. I'm glad you got to meet Lisa finally. Grin

"Music is something one can never be with out."-Me
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Posts: 231

« Reply #55 on: June 02, 2009, 10:51PM »

I really enjoyed reading your review Emily.  Just Fabulous..!
(and entertaining too!!  I had to pop me a bag of popcorn while reading it...**smiles**)
Glad you had a great time and I'm very happy for you..!     Smiley
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 2,770

Christmas Symphony Tour was WONderful!!

« Reply #56 on: June 02, 2009, 11:14PM »

Love your review, Emily!  Hope to have the opportunity to meet you at some point.   Wish I could've joined you all for WPB. 

"Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." - Jesus Christ
(Matthew 11:28)
Bodhrán Player
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« Reply #57 on: June 03, 2009, 08:03AM »

Now that I CAN READ THIS BOARD! Cheesy Great review Em! I laughed at the M&G part haha! 

Thanks Lindsey
Sr. Member
Posts: 383

« Reply #58 on: June 03, 2009, 08:15AM »

Wow Emily... so glad you finally got to meet Lisa!!  I have a feeling she won't forget you!   Grin

Thanks Evita (Lisaniac #1) for both banners!!
Total Fanatic
Posts: 1,858


« Reply #59 on: June 03, 2009, 09:26AM »

Emily, I'm so glad you got to meet Lisa!!! I must say that I'm a bit jealous...I'm glad you had fun!

Thanks, Dayna, for my awesome banners!
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