My mom was visiting from out of state the past two days...... of course we spent one evening looking at the pictures from the trip. And the following night watching the DvDs. I don't think she realized how big Celtic Woman has become.... at least with me !!. I hope that the spring tour includes the Seatle area, as well as the San Francisco market. It would be great to go visit her and take her to the show!
Wow, kind of reminds me of my mother for some reason. ^_^
My mother is a "closet fan." She used to go off on me at how much she hates them and their voices and she would constantly ask why I listened to them so much. I basically sat her down one day and asked why not watch the DVD with me and THEN come up with an opinion; she reluctantly agreed. So we watched the DVD (my aunt was there too) and by the time we finished watching it (especially after You Raise Me Up), both of them were in tears. We basically spent the next two hours going over what songs they liked best and which of the ladies had the best voice and such. Even now, she acts like she doesn't care for them, but it's obvious she likes them. Just a small example: every time we take a long car trip, she asks for the CDs and puts them on.

If Celtic Woman returns to the Bryce Jordan Center for their spring tour, I'm definately taking her along.