Who's that lady on the green dress and what is she doing?
I think Helen is on her cell phone, and Amy might be putting hers away.
Just a word about those "local tourists"....
Some of them were not tourists.
About a dozen members of my family drove over from Tipperary just for the concert,
then drove home, with the kids singing all the way!

If I had not sent them an e-mail the day the taping was announced, they would not have known about it.
Think about it.....the Irish people have not been given a chance to see Celtic Woman.
The PBS concerts at the Helix and Slane Castle were not advertised in Ireland, and nobody had heard of them.
The Irish people in the audience were invited locals, and CW insiders.
The Group was only marketed in the USA.
So now, Ireland wants her daughters back. Just to borrow for a short Tour, maybe....for now.
Until they hang up the big frocks and come home for good.
Of course, they won't be able to get away with the big ticket prices, and M&Gs won't work in Ireland.
But it would be great publicity.
I don't think they will be able to grab the rest of Europe without some credibility at home.
The children who were there are budding musicians and singers, taking lessons from
very good teachers,
and of course learning Irish music and dance in school.
They are telling all their friends about CW and how wonderful the taping was.
They have not stopped singing and playing the songs since Powerscourt.
They are driving their mothers insane! I know this because they tell me about the screeching high notes
coming from the kids' rooms.
The kids have copies of the Greatest Journey DVD which they are using "Karaoke" style,
singing and playing their instruments while watching.
They couldn't buy those DVDs in Ireland, I ordered them from Rego Records.
I don't want to see the little ones disappointed.......I hope CW will do a Tour of Ireland soon,
with a lot of advance publicity.....now that there is growing interest in Celtic Woman at home in Ireland.
And do it before they become the "old ladies of Celtic Woman"....
....Lisa with blue-rinse hair, Máiréad scooting all over the stage on a walker....
"I am the Voice..." "Where did I put me fiddle?"