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Author Topic: Thoughts.... Powerscourt, (SFTH Tour) a few more pics and those awesome links !  (Read 120258 times)
Featured Soloist
Posts: 20,295

« on: September 05, 2009, 03:42PM »

We were so lucky to be able to go and attend both nights.  
We met some great CW fans and shared some special times together. Both at the shows (in line) and at the various local meeting places (pubs).
When the ladies came out the first night, I had tears rolling down my cheek.  A kid on Christmas morning, only more.  It seems they bring out the kid in me.  
To walk up to the venue and hear that they had rehearsed earlier that morning was cool, but when Lisa and Chloë drove by followed by Máiréad then Lynn and Alex.....  was this a dream?  Lisa and Chloë waving as they went by.

Helen and Amy.

To get something for lunch and eating outside listening to the girls practicing.......  I had to excuse myself to go back and watch.
Standing in the rain waiting ( for  hours?) and hoping the gates would open, listening to the stories of past concerts and all things CW.
Meeting fellow forum members all hoping for the rain to stop and the concert to begin.
The rain.....  
The show......
The new dresses.  Which my wife says are the best yet.  Not as fancy as ANJ or IOH but so pretty.
The new songs......
The drummers......
Lisa having  her makeup redone on stage.....
Someone in production asking where Máiréad was....  
Wondering how the first night was already over.
Scott  with David in background

Spending the next day walking the gardens and hearing the local tourists keep asking "who these wonderful performers were"....

Getting there early the second night and seeing that there was already a line forming.....  Finding our newly made friends in line waiting for us.
The show again..... and the tears flowed even easier the second night.
The power going out and the bugs....
The fun we were having clapping along and the smiles of everyone around us.. (was it cold the second night?) YES !!
The tears at the last song  knowing it was over....
The fireworks...Máiréad coming out and redoing a song....
Wondering how many copies of the DVD we were going to buy when it gets released.

a few more thoughts/memories...
The bagpipe players.
All the amazing lights through out the gardens and the building colors.
Chloë during the power failure saying" I can see you" to the gentleman with the I (heart) Chloë shirt on .
My wife talking to Lisa while I was "busy" taking pictures of the building.  

 the Trailer

Níl Sé'n Lá

Non C'è Più

When You Believe

The New Ground/Isle Of Hope, Isle Of Tears

O, America!

Amazing Grace

The Moons a Harsh Mistress

Finale/ Mo Ghile Mear

Danny Boy

Slumber My Darling / The Mason's Apron

The Coast Of Galiçia

Pie Jesu

The Call

Fields of Gold

My Lagan Love

Galway Bay

The Last Rose Fantasia

True Colors

You'll Be In My Heart
Alex, you tube...

Goodnight My Angel

Carolina Rua

Another cool link

Another behind the scenes clip,  some of them are not on the DvD.

Another great link.
Added here because of the dress Máiréad has on !  The one she was trying on in "the behind the scenes" Cool

A short promo.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 12:11AM by Maloney » Logged

=)  yes!! We got to go ! 
Then there was Atlanta !
Hero Member
Posts: 922

« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2009, 06:19PM »

Sounds absolutely Amazing!!

Thanks for the buttons, Rich!

God bless our troops!
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 2,770

Christmas Symphony Tour was WONderful!!

« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2009, 09:35PM »

Sounds so terrific!!  Can't wait to see them LIVE again in Merrillville! 

"Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." - Jesus Christ
(Matthew 11:28)
Hero Member
Posts: 738

« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2009, 01:58PM »

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. The experience with the local tourists, I have done too. And yes, it was cold on Thursday late night, to the end of the concert. To start from the recording, the temperature was agreeably. But it was a beautiful, haunting and never to be forgotten concert. Smiley Smiley Smiley

Best Wishes

~~~Ready, all to give, so as to feel once again the sun in my heart~~~
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2009, 05:20PM »

Thank you, maloney for sharing your story and pictures!  I couldn't help but think if Lisa was at the wheel of the golf cart, She would give the passenger a fun ride, lol!
Featured Soloist
Posts: 20,295

« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2009, 09:31PM »

Lisa was driving!  and I think there might have been a 64 on the door!

=)  yes!! We got to go ! 
Then there was Atlanta !
Kimberly AJ
Choir Member
Posts: 17,490

Chloë Agnew will always be my VBIF forever~!

« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2009, 05:11AM »

Who's that lady on the green dress and what is she doing?

Featured Soloist
Posts: 20,295

« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2009, 07:04AM »

That is Helen in green and Amy in Yellow.  Looks like Helen was adjusting her microphone.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 07:22AM by maloney » Logged

=)  yes!! We got to go ! 
Then there was Atlanta !
Hero Member
Posts: 922

« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2009, 07:38AM »

Thanks for sharing the pics!

Thanks for the buttons, Rich!

God bless our troops!
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2009, 08:10AM »

Who's that lady on the green dress and what is she doing?

I think Helen is on her cell phone, and Amy might be putting hers away.

Just a word about those "local tourists"....

Some of them were not tourists.
About a dozen members of my family drove over from Tipperary just for the concert,
then drove home, with the kids singing all the way!  Cheesy
If I had not sent them an e-mail the day the taping was announced, they would not have known about it.
Think about it.....the Irish people have not been given a chance to see Celtic Woman.
The PBS concerts at the Helix and Slane Castle were not advertised in Ireland, and nobody had heard of them.
The Irish people in the audience were invited locals, and CW insiders.
The Group was only marketed in the USA.

So now, Ireland wants her daughters back. Just to borrow for a short Tour, maybe....for now.
Until they hang up the big frocks and come home for good.

Of course, they won't be able to get away with the big ticket prices, and M&Gs won't work in Ireland.  
But it would be great publicity.
I don't think they will be able to grab the rest of Europe without some credibility at home.
The children who were there are budding musicians and singers, taking lessons from very good teachers,
and of course learning Irish music and dance in school.
They are telling all their friends about CW and how wonderful the taping was.
They have not stopped singing and playing the songs since Powerscourt.
They are driving their mothers insane! I know this because they tell me about the screeching high notes
coming from the kids' rooms.
The kids have copies of the Greatest Journey DVD which they are using "Karaoke" style,
singing and playing their instruments while watching.
They couldn't buy those DVDs in Ireland, I ordered them from Rego Records.

I don't want to see the little ones disappointed.......I hope CW will do a Tour of Ireland soon,
with a lot of advance that there is growing interest in Celtic Woman at home in Ireland.
And do it before they become the "old ladies of Celtic Woman"....
....Lisa with blue-rinse hair, Máiréad scooting all over the stage on a walker....

"I am the Voice..."
 "Where did I put me fiddle?"          

« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 08:50AM by Maggie » Logged
Jr. Member
Posts: 66

« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2009, 08:17AM »

This brings all the great memories back again!  Thank you so much!  

If you had told me 5 years ago that I would travel to Ireland and stand in a line for 2 1/2 hours, two nights in a row (!), and race madly for the best seat I could get... well, I would have considered it a malicious fantasy!  Not worthy of response or even comment!  But I did and I loved every single minute of it.   What's really weird is that the lines were actually quite enjoyable with all the fellow fans and all the CW chat and camaraderie with people from all over the world.  Like Richard said, my kids can't believe that I've become a musical groupie at my age!

Oh, and the bugs!  I had already blocked out the bugs!
Kimberly AJ
Choir Member
Posts: 17,490

Chloë Agnew will always be my VBIF forever~!

« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2009, 08:24AM »

Who's that lady on the green dress and what is she doing?

I think Helen is on her cell phone, and Amy might be putting hers away.

So this must be one of Lisa's sisters, huh?

May is Bubbly =)
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 3,447

Christmas is a state of mind.

« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2009, 12:42PM »

theses are nice pictures!!!

*Thanks Jeff and Brian!*
May is Bubbly =)
Honorary Roadie
Posts: 3,447

Christmas is a state of mind.

« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2009, 01:06PM »

This brings all the great memories back again!  Thank you so much!  

If you had told me 5 years ago that I would travel to Ireland and stand in a line for 2 1/2 hours, two nights in a row (!), and race madly for the best seat I could get... well, I would have considered it a malicious fantasy!  Not worthy of response or even comment!  But I did and I loved every single minute of it.   What's really weird is that the lines were actually quite enjoyable with all the fellow fans and all the CW chat and camaraderie with people from all over the world.  Like Richard said, my kids can't believe that I've become a musical groupie at my age!

Oh, and the bugs!  I had already blocked out the bugs!

haha..wouldn't I wish to have known sooner!

*Thanks Jeff and Brian!*
Featured Soloist
Posts: 20,295

« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2009, 09:36AM »

a few more thoughts/memories...
The bagpipe players.
All the amazing lights through out the gardens and the building colors.
Chloë during the power failure saying" I can see you" to the gentleman with the I (heart) Chloë shirt on .
My wife talking to Lisa while I was "busy" taking pictures of the building. 

« Last Edit: September 15, 2009, 01:46PM by maloney » Logged

=)  yes!! We got to go ! 
Then there was Atlanta !
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