A: Two former members of Celtic Woman do have accounts and have posted, Deirdre and Órlagh. Both ladies have also participated in chat events and those transcripts can be found in their boards on the forum. The rest of the girls do read the forum from time to time so please keep that in mind when you're posting.
A: The original forum was part of Celtic Woman's official website. It eventually grew to need more time and energy then the company wanted to devote to it so they dropped it from their site. The fans then bought the CelticWomanForum.com domain and set up their own forum. After that forum crashed twice, with all data being lost both times, the forum changed leadership and while the domain was being transferred a temporary home on a free forum site was established. It was at this point that our current webmistress, Lindsey (aislin), apparently took a leave of her senses and volunteered to set up and design the new forum. That was in 2007. Eventually leadership of the forum was turned over to Rich (OldFatGuy) who decided that if Lindsey was going to webmaster the forum she might as well run it too and they've been happily co-admining the forum ever since.
A: Mods, or moderators, are people who monitor certain boards on the forum making sure everything is as it should be. The Global Mods moderate the entire forum looking for problems, double posts, etc. We also have Moderators at Large and that's just a mod that's taking a break. Rich (OldFatGuy) and Lindsey (aislin) are the forum's Administrators. They moderate the forum, take care of the forum's software, create new boards, hire on new mods, and various and sundry other administrative tasks.
A: BlueFawn • celtic_Jen • CWLisaFan • Jeanine • jillebeans • Katharine
Hi Everyone! Well, here’s a little bit about me…
I currently live in California and I’m studying at a local university. I’m majoring in music with an emphasis in vocal performance. To say I love music would be an understatement…especially country music. I love hanging out with friends and my sorority sisters. I’m the type of person who can be quiet once you first meet me, but later you won’t be able to get me to stop talking. Lol.
I love being a moderator on this forum.
Oh yeah, and Celtic Woman is pretty awesome too.
~ Jen
Hi everyone! My name is Kristine and I’ve been a member of the CWF since August 2009! As most of you know, Katharine and I are identical twins and we adore Celtic Woman. I’m partial to Lisa Kelly since she was the first one I noticed at my first concert, but I love all of the members and their beautiful voices! I’ll be graduating from college this coming May and plan on getting my Master’s degree. My biggest dream of meeting Lisa and the other girls has come true, so now I just have to accomplish my next dream, which is to visit Ireland!
My name's Jeanine. I love music and am involved in it as much as possible. I love and respect the girls of CW dearly. My faith, family, and friends are very important to me. I enjoy ballroom dancing and reading.
Hello my name is Jill. I grew up on a farm in Wyoming and moved to Utah. I love it here!
I am a divorced mom of the 2 most wonderful kids in the world. I don't know what I would do with out them. I enjoy being outdoors camping (love building a fire :D), fishing (although I can't stand fish), sunsets, and most of all the Stars. I love animals but I am allergic to cats. I love to work with my hands from baking, cleaning, yard work, to working with power tools. I also love to laugh, smile, and help others when I can.
Hey everyone! I'm Katharine and I'm an identical twin (Kristine-CWLisaFan)! I'm from a tiny town in South Carolina, and I am also a senior at Clemson University (graduating in May 2011!). I'm planning to get my Master's in Food Science and become a Registered Dietitian. Of course, you all obviously know by now that I'm a Celtic Woman fanatic (and a major Lisaholic)! My mom took Kristine and I to our first concert as a gift in the summer of 2009, and I've been hooked ever since! I absolutely love music and movies and anything and everything related to Ireland!
A: btimerson • CRRopes • SusanZ • tiburongirlbtimerson
Hi, I'm Brad Timerson, btimerson on the Forum. I'm a retired high school science teacher from a small town near Rochester, NY. My first CW concert was a retirement gift from my daughter in July, 2005. That concert just confirmed for me that this was a group that was magic.
I enjoy astronomy, and maintain several websites in support of observations made by a large group of dedicated amateurs.
My two favorite CW memories include my first M&G with Mairead and Orlagh, and ForumFest 2009, where I was privileged to meet several of my very good Forum friends and the beautiful and talented Lisa Kelly.SusanZ
Hi, my real name is Susan but everyone on the forum knows me as "Zee". I work for my family's glass business outside the Philadelphia area. My degree from West Chester University is in Speech/Theatre and I have acted both on an amateur and professional level in theatres in the Mid-Atlantic region. Besides performing, I enjoy working out, eating out (which is why I work out! LOL), browsing in antiques stores, anything connected with Civil War history, traveling, and sitting down with a nice glass of wine and a good book. And,of course, I am a confessed ORLAholic!
A: aislin • OldFatGuy
Lindsey is the forum's webmistress and co-admin. She is responsible for both the look of the forum as well as the forum's program. When not on the forum, she likes to see how many bookshelves she can fit into a one bedroom apartment and how many trips to the bookstore it will take for her to fill them up. There's also her odd love of SciFi Cons, computer building, video games, fantasy art, and SpongeBob. She lives in her top secret lair with her psychotic cat.OldFatGuy
Over-educated and under-employed, just an ol' fat guy who relocated to Florida from the frozen tundra of Pennsylvania in the summer of 1997. I think I’m awfully young to be so darned old. But I don’t feel like I’ve missed much. I’ve never been to Alaska, and probably never will. At last count, I've been to 49 states and 63 foreign countries, and it's a relief to stay in one place for a change. My sister-in-law has never been west of Terre Haute, Indiana, and my brother died at 55, and he never got as far as Pittsburgh, so I guess I did all right. I’ll be 66 in June, and that’s not so bad. I know I've done two things right in those 66 years; I helped bring my sons, Chris and Eric, into this unforgiving world. They are my legacy, and I'm very proud of them. Between them, my cats, and a few thousand close friends, it's a pretty good life.