Title: Tara interview with KSMU radio (June 10, 2017) Post by: CWazyTom on June 12, 2017, 06:37PM Tara does an interview with Randy Stewart of KSMU radio:
http://ksmu.org/post/celtic-woman-brings-new-voices-angels-show-hammons-hall#stream/0 The interviewer is more knowledgeable than some of the people who have interviewed the group. There are some of the typical questions, but also a few that don't get asked that often. It's a good interview overall and worth listening to. Some of the most interesting stuff in the interview had to do with Tara's musical childhood and the auditions for Celtic Woman. ;) Title: Re: Tara interview with KSMU radio (June 10, 2017) Post by: White Rose on June 13, 2017, 02:05PM Good find. He clearly did his research prior to the interview. Or he's a fan.