Title: Chloe tour with Nathan Carter (2018) Post by: CWazyTom on June 04, 2018, 04:34PM Chloƫ's doing a bunch of shows with Nathan Carter this year, some of which have already been posted:
Nov 14, 8:00 PM: Nathan Carter in Branson, Branson, MO Nov 15, 8:00 PM: Nathan Carter in Branson, Branson, MO Nov 16, 8:00 PM: Nathan Carter in Branson, Branson, MO Nov 17, 8:00 PM: Nathan Carter in Branson, Branson, MO Nov 19, 8:00 PM: Nathan Carter in Branson, Branson, MO Dec 03, 7:00 PM: Festival of the Stars, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada Dec 04, 7:00 PM: Festival of the Stars, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada There are a few dates posted on her site for other shows as well. I've had tickets to one of them for a while. ;) I suspect it's a similar set each night (I asked to confirm), although the guest performer list for the Dec 3 and 4 shows are slightly different. Title: Re: Chloe tour with Nathan Carter (2018) Post by: Kimberly AJ on September 03, 2021, 07:42PM Has the show gone very well? I hope everything is suitable.