So I was at Chloe's show last night (March 25) in Columbus, OH. During the M&G, she took questions. My question was "was there a show that really stood out to you over your career?". Her answer was specifically no, but it depended on how the audience reacted to the show. The more energy from the audience, the more energy she (and the other performers) had.
That seemed to happen last night. There were maybe 125 people at the venue, but Chloe seemed to know some of them (including me). Great show.
What made it made it more impressive was at the end of the show. She said she had had a really rough day. She got a call early that morning that her grandmother had passed away. It took most of the day to set up travel arrangements, etc. Dermot asked if she was up to doing the show. She said she thought about canceling, but, in the best tradition of show business, said the show must go on. A couple of us said grandma must have been there with her tonight.
Thoughts and prayers to Chloe.
She's so strong and brave and she cares about her Chlovërs so much. I have so much respect for her going ahead with a show, and forcing a smile throughout, most likely. My heart is broken for her.